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Everything posted by The3rdWalker

  1. In the 90s I was all about Spider-Man cartoons, X-Men and Transformers. Sprinkle in a little Blade Sharks.
  2. I have to admit I've never watched a single superman movie. I don't like him as a hero. I really only enjoy the batman universe of DC. Other than that I've been a huge Marvel fanboy since I was little.
  3. I do admit the are entitled toddlers on the road. When they get hit or you hear something about it cyclists shit their pants and scream about it but I feel no empathy.
  4. I guess the Internet is mad that the trailer basically spoiled the entire movie, and that Doomsday is in it. Can't people just enjoy movies?
  5. I'm still grumpy about Ben Affleck Batman. I love Jesse Eisenberg as a villain though. He always plays these awkward genius types and I think he will be a neat version of Lex. Wonder Woman, neat but I'm excited to see people bitch about her. I'm looking forward to the movie and eventually Justice League things.
  6. http://fallout4map.com/ It's an interactive fallout 4 map with everything shown on it. You can use it as a checklist or find some things if you need a reference.
  7. For some reason I've noticed more website ditching GMT which is what I always learned conversion with for UTC. I have this long joke with my wife and her family about the best time zone. Clearly being from New York I rant about Eastern time being superior, but my secret is I actually love central time.
  8. Well the first challenge mode dropped this morning during the reset. Be prepared to be challenged! (It's not really a challenge but easy way for 320 gear) - more ads, that spawn faster; - brand holder must change - deaths/wipes apparently don't matter. the rewards seem to be: - Calcified fragment - Emblem - 310 artifact (NM drop), 320 artifact (HM drop) - Max light weapon drop (310 for NM drop, 320 for HM drop) - as usual, you can get NM and HM drops simultaneously Interestingly, if you already killed him a chest spawns to give you the extra loot.
  9. I think for everyday banter like the massive group is fine and fun. I mute it so the notifications never bother me. For resources and game discussion I'll always post in the forums first. Things that need to be saved or discussed I like it here, but spur of the moment get togethers I like WhatsApp.
  10. So I'm ready to make some recommendations but I'd like to pass it by y'all first for opinions. A good friend of mine and rugby team mate has had issues with streaming media from his MacBook so he purchased a cheap HP for extra storage space. I instantly wondered why he did not store things on an external which he has and says still isn't very smooth or can't even access it all. What I found out was all media other than photos is stored on iTunes, iCloud. I asked him to send me an email so I can get everything he expects on paper. ----- - Looking to be able to store all of my media in one place - Looking to have easy, smooth access to all media - External hard drive doesn't seem to work for me because most of my music is downloaded through iTunes - I like the idea of having a SSD... they are quicker and less prone to break (I'm told this is because of less moving parts???) ----- Now I'm going to be under the assumption the issues is going to be with buying music and media through Apple and their death grip style DCMA with media. It would make sense for me who torrents movies and music to store and run them from an external as oppose to him who goes through iTunes and purchases them. I explained RPM speeds for externals, hard drives and hybrid/ SSD hard drives. He was planning on buying another Windows OS laptop that has more storage. What I wanted to recommend was just increasing cloud and iTunes storage. TL:DR my friend is running out of media storage and is discouraged by external devices and has purchased a Windows laptop with higher hard drive space. How would you handle this?
  11. 10 hours of game, I decided to pass. Beautifully rendered though. All sizzle and no steak.
  12. Yeah the refer-a-friend thing is poop but I've really stopped caring about pretty things like that. (Other than my armor and capes) I use the same dead orbit shader and the same sparrow for months and months now.
  13. So now what about junk I pick up? I just store it in my workbench and there it is. Will that stuff break down eventually or do I have to drop it all on the ground, go into build mode and scrap them when they are on the ground?
  14. Wait so my settlers will steal from me?
  15. I'm looking for a pair of Nike Metcon shoes.
  16. Have y'all seen that cartoon on adult swim that's all about an A Team type lead by Tyson? Funny!
  17. I love the newbie tips. You should write a little guide in your spare time.
  18. Now remember the TYPE of armor depends on your level. Once you hit 25 you will start finding some X01 suits.
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