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Everything posted by The3rdWalker

  1. I just throw a void grenade out as I'm walking around. The guides say about 1/10-1/15 relic irons yield a material... Brutal.
  2. Hey gentlemen, just seeing if anyone plans to raid this week in the evening. I wasn't sure if Tuesday was the default night for the clan or if it's more of a play by ear thing. The wife asked me today, haha.
  3. That's really great, thanks for following up!
  4. Oh ok! I thought there might have to be a separate system for it.
  5. Sundays are a no go for me, but if y'all get it together please stream!
  6. I wonder what the electricity bill is on his house.
  7. I I've heard heroin is so wonderful. Had a rugby teammate talk about the time he did it then was horrified knowing he could never do it again because of how amazing it was.
  8. Let me know when, just message me on PSN when you're online. We could test this theory and then knock out that pesky S.A.B.E.R shank for you.
  9. The problem for me right now is no weapon suits me better than the Supercell, which is a shame because I'm collecting nice scout rifles.
  10. Reddit Source Find someone who has completed The First Firewall. Complete The First Firewall Profit. Does anyone want to test this out w/ me? I never even started to attempt the Sleeper Simulant quest line.
  11. There are so many nice scout rifles in TTK I love it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I NEVER KNEW THAT! Holy cow I'm a beta player and I had no idea fusion rifles can't crit. Shit I'm absent minded at this game... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. As much as I love exotics to collect, I don't really have an interest in doing it yet. I will next time around, same as Black Spindle.
  14. Golgoroth you can for sure use your fusion rifle since we are right next to his crit spot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I actually thought it was going to be garbage because I have little faith in the company. Watching Ellihome and CohCarnage play it seemed pretty polished. I feel it's more of a reskinned Battlefield 4 but I really do like how it plays from what I watched. I went from skeptic to downloading the beta.
  16. That would be the Shadowshot perk "Black Hole" and that little baby is my bread and butter. For most burn phases I fire that bad boy right off.
  17. I think the one of the biggest helps is having a sniper rifle, on the war priest and golgoroth it's almost needed. I had a great time, funny as hell during the majority and the team work is there. I enjoy my Supercell/ Genini, Sniper, and Heavy Machine Gun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Stream is up, waiting for everyone to get on.
  19. I enjoy cosmetic items. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. This is the guide I learned from and I thought it was amazing, it comes with YouTube videos as well. King’s Fall Guide – Compiled by The--Marf on behalf of /r/DestinySherpa
  21. I will also stream it for everyone if they want. Twitch Twitter
  22. I'm in. See y'all on Tuesday night. Hunter 291+
  23. My baseball glove in High school was Kangaroo leather and that was in 2004, it's still in wonderful condition and the texture of the leather was so nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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