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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. I'm ok for gear, what server do you play on? When I went on a little while ago it wouldn't show you in my friends list for some reason..
  2. We could all head that way, it's a good location and an easy trip to NEA. I just moved east to Dubrovka but can start heading north...
  3. To help people meet up thought I'd start a rolling thread so people can declare what part of the map they're on. I'll start by stating where I am and then I'll update my location next time I log off after moving somewhere else. PM me and I'll add your location. Hope that makes sense Forum name: Phil Bottle Name in-game: Wat Tyler Location: Dubrovka
  4. Maybe we can all meet online today if enough of us are around. Anytime after 5pm is good for me.
  5. One thing I've done is start to memorize the places I find water pumps, I then drink until it tells me I'm stuffed (lol). Seems to allow me to turbo sprint for ages before getting thirsty again. Also remember, eating food like rice, while curing your hunger, will actually dehydrate you.
  6. Agreed wholeheartedly. The server hopping I had never really noticed in the Mod but it appears to be endemic in the SA right now. Don't trust anyone. I've only been KoS'd once in the SA but that was a server hopper while I wwas looting a barracks.
  7. My thoughts on DayZ standalone currently. It’s still fairly basic and so: No vehicles yet Not place to store items/loot yet No hunting yet There aren’t a lot of zombies at the moment and once they die they do not seem to respawn until a server restart There’s a lot more attention to food and particularly water if you’re running a lot, which you will be As loot (like Zeds) only spawns once, scavenging is a lot more important The map has new features and building and most of the buildings are now enterable New features like handcuffing people, needing certain items to open cans of food Towerblocks are cool, as is the abandoned ship…
  8. Chernarus beware, we're a comin! And we're drunk
  9. Yep old Sanity Clause was a little late this year but better late than never
  10. ^^ Just make sure you're well hydrated
  11. Just thinking too, we should decide on a location to meet. I'm near Berezhino and Harrison is right over the other side of the map...any suggestions?
  12. I can record too, not sure whether to use Fraps or to try out Shadowplay for the first time... Saturday is looking good and it's possible if a Mr Diddums is about he may be joining us Dave, log into Steam
  13. Maybe Saturday evening then? We just need to hear from Dylan I think
  14. Ok I think we have a little crew, let's all say the days/times that we are free. For me: Monday - Thursday 8pm - 2am Saturday - any time Sunday - any time up until 2am Once we all know when our days and times overlap we can decide!
  15. Bosh, the mini clan starts here and it's a vengeful clan but righteous
  16. I mostly play lone wolf, hero style... though occasionally, when in the mood, have been known to join a mate of mine who goes for the PVP thing. Just testing the water but... I was thinking though of seeing if anyone here wanted to meet up in Chernarus sometime? I play both Mod and Standalone and I'm free most late evenings UK time. I'm not sure who plays and if anyone plays regularly apart from a couple of chaps here...but leave a post here if it tickles your fancy. For the record I've been playing the Mod for a year and a quarter. I rarely die but here's one unfortunately on record:
  17. Yeah I for one am going to be careful about the games I pre-order. I have a feeling Titanfall 2 won't be far behind anyway
  18. This will rock on PC. BF4 on Ultra settings is one thing but this game looks immense. Bow down before the GTX 770 puny consoles
  19. Even playing the mod I prefer to go by foot, or bike occasionally, so I don't worry too much about vehicles. Getting chased by a heli while driving a UAZ (or vice versa) though is something special, which is one reason why the introduction of vehicles in the SA will be awesome. It's not having a tent or a place to store items that's the biggest pain for me at the moment.
  20. Give it a couple of years unless Sony throws money at BI, the PC version is far from finished. Having said that I would probably buy a PS4 just for DayZ on a console. For a comparable game though might be best to wait for PS5.. .
  21. I would say Frankie is partly responsible for the success of DayZ. His vids get massive views and always have done. Some of the hero worship he gets is a bit over the top but personally I think he makes great videos.
  22. I can't seem to play the Panthera Epoch mod, other Epoch maps no problem but I get kicked out every time. What's your channel dude I'll check it out?!
  23. I heard Altis Life is a great mod. I only have Arma II though so can't confirm! In fact, just see Frankie has just released a vid on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y07acXxKvg
  24. I know, it's shocking in this day and age that people can be so effing stupid. It's not that difficult to read, digest and find things out.... but it seems too much trouble for some. And don't get me started on the entitlement thing. People in the world starving and spoilt bastards whining about a game..sickening. We're lucky though, we got Dave
  25. I know, it's hilarious the way people chuck their toys out of the pram. There's going to be all sorts of issues and character wipes and all sorts that will send people ballistic. I've been lucky enough so far...
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