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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. I don't care about what protestors are doing or Sadiq Khan. Totally irrelevant. I'm also not a debate lord and so this is just me saying my piece. You can think what you like my friend 🙂 BP and Shell know whats coming, I promise you that.
  2. If its used as an excuse then yes its a cop out. How many people live in China and the UK? How long has China been industrialised compared with this country? You do know that China is the workshop of the world doing our dirty work? Come on mate, how many shitty businesses in this country use China to make their tat? So yes, all countries need to sort their shit out but yeah its called whataboutery and its a cop out when we start the old "it's not just us" game, we practically started it all off 🙂
  3. China is shit, what's new. So are we sunshine 🙂
  4. That's some of the most idiotic shit I've ever read. You'll be sticking your head in the ground until kingdom come as far as I can see. Its not just heatwaves ffs but I'll leave you to it, whatever fits your own personal narrative. Nothing personal both James btw I'm beyond arguing with backward thinking idiocy, you play right into the hands of the cunts who are destroying this world. Also, using China as a cop out is weak as fuck. Let's find someone else worse than ourselves so we don't have to do anything. Pathetic. Fear mongering versus sweeping under the carpet lol, we're truly fucked when ppl can't see what's happening right in front of their eyes. This is me mildly annoyed but then I'm in a rich country that will suffer a lot less than a lot of very poor people all around the globe. So sick of this country. Full of conspiracy nuts too afraid to acknowledge that it is capitalism, colonialism and consumerism that's fucked us....apparently no it's the lizard people innit fml 😅😭 Time will tell and I've never been more certain of anything in my life. I had a beer tonight 🙈
  5. Totally get that, and we all know the climate crisis won't affect the rich as much as the rest of us. You're right not to trust media, it's all owned by billionaires, its their agenda and too many people fall for the narratives they create. I don't blame the younger generation having doubts about these things, it's a pretty scary future unless something drastically changes. I'm a glass half full kind of person but I'm very worried about how it's all going to play out...
  6. Go and read the history of how electricity was first rolled out in this country. If that's anything to go by then yeah good luck 😅
  7. Oh PES what did they do to you 😔😭😅
  8. It's an interesting topic, I certainly have no trust in any of the corporations and their plans for our future. AI would be super useful, machine learning already is, but unfortunately how we as a species organise our society, economically, politically and socially is pretty much unfit for the challenges we face. I'd say the climate threat will escalate a lot quicker than ppl realise and if you see how we're dealing with that then good luck with managing AI...
  9. I'm still more scared of human beings, just take a look at the world right now 🙂
  10. I wish neither of these companies were involved in publishing games, it's all so stupid and anti-consumer. The triple A space is all about profit, and short term and short sighted profit at that. Its not about a love for making great games, it's just cynical, exploitative, soulless and I'm pretty sick of it. It's nothing new though. A recent Dice to Pixels episode goes into the demise of Sega, and I recommend watching it, very interesting 🙂
  11. EA Sports, its in the name 🙈😅
  12. It a bit like old school Gauntlet maybe
  13. They say the album with Nico and the banana peel cover is Velvet Underground's best work. Personally I prefer the Loaded album, which is pretty much just Lou Reed by that point, and is full of amazing songs. I was going to put up Oh Sweet Nuthin but noticed Black Crowes did a cover of it...so I'm going to give it a listen now see how it compares 🙂
  14. The Steam sale finishes soon, I've valiantly resisted spending any money so far but i watched this vid a few months ago and I'm tempted to pick it up, it's just under £15 I think and has now fully released, or so I believe. It's been too nice outside for gaming lately but it's a rainy week so maybe...
  15. I do try and catch most episodes, I think it's a very well put together gaming podcast and you all complement each other very well, always comes across very cosy 🙂
  16. phil bottle

    DayZ 2

    So yeah, whatever DayZ 2 is being planned, I doubt it will be a new game...
  17. phil bottle

    DayZ 2

    Indeed. I've heard talk of DayZ 2 but pay no heed. There won't be a DayZ 2, unless it's just putting DayZ in to a new engine. Modders have already taken Arma Reforger on Bohemia's new graphics engine and turned it into DayZ so, no, I don't see it personally. They haven't even finished the original, and that went into early access December 2013. It's an Arma developer, they do military sims, and DayZ was just a fortunate accident created for free...they have no real interest in a zombie survival game.
  18. So, bicycles are getting better than ever. After waiting since December 2013.... Is it sad this makes me happy? 😁
  19. Stop posting spam please. If you want to join the community introduce yourself in the appropriate section, otherwise you'll be banned from posting 👊
  20. Lol I'm tempted to leave this here with just the title 😅
  21. I jumped on late last night for a bit. I hung around Crispy for all the free XP while he's happily slaughtering zombies 🤗
  22. I was offered it early again but could not be arsed 😅 I just don't have the time and rarely switch my PC on before 10pm during these glorious summer evenings.
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