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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Haven't played Dom on that map, but I would guess so if A is right there.
  2. If I used a pc when I am on here I would be all over it but I only use my phone so a bit difficult to do this.
  3. I laughed out loud I hhad a guy glitching in that place last night Sebba. Annoying as fuck, but he still only managed around 10 kills
  4. If the «dedicated servers» are back online I can't say I have noticed any improvement. I even had a game where people were almost teleporting. Tried a FFA and of courae the guy with two bars (everyone else had three) won the game. Could ofc be a coincidense but really don't think so.
  5. I can champion the T&A section.
  6. That's your problem right there
  7. This. And it's purely cosmetic.
  8. Gustav Cannon can go fuck itself! And take USS Texas with it. I like Point du Hoc best so far. Less obvious camping spots. Gibraltar isn' too bad either. So many people camp in their spawn than in earlier games. Sometimes the whole team won't move. Haven't people been wanting 3 lined maps back for a long time? I kinda like that but the map layout makes it too easy to just camp in yout spawn with a sniper.
  9. The War maps is just bigger versions of regular maps so I would say 9 still.
  10. I remember when it was 18 maps. Or something close. 9 maps is just sloppy work.
  11. The Greasegun works very well. Gustac Cannon is shit. And I play HC too.
  12. Is it just me or is it fewer maps than usual this year?
  13. Yeah, I fail to see the need for that many useless grips. And you get at least two grips in every loot crate. I struggle to see the point in loot crates in general. Yeah, you get a gun when you complete a collection, but still.
  14. All but explaines my issues with this game. Felt I was the only one having such problems. I might just try wireless to see if it helps.
  15. I have a Mountain smg and AR class. Not level 4 yet so no silent movement yet. Also use Infantry and Airborne. Prestiged the Infantry class once just for the heck of it, and my Greasegun.
  16. He probably heard you coming. Unless you have Mountain at level 4 which makes you silent.
  17. At least he is on the good side of lag compand hit detection. All his enemies dies real quick compared to what I am experiencing.
  18. Quickscoping still very alive. Wish they would decrease the ads time on snipers.
  19. Did a test on my ps4 on speedtest.net. Didn't get the upload speed but got 31 Mbps and a 10 ping on a server about 400km away. Shouldn't that be good enough?
  20. And the most campy as there's nook and crannies everywhere. My favourite so far is Pointe du Hoc on tdm. No sniping.
  21. Come to think of it I got destroyed by it last night too. But I was playing HC so no wonder. Still regret not using my token on that instead of the FG43.
  22. It said fire rate on the BAR to.
  23. My PS4 is wired. I tested against a server in France because I wanted to know the ping if a player ie in France is the host. At least I thought it worked that way. When I test with a Norwegian server I obviously get lower ping. Around 20.
  24. In HD people are even more afraid to move because they die faster. And care packages takes way too long to call in and collect.
  25. Yes ofc, the shotgun class. Got one class with that too
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