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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Seriously doubt I'll be getting this. Still a bit on the fence. When I get a COD craving I put in BO3, or any COD for that matter, and I'm cured after 5 minutes
  2. I don't enjoy crucible because it's really hit and miss with the connection. Mostly miss. I feel it's worse than COD as I pretty much die from a couple bullets whereas I need half a clip or more. Very often I only do damage to their shields, but maybe I use the wrong dmg type idk.
  3. As I didn't play D1 enough I can only comment on Crucible and Tokens. I agree on the Tokens. About Crucible I will only say this: it sucks in general.
  4. The first one is the one I also watched.
  5. Anyone wanna run the Nightfall with me tonight before it resets?
  6. Yeah, there were several vids, only watched one if them. In full actually.
  7. Nice run. It' fun when it works. Had a similar game last week, with out that streak though
  8. Yeah probably, but they did the dogs in like 3 mins.
  9. Noooooo, whyyyyyyyy?! Excellent choice, I'm sure
  10. Oh, I have an ornament for Vigilance Wing But don't have all that love for pulse rifles though.
  11. Saw a video of a team doing the complete raid in 24 mins Sure it is plenty of similar vids but I was amazed.
  12. Doing sections sounds like a good idea. I wanna do more raids but my problem is that it's hard to commit to a certain time. I go down to my cave and game when timing is right, which is usually when the mrs is going to bed.
  13. LOL, I forgot, but you are ofc right! Thanks, popped up a Ruthless when I was on a streak, don't know what it means.
  14. Can't say I felt the Valakadyn shredded enemies though, but was not bad at all. The Prosecutor felt better imo. Only played one game with it though.
  15. Started with the Valakadyn and finished with the Prosecutor. Think I was lucky with the connection tbh.
  16. I've had two Sunshots. Wonder if I got the True Prophecy kast night or the night before? Legendary? I know I dismantled a hand cannon that had a bit lower stats than Sunshot.
  17. Welcome Jesse! Have you checked the Destiny Roll call thread?
  18. Ah, I misread the part about nightfall. 5 mins left eh. A bit tough then.
  19. Going for the titan chest piece. Have the Riskrunner. Might take the Warlock armor too, too save for later. That said Lee, the Mida Mini is better than Riskrunner imo.
  20. Hard Light is one of my favs besides Sunshot. The Mida mini is actually a really good smg too.
  21. Is there a spesific event/place you go to do this?
  22. What's the deal with Rat King? I don't understand what to do. Solve a riddle?
  23. You did well, got the engrams! Yeah I noticed it was 6 too.
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