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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. I am currently enjoying it 😀 Don't know for how long after I finish the CoO story though 😄 But as COD is sucking hard atm, it might be for a while.
  2. Some crazy stats there Corey. And congrats on the promotion 👍 40 kills in tdm is awesome. My pb is 32 and not with a sniper 😂
  3. Ok to brag, but did you really need two posts to show off? 😂
  4. Rich has gotten several from me already.
  5. Are there new story missions to do or you need to do? And new maxlevel at 350?
  6. I downloaded the dlc, but isn't the new maps in normal rotation yet?
  7. My highest killgame in tdm. Got a Ruthless and died 😔 And thank god for good teammates.
  8. SHEEP SHAAAGGER! Welcome mate!
  9. Would love to but not sure if I'll be on tonight.
  10. Yeah, but his salary?! Pogba will double his come next week, mark my words 😂
  11. Guess I might get it. Just because I really miss the other team camping in the middle building on Resistance. Now called Paris?
  12. K thanx! That explains why the uav came rather quick but the Artillery didn't.
  13. I looked there but couldn't find anything. Gonna have a look again, but around double seems correct.
  14. Not really a Division question but when using Requisition, how mucj more is the cost for killstreaks? Double? I had a 14-0 game (joined late) and didn't get an Artillery Barrage which is normally 1050 points
  15. Never was a fan of Demo. Too chaotic.
  16. Think my best tdm game. Also had a merciless, fury and feed greed in that game.
  17. Favourite people only? Gonna be a short thread then! Happy birthday again Lee! 🎂
  18. I can still remember the hate Treyarc got after BO1. Think I even made a Gheyarc logo of some sort. Connection issues, guns, even gun sounds got hate. And the lovely lost connection to host image that you got several times in a game. I guess that was mostly douchebags dashboarding though.
  19. The sibgle bullet on Luftwaffe is poor. I don't use it. The problem with connection imo is that COD is very fast paced so it becomes more visible compared to Destiny, Battlefield or other shooters. Maps are very personal taste and I actually like Ardenne Forest. USS Texas and Gustav not so much. Actually despise them.
  20. I'm often on the opposite. I usually have a 1.5-ish average kdr on HC. In core it drops like a stone. My biggest fail is little map awereness and spawn knowledge.
  21. I forgot about Alliance 😄 Welcome back Josh!
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