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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. Sweet, it’s been a while since we had a battle Royale game 🤨
  2. tronic44


    Welcome to the forum, I have a mate who’s really into Hearthstone. He’s been trying to get me to play for ages haha Are you purely a pc game or do you own some consoles as well? Hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Due to the limited time I have, I’ve only ticked the charity stream. If I just focus on one thing, then I’m more likely going to do it rather than spreading myself thin. How ever I will continue to attempt to make some videos.
  4. Hey @Misneach_ I’ve added an rsvp to the event so you can see who’s rocking up
  5. I’m still waiting for these beautiful gifts? Gah what a let down
  6. Oh hell yeah, we’ll do a massive horde night before we reset. I’ll give us unlimited everything and we can have a blast...get it...a blast 😎 Pretty sure I can drop anything in the game, although now I say that I’m not sure if I have to be in creator mode. We should find out soon about alpha 19, it looks bloody glorious...ok I’ll stop now
  7. Just wanted to echo the others, Sunday was an absolute blast and you are a legend for sorting it all out and running it @Middle Class Caveman Was that your first time being DM? If it was I’m amazed because you nailed it! It took me a bit to get into it and to realise that you had to treat it like real life. You actually have to do things for them to happen, although I didn’t put the skull in my bag straight away it seemed to be a good talking point. I always enjoyed Elliots face when we were talking to the guy translating the book and pages for us, he asked a question and my response was to slap him and say “we’re asking the questions around here” 😂 Thanks for not taking my first response everytime! Im itching to play more and get more used to the mechanics of the whole game. A great event and I look forward to playing more in the future 7/7
  8. Aww they didn't show that in the highlights. Normally i wouldn't mind them doing poorly but i've got Aubameyang as my captain, he could have at least done something over the two games 😄
  9. Nice one, will download shortly
  10. The video is set to private, you’ll have to make it unlisted...think that’s the right lingo.
  11. I choose you Joseph Sullivan DMV. Joseph uses outrage, it was mildly well mannered.
  12. He was bang out of order, they've just come back, playing in a empty stadium with all these restrictions. I agree with him a lot of the time but it was too much.
  13. I feel that our defence should be good, on paper they're solid players but keep making mistakes that cost us.
  14. Greebs showed me a gif, it actually was an invisible car 😂 I thought i'd knocked him off but he held it, then got hit by nothing.
  15. I still need to do this, will sort it out later. Looking forward to tomorrow!
  16. I watched bits of the game last night, everytime I looked we had possession. This game would have always been tricky and especially when it’s the first game back for a while. Good result I say.
  17. Made a decent start to the tunnel last night, probably about half way there. Might stop tunnelling if we’re resetting the server soon and go and loot places instead. There’s a few city’s we haven’t touched yet. Might also try and arm the base in preparation one for one giant last horde night, when ever that may be.
  18. A great man once said "if you're having fun, you're already winning" What's your favourite quote?
  19. It's the big one tonight, good luck @phil bottle
  20. I love the look of the PS5! Microsoft have obviously said lets not waste any time on designing the console and we'll just cram it full of stuff, then it'll be better than the PS. Where as Sony said, why don't we design something new with the gamers in mind and cram it full of stuff. If someone got paid to design the Xbox, i'm rage quiting life 😄
  21. Was going to say this, if it’s for cooling then I’m down for that!
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