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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. I think it's a pretty damn awesome gun tbh.
  2. You can use your debit / credit card, I do it with all my PSN purchases. It basically adds the exact amount to your PSN wallet, then purchases the DLC. You don't have to do anything, the only reason I suspect that it happens like this is because every time I purchase something, I get two emails, one telling me that funds have been added to my wallet, and one to confirm the purchase. Anywho, I've done all the bounties with all three characters now. Got one key too. I'm on nights tonight so I'll be online for a fair whack.
  3. You lucky bastard matt! THIS is what you got. I don't know the exact perks but they were decent. Here's Matt's profile for those interested http://destinytracker.com/destiny/overview/ps/crippled_viper
  4. Congrats mate, welcome to the club Lovely gun.
  5. It's not the feds they need to worry about though.
  6. ---> Saint 14 ---> Stand Asides ---> Whatever else to get Titten to 34 ---> Ice Breaker ---> Thorn ---> Whatevs.
  7. Read these comments. http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/15/psn-down-gamers-experiencing-internet-issues-on-playstation-consoles/ Honestly, if these lizard kids had half a brain, they'd be getting PSN up as fast as they could to stop some of these people reproducing.
  8. http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2015/05/15/psn-is-down-and-lizard-squad-claims-credit/ Seems like chopping the head off once wasn't enough. They'll get nailed again, mark my words.
  9. Oh and thanks for the cracking post Ryan, looks great
  10. Same, but I have no interest in reading it all. Nothing worse thqn anticipating a DLC for weeks / months and learning everything about it, only yo have it hit and you just go "ok, seen it all". Same reason I stopped playing betas. The final game launches and everyone's excited and I was already bored. Lost loads of Youtube deals with devs 'cos I didn't want their Betas.
  11. This helmet is the most OP thing in PVP imo. Buy it if you love the crucible. Don't buy it for pve. And if you're a knucklehead.
  12. Hahaha, that's fantastic
  13. Yes they are you cheap bastard. I don't know if I've got mw3, if not I'll have a look around for a copy.
  14. Guess who cheesed the abyss on his Hunter and Titten? Guess who also managed to jump the bridge a few times? Me. Yes. Deadums.
  15. 31:51 for just the NF with Bob and Charlie. What an awful strike.
  16. Don't think I'll be on tonight. Just came off a four stretch of nights so have some housework and stuffs to do, may watch a film with Kyla too. I'll see
  17. Hahaha, that's ace!
  18. Go drunk you're home.
  19. I'll be on tonight for some shenanigans. Don't care what I do really, as long as I get to spend some quality time with you lovely people.
  20. GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! NO. No. No. No. No. No. No. NO! I am saving for Vegas. Y u do dis 2 me? Hhhhhnnnnnnnnggggggggg. Maybe Chivalry then. Just one.
  21. Yep, two separate tabs.
  22. Dave I used it the other day for the first time. It's a game changer, literally. I don't knkw why I resisted for so long.
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