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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. If anyone wants to knock up a background for our blog, please hit me up.
  2. Well Jay, the answer to that has got so many sides it's unreal. Thew further I dig into this whole thing, the more I realise I need to dig further. What started out as optimizing some images, specifying image sized and rectifying some naughty code, has now got me looking at whether I should be on Apache or Nginx. I've basically gone from a forum admin to a hosting level admin and I'm probably still not there yet. To all of you who are saying that the site is slow, please can you tell me as much info as possible, so I can look deeper into this. I realise that this is taking a while but I promise that the end result is going to be night/day with how the forum is now. It'll still work exactly the same, look the same, feel the same, but it's going to be much faster. At least it better be, the amount of work going into it. I must admit that I am quite enjoying this, to the point of wondering if I'm in the right line of work, but then turning hobbies into careers usually results in people losing interest or flat out disliking the things they enjoy as it then becomes a job with deadlines.
  3. Oh and start with Euro Truck 2. Seriously. There are some fuckin' shit ones out there.
  4. That's cool. I'll pretend I don't see right through you. I hate it when you're wrong too
  5. Because you haven't tried them.
  6. You forgot "Start every track with MISTER WORLDWIDE!"
  7. Dunno, they're just fun. Tommy, if you can, try out Euro Truck Simulator 2. See you back here in a few years.
  8. Oh that's awesome Jay. I often look at pics like these and Steve's and wonder whether this big city life is for me. Then I spend a week back in South Africa's wilderness and miss the city. I'm not an easy person to live with
  9. Yep, I hear everything you're saying, but when the only people you're pissing off are the pop industry and those people who get irritated by shit that doesn't affect them.... well, that's easily overlooked with a few mil in the bank
  10. I fuckin' love this dude. He's like that teenage boy who got stuck at being 17 for the rest of his life and he's loving every moment of it. Every music video he's in you can tell he's loving it, and in the scenes with the chicks inevitably draped all over him, he looks like he's just lost his virginity. Say what you want about the man, he does something he enjoys with people he clearly enjoys being around, and makes a shit ton of money for doing it. I salute you dude, for living the life many can only dream of
  11. I dunno. We have about 4500 to choose from. This is London baby. It's like America, but better. And with Eurogamer.
  12. So am I. Hard times indeed.
  13. <3 this track!
  14. When stupid-ass white trash people turn the injection pump up on rickety-ass broken down 12V Cummins-powered Dodges and subsequently install 5" smokestacks in the bed of said Dodge. Then said WT decides to post youtube videos of their truck blanketing neighborhoods with black diesel soot. Regardless of engine technology progressing to the point of nearly eliminating black smoke and producing nearly double the power of modded mechanically-injected diesel engine in stock form, a "Coal Rollin'" owner will respond with a not-so-clever response of "I'd rather be Cummin than Strokin." Referring to his belief that his Cummins engine is better than International's Powerstroke engine series found in Ford trucks. Because Isuzu's Duramax engien found in GM-branded trucks cannot be directly correlated to any phallic self-gratification, they are typically ignored. See Below for why This particular stereotype is the progression of the IROC Camaro owner in the 1990s and the lowered Civic Hatchback owner in the early 2000s. They can be identified by their love of Nickelback, lack of personal hygiene, closeted homosexuality and morbid obesity. A majority of these owners reside in Florida, this species also can be found in eastern Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and California's central valley. "Check 'er out fellas I was rollin' coal through that there intersection antagonizing queers. Y'all want to get naked and jump in a mudhole together?" This made me laugh, fuckin' excellent SAUCE!!!
  15. Oi, link you poof. SAUCE!!!!
  16. Can you learn how to code PHP quick?
  17. Completely missed that^ Good shout Brede, completely forgot about that one! In today's episode of FUCK YOU NEIGHBOURS!
  18. I'm still waiting for Rich to cook for me. Poor African.
  19. Cool beans Mike, thanks dude <3
  20. Awesome. Cal, it would be an honor to have you writing for us man. Mike, no worries dude, whenever you're ready. Bart > nah, it's cool. I've gone with what you said and leaving the logins alone. In other news, I seem to have contracted ALL THE ILLNESSES so I'm out of commission for tonight. Also knackered from my last three night shifts so I'm relaxing with a whisky and a bit of Planetside 2, then tomorrow I'll get back to things. This web development stuff is hard work, it seems that for every step forward you make, you take two back. Still getting closer though. Watch this space!
  21. You get paid in honour. //The more I'm digging, the more I realise how poorly optimized this site is. It's astonishing. I always thought it was sluggish but actually seeing all the errors is just Actually enjoying this. Learning so much it's unreal, but I've got my work cut out, that's for sure.
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