Well Jay, the answer to that has got so many sides it's unreal. Thew further I dig into this whole thing, the more I realise I need to dig further. What started out as optimizing some images, specifying image sized and rectifying some naughty code, has now got me looking at whether I should be on Apache or Nginx. I've basically gone from a forum admin to a hosting level admin and I'm probably still not there yet.
To all of you who are saying that the site is slow, please can you tell me as much info as possible, so I can look deeper into this.
I realise that this is taking a while but I promise that the end result is going to be night/day with how the forum is now. It'll still work exactly the same, look the same, feel the same, but it's going to be much faster. At least it better be, the amount of work going into it.
I must admit that I am quite enjoying this, to the point of wondering if I'm in the right line of work, but then turning hobbies into careers usually results in people losing interest or flat out disliking the things they enjoy as it then becomes a job with deadlines.