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  1. Middle Class Caveman

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Spain looked good all tournament, and they fully deserved to win. Only 4 more years to wait and I’ll be replaying that Jude overhead kick on repeat until then. Hey Jude!
    1 point
  2. Thanks for setting this up Tom 👍 And congratulations to everyone that won a prize, commiserations to those who didn’t.
    1 point
  3. To be fair I did donate a fair amount of it. I got New Zealand and Ireland the last 2 times I did it, was due a good team 😂
    1 point
  4. So embarrassingly I won my own sweepstake. Although bittersweet because I wish England had won the final.. but such is life. Full results below. I also did the draw live with witnesses (Lee was one of them) before anyone has a go at me for rigging it. Plus Spain weren’t even in the top 5 favourites to win before the tournament Euro winner - @LordBaguette Runner up - @Lurchzy Best goal - @LordBaguette Best underdog - @Spacedeck Worst team - @Findmartin (Best goal was BBCs number 1 goal) (Beat underdog was determined by an independent FG vote between Turkey and Georgia)
    1 point
  5. Spain 2-1 England Very disappointing once again. Lucky to not be 3-0 down and when we do get back into the game, we sit back and let them get a later winner. I don’t know what it is about us gradually sitting back and inviting pressure but it happens every bloody time and costs us dear. Subs did well again but maybe Palmer and Watkins should’ve started as Kane get again just chased shadow largely and he was spent by 60. Don’t know why we have to fall behind before we start playing either. Best team won overall but Spain were there for the taking after we equalised and we were lucky to get to the final. Their run was significantly harder. Another monumental missed opportunity and despite another strong tournament; nothing to show for it apart from regret.
    1 point
  6. Is this a playstation or PC game?
    1 point
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