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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2018 in all areas

  1. phil bottle

    Sea of Thieves

    Jumped on last night and had a bit of fun. In the last test I didn't really come across other players, other than spotting the occasional mast on the horizon. Different story this time around. You spawn into the game inside of a bar/pub/tavern on a small island. The island has some shops, a dock where your ship is moored and a little tent near the dock, where a scraggly old geezer gives you missions in the form of pirate treasure maps. As I'm on my Jack Jones, the ship I've chosen is a sloop, with one cannon on each bow. Controlling the ship consists of pulling up the anchor, adjusting the length and direction of the sails and then taking the wheel. The captain's cabin has a massive map of the game and here you try and find the island depicted on your treasure map. Set sail. Find the island. Deal with skeletons. I have a pistol and sword, plus a blunderbuss in the ship armoury. Find the treasure location and dug it up. Take treasure back to ship and return to scraggly old geezer. I did all of the above but met some other players on my trip back. Bigger ship, more cannon. They let me know their intentions by sending some cannon balls my way. Here I had to make a decision, stay and fight, or flee with my booty and try and beat them back to the island. I didn't want to lose my treasure so I raced them back. I arrived just before them...but here is where is started getting a bit sweaty. Parking up at the dock would take me too long and leave me exposed. So I went close to the dock, let the anchor away and dived into the sea for the small swim to shore. You know what the other ship did? They shot one of their players out of a cannon to try and get him between me and pirate scraggly. It didn't work. I just made it in time. However, while I had received my reward, I now had some players that I had to deal with. The one on the island I evaded as I wanted to get back to my ship before they sunk it. I got back to my ship, as I was as swimming back towards it, I saw two guys running around on it. They were trying to scupper my little sloop. I climbed aboard and we had a little fight. The pistol is one shot, and it takes ages to reload. Three of us dancing around, them both trying to kill me. I got hit once while holding the captain's cabin and them outside popping off shots at me. I wasn't having any joy, so i took out my sword instead and went YOLO. Killed them both. After I killed the first one the other one shit his pants and tried to run. He ran straight into my blade. There was still the other guy to deal with but I decided to pull up the anchor, go find their boat and sink it. Turned out the third one had gone back to his ship and was already sailing away. I didn't chase at first but went in the opposite direction. For a little while. I waited about 10 minutes and then sailed back in the direction the other ship had gone. After a while I found it. Silly sod had moored next to a tiny desert island. He was on the island, off his ship, so I decided to cannonball it. The next bit is the best laugh I've had in ages. I loaded up my port side cannon and set it off to put a hole in the other ship. The shot missed the ship. Flew over it. Flew as far as the island in fact. Flew far enough that it hit the other player on the island and killed him. Seriously couldn't believe it. Wet myself. I got some experience/reputation points for the kill too. Epic[emoji41][emoji4][emoji38] Would have been streaming it but the PS4 boys were streaming at the same time.
    1 point
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