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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2017 in all areas

  1. A few things that can really turn this game around quick: *I'm ok with static rolls but the one thing that can flip this game upside down is the mod system. The potential there is unlimited. Hardcore players could have something to seriously grind for if done right. *We need specific loot for activities such as strikes, sectors, adventures etc...We need an incentive to do them which currently just isn't there at all right now. *Exotics that truly feel exotic. The game is missing guns that feel like they have the potential to be iconic. In D1 we had infamous guns like Gjallarhorn, Ice Breaker, Thorn, Hawkmoon, also Vex Mythoclast and Suros in the beginning. Were they OP they sure as fuck were but for a good 6 months we got to tear shit up with them before they got nerfed. That was fun. We all remember those guns. Nobody is going to look back on D2 and be like "hey that game sure was balanced", but you'll damn sure look back on D1 and the few guns I named and be like those were memorable times. *Raid gear: imo needs to have raid specific perks attached to the gear. Right now theres nothing special about the weapons armor. There needs to be something that also separates prestige gear from normal gear and no a fucking shader doesn't count. *PvP: ya 4v4 is a really good model for the competitive scene. However not everyone is MLGyoloswag420noscoper. Bring back 6v6 for quickplay. Let us pick which game modes we want to play weather it's clash, control, supremacy. Bring back rift and mayhem. Give us more options so shit doesn't get stale.
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. TigerBurge


    TRAVIS!!!!! Holy shit. Good to see you here.
    2 points
  4. NCA-Paendrag


    You poor bastard. And you still came here?
    2 points
  5. AceBoogie239


    Just popping in here to say hello. I've played with quite a few people in FG for a few years now. Great group of people. Thanks for the invite Lee
    1 point
  6. It was pretty cool to still have a bit of endgame stuff that was challenging.
    1 point
  7. Capn_Underpants

    Last of Us 2

    I refuse to watch these videos until I've played the first one. [emoji23] I must get on top of this. Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. These types of quests are always great because you really get a feeling that you earned it and of accomplishment.
    1 point
  9. Definitely need more of these quests. Step 3, the challenging Arms Dealer Strike modified is a real challenge and one that definitely was great to complete. Did it on our second run last night, @Amnotright Chris and @Misneach_ Matt. You really need to understand where the anomalies are to get enough time back. We used our first 2 runs to understand where most of them were. Lots are located just before the final section up the lift so hang in there if you have 2/3 minutes. Best to also ensure the fireteam has mixed up there guns and subclass across as many burns as they can. More people should look to aim to get this and the raid done as its a great experience and drop.
    1 point
  10. I caved in and picked this up over the weekend and managed get a couple of hours in. First impressions I think could be summed up as positive but not without faults. The game looks and handles really well - handling wise this definitely falls in to the sim side of things but controller support is pretty decent if occasionally a little slow when trying to catch snap oversteer. I'd love to give this a go with a proper wheel set up but at over £200 I don't think I'll be buying one just to give it a go (though I do miss being able to race PC sims). I can't speak for the accuracy of the real life tracks but they look good and some of the fantasy tracks are brilliant to drive. My biggest gripes about this though are, relatively speaking, quite minor so I hope they get patched at some point. The paint shop / decals possible being the biggest - in all the racing games I've played I have enjoyed being able to customise my cars livery. Obviously you can do this in GTS but there seems to be things missing / broken about it. There isn't (or at least I can't find it) an option for mirroring sides of the car so getting the left and right side symmetrical is going to be interesting. There are also bits of the cars you can paint but can't apply any decals - this isn't small bits either, where I've noticed it is when trying to put decals on the front bumpers. I could somewhat understand if it was small intricate area like wing mirrors but being unable to custom paint from bumpers will ruin a lot of designs. On the livery front, I really liked Forza's market place where you could sell or buy liveries but GTS's appear to only be the ones you create. Unlocking things by miles is an oddity for me too - it adds a second currency to the game and I'm not sure why. It means you have to play to be able to unlock stuff but you have play to earn credits too so Maybe a change to be able to unlock things with credits or miles? Finally, while it was well publicised before hand about there being no career mode I do miss it. The driving test / licences are enjoyable enough, I do like having a progressive career mode.
    1 point
  11. lepercolony

    Last of Us 2

    gives me goosebumps every time. every. damn. time. i try to avoid thinking about how far off the release date is because it makes me sad. all i can do is continue to play the shit out of the first game and hope the MP is similar. easily my favorite game of all time, considering both the Story and the MP. dude i'd totally loan you mine if i weren't still playing. sorry. maybe you can find it on the cheap given that it's been out for a while. it's worth it -- i'll personally refund your purchase if you don't feel the same.
    1 point
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