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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in all areas

  1. “Guardian down..” @Diddums “shit, I’m down..” classic sounds. 😂😘
    2 points
  2. Yeah so I'm not going to beat around the bush on this one. I gave it an hours play last night to see how it compared to the first game. I'm shocked at how visually impressive it is. However is it a game I'm willing to spend money on this year? Probably not. I got the sense again of *spawn-die-spawn-die* that I disliked in the first one, and didn't feel like I wanted to invest the time into ensure I'd stay alive longer than a minute. Destiny 2 / Rocket League / Fortnight are more than good enough for me at the moment.
    2 points
  3. Mikepjbell


    I'm not sure if this should be a 'featured' game yet as such, and maybe t's early days yet but last night we @GazzaGarratt , @Amnotright and @Diddums had a go on Fortnight. What a fucking game. I think if we could get some games going and make a decision on whether it'll be something to consider as a regular thing. I'm acutely aware that we don't want to saturate the clan with games to play, but it might be worth a shot on this one. Thoughts?
    1 point
  4. Misneach_

    iPhone App?

    Ok so I have heard everyone talking about this FG app. @Capn_Underpants thanks to capn for clearing up it’s only for the snobby android users. Jk I’m an old man stuck in my ways and can’t be asked to change platforms. Anyway my thought we’re to build an app for iPhone users. If no one else can spearhead this I’ll take it on being that I did have some history in programming and at the least a few friends I can pester. Please let me know your thoughts.
    1 point
  5. Mikepjbell


    Love this. I'm really loving the simplicity of that game. Last night I spawned in to a house and luckily the place I spawned was within all of the boundaries so I was down to the last 5. I kept myself barricaded in until towards the end where I got a bit cocky and started to venture out. Then I got my head blown off and sulked for a bit. Absolutely love it though and can't wait for PUGB
    1 point
  6. Thank you mate for putting in the time and effort to put data together and report on clan performance. I'm awfully glad to be a part of this growing community.
    1 point
  7. I like: Omnigul, when she screams, it's like heaven. When you shoot the chalice out if Calus' hand. Exotic Engrams. The singing sisters in the Kings Fall raid. Eris freaking Morn. As for sounds I don't like; I hate hearing people die and knees breaking when we fall from great heights. [emoji106] Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. Amnotright


    @Beastfix and I just took are first victory in duos Both survived till the end which was a huge win This game is slowing taking over my life
    1 point
  9. Ha! Spambot at least made me realise what things I've thought about over the last month To be honest, whilst it may get somewhat annoying after a while, the music and intro to Trials where it shows both teams is pretty ace. Pumping up style music to try and help you shoot the sweaty tryhards.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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