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  1. NCA-Paendrag



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  2. Sennex



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Shortly, i'll be updating the forum and overall website. This a great update and opens up even more stuff that will take place. Check out the update here if you want to know more about all that's coming Invision Update 4.2 In short we get access to things such as: Leaderboard Enhancements Richer Embeds Group Promotion Improvement Fluid Forum View Member History Editor Uploading Improvements Authy Integration Commerce Improvements New REST API Endpoints Gallery Improvements Statistic Reporting Copy Topic to Database Downloads Index Page Blog Sidebar Promoting Content Clubs Reactions Calendar Venues Social Sign In Streamlining Calendar Add Similar Event Gallery Lightbox Navigation Letter Profile Photos SEO Improvements Device Management Delayed Deletes Calendar Event Reminders Content Messages Recommended Replies Complete Your Profile On top of this I will be investing in the Pages and Commerce packages. That way we can start building specific pages for articles, similar to the blog but all accessible within FG, and allows us to start building a place for specific merchandise we all want to see. We will also follow on and add a new theme that will flow well with the update and keep in the promise that we made before to add more themes for everyone to use. Please note - We WILL get some hiccups along the way. Please be patient as i'll doing what I can tonight to update the version an then work on the rest over the next few days. Let me know what you think, make sure you highliight any bugs in the relevant threads and if you have any ideas of changes please PLEASE keep them coming. I can't say it enough, this is for ALL OF US. Make sure you shout up.
    1 point
  2. Just found a village where they trade iron ingots, ranging from 7 - 9, for 1 emerald. Even at top whack thats 9 x 256 = 2,304 emc for an emerald at 16,384 emc!! I now have loadsa emeralds and I have one iron ingot left but I shall be returning later with a load of pumpkins 🎃 To find the village use rhe warp "dave2"
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Sennex

    Server Rules

    This works for every animal type
    1 point
  5. NCA-Paendrag

    Morning FG!

    And you.
    1 point
  6. Dragons dogma is a bad ass game. Via the FG App
    1 point
  7. NCA-Paendrag

    Morning FG!

    Evening all! Just got home from a rehearsal with our toastmaster. Can' believe I decided to sing at the wedding Guess it works after a few drinks
    1 point
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