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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2014 in all areas

  1. techno

    Beyond level 20

    This made an interesting watch. :
    2 points
  2. I started learning Arabic when I was, unsurprisingly, in the Middle East for 2 years. I got to the point I could do simple things like order in a restaurant, make inane small talk, etc and could read very simple children's books. 9 years later and I can't even do the fucking alphabet any longer. We're planning a visit to Jordan next year in conjunction with our Spain trip (a week in Barcelona then a week in Amman), and I really want to be able to speak half way decent Arabic. My father in law speaks decent English, but my mother in law doesn't know anything but "hi, how are you, I'm fine." It seems rude to go and not be able to talk to her at all or to force my wife to play translator the whole time. So my wife is helping me pick it back up. Some words I remember pretty well, some I can't for the fucking life of me make stick in my head. Grammar is going to be fun. Luckily, Jordanian dialect is a fairly simple one and they aren't really picky about various tenses and things that English speakers get wrapped around the axle about. Its apparently one reason they talk with their hands so much. Why say "this one" and "that one" when it can be the same word and you can point? Hada saboon can mean "this soap" or "this is soap" or "that soap" and you'll figure it out from context or from gestures. Easy enough. The difficultly comes in with the sounds we don't have and vice versa. I need to relearn the alphabet (which, by the way, is named for the first two letters in Arabic alif and baa) so that I can see the words, which helps in pronunciation. Say "then" and then say "think". Notice that the 'th' sounds slightly different in each word? Of course you fucking didn't. You will now that you think about it, though. Well, those are separate letters in Arabic, and then they have an "emphatic" version of them, which we won't even get into. Anyway, to transliterate them into English, they use th, TH, dh, and DH. See the confusion? Right. So I've got about a year. We'll see. At least I can get a cup of tea if I want it, and then find the bathroom afterward. Bidi Chai. Wheyne hammam?
    2 points
  3. thanks Microsoft!
    2 points
  4. Baabcat

    Eurogamer 2014

    Me and my boy Charlie (some of you know him from Clash of the clans) will be there for the Saturday afternoon, but as he is 11 we wont be able to get to the Advanced Warfare demo's, which sucks. My fault for not realising there would be an over18's area.
    2 points
  5. Good move Doc and it keeps your brain active! Or you can adopt the English approach that we use in most foreign tourist resorts:- Speak s-l-o-w-l-y to them in English and keep repeating it louder and louder each time until they understand. I'm told it's very effective!!
    2 points
  6. Hotfix Sept 14 SEP 2014 15:34 Hot Fix - 09/14/2014 by Destiny Dev Team Not every update that you apply to Destiny will contain revolutionary changes to the player experience. As we support the world of Destiny beyond the launch, much of what we do behind the scenes will be dedicated to ensuring the services that support the game are stable. Yesterday, we deployed an update that delivered the following refinements. Engineering Fixes for Xbox One bootflow issues Changes in network configuration to improve stability Fixes for issues causing game crashes Events Public Events should occur twice as frequently in public spaces As we continue to support the Destiny Community, please keep talking to us about any issues you encounter on our Help forum.
    1 point
  7. Fusion rifles are my favorite. Anything that needs more than a couple of hand cannon rounds gets a few fusion blasts to the face instead and usually goes down pretty quick.
    1 point

    Beyond level 20

    Good video, thanks.
    1 point
  9. It's shit, I dismantled it. If only the game had a trading feature...
    1 point
  10. Co-op reveal date is apparently September 24th. @Bob; yeah I was liking the look of that map until the shit hit the fan with the eruptions and then you had to run to another part of the map to finish the match. I was hoping all this dynamic crap would be left behind with Ghosts!
    1 point
  11. now I'm jealous
    1 point
  12. Finally got my rare hand cannon and it's a beauty! Rare - Renegade mk.55 which can be upgraded to have explosive rounds! Loving being able to one shot enemies again
    1 point
  13. @Matt Resources are easy to farm, right now it's marks I need!
    1 point
  14. Matt Damon is back as the star and Paul Greengrass making a return as director. Final negotiations in the works with Universal.. Happy days
    1 point
  15. Yeah, I think that's the issue. I was replaying story missions on higher difficulty and not getting any mission rewards. Then I went into the strike playlist and was getting them like normal. The think I felt cheated over was doing the Daily Heroic story mission and not getting any mission reward at the end. *shakes fist* Thanks for the offer to help, but I guess we've got it sorted. You know that by trading in spinmetal, blooms, helium things, and relic iron to the vanguard quartermaster you get +25 rep, +5 vanguard marks, glimmer, and +1 mote of light? Holy shit. I don't know if that's every time or what, but that's what I just got for 50 spirit blooms.
    1 point
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