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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2014 in all areas

  1. Titus Bramble Oh no wait, he was just shit
    3 points
  2. 4+ hours straight is unhealthy as well. People already sit on their ass for too long during the day. It's even a problem for after school. You don't have 6 hrs straight to spare. When are those guys supposed to have diner and do home work if that is the target audience. Perhaps some parents would allow it but I wouldn't. If one of the kids was to tell me they aren't going to eat dinner because they have to play a game for another 2 hours, I'd unplug the console. Sounds like a stupid plan
    3 points
  3. Awkward Roma team photo for Ashley Cole
    3 points
  4. Even more of Ashley Cole
    2 points
  5. Titearse Bumhole as we call him
    2 points
  6. I must admit i was surprised when i saw Danny Rose had signed a new contract, mainly because i didn't realise he still played for you guys I read about this dude to, never heard of him before but anyone from the under 21 squad is always a decent prospect, it's when they get a bit older they get lazy
    2 points
  7. ^lol for some reason the Irish and Mexico don't seem to get on when it comes to football. I remember the ruck at the 1994 world cup, Mexico v Republic of Ireland, even Jack Charlton got stuck in
    2 points
  8. Maintenance break that has just finished has given resource boost to mines, collectors and dark elixir drills at a cost of 1 gem for 7 days - perfect for upgrades and to prepare for next weeks Clan War Kudos to JBR for spotting this
    2 points
  9. My mate sent me that picture of Ashley Cole the other day and i completely forgot to put it on here! But there's one that you didn't find! And everyone wondered why Fergie wasn't gutted when he left us, he always knew! ........except Moyes but we'll let that one slide
    2 points
  10. Well that's one of the dumbest ideas I've heard, shame it seems destiny isn't going to be the game I hoped for, looks more like its going to be story mode mainly and hope they add content to extend its life. The one thing about the beta I did find satisfying was I teamed up with 2 randoms to take down one of the bosses or that strike mission, one left but the remaining 2 of us stuck at it, install fail if one of 5 leaves thats just going to be so frustrating its just not viable imo
    2 points
  11. Well, there's no air holes, so it's not dogs! haha
    2 points
  12. Ravel Morrison remanded in custody http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-28581181 The new Marlon 'do you know who the fuck I am bitch' King?
    2 points
  13. Oxford just announced their new sponsor Sounds like some adult booty website site I used to visit
    2 points
  14. Don't the Liverpool players know each other from last year when they were all playing for Southampton?
    2 points
  15. J4MES OX4D

    Playstation Now

    I've elaborated
    2 points
  16. I don't know how matchmaking would or could fix anything, but I know that it's stupid for a group of people to play a game for over an hour and something comes up, someone has to go, and everyone auto-fails the mission. That's. Dumb.
    1 point
  17. If they had match making you could pickup another player that has been put into the queue and complete the mission. Sort of like host migration works.
    1 point
  18. tronic44

    Commonwealth Games

    The competitions good but yeah Glasgow......
    1 point
  19. J4MES OX4D

    Commonwealth Games

    Well Usain Bolt labelled the competition and Glasgow 'a bit shit' allegedly and I think he runs tomorrow and many spectators are supposedly going to turn their back on the race. Should be interesting indeed
    1 point
  20. Jermaine Jenas.
    1 point
  21. Spurs have just given Danny Rose a 5 year contract. He's not a popular boy and Spurs fans are going nuts. I also found out that the player we're signing from Sporting Lisbon was born in England and moved to Portugal when he was 10...interesting....
    1 point
  22. Hopefully the community puts up enough of a stink to sway them into changing this. We can only hope.
    1 point
  23. As its kinda futuristic i wouldn't be surprised if there're flying dogs with lasers, one can only hope I still think dragons are a good shout
    1 point
  24. Milk Cup/UFC action http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28575627
    1 point
  25. Haha that's fucking brilliant!
    1 point
  26. I've decided that since i hate myself so much i'm upgrading my walls next
    1 point
  27. Auto fail I hope for the love of god doesn't get implemented but Bungie seem fixated on 6 players, no more, no less at all times for Raids. If you're even playing in a party of 6 in a Raid started at 6pm let's say and it's going on 9.30pm and it still hasn't ended but you or one of your team needs to get the dinner in the oven, put the kids to bed, phone goes off, an emergency, pick up the wife from work etc..you all end up losing over 3 hours of effort because of natural life occurrences. With no matchmaking; you can't get someone to hop in if such a thing materialises for the final hour+ and by the sounds of it; you can't even invite someone to join mid-game just to cover the person(s) who have unfortunately had to drop out because of certain circumstances. Also if you're playing with a buddy from the other side of the world and someone loses connection; game over too? Firefights on Halo were fine as you could play 1-4 players at any time and players could join via matchmaking but leave of their own accord if they had to opt out and could be replaced by someone else through invite, join or common matchmaking. With Raids being fixed at six and in Bungie's words; an essential and conditional number to play the mode; it seems the flexibility isn't there and they have made a catastrophic error of judgement on players habits, health and availability. Even with Raids planned out to the precise second; you always have to prepare for the unexpected in life and may have to remove yourself from the game but I hope that everyone else doesn't have to suffer hours of lost gameplay because of Bungie's strict and ignorant approach. Raids seem overly ambitious but Bungie haven't considered a host of factors that could impact the experience.
    1 point
  28. tronic44

    TLOU Remastered PS4

    Yeah i'm picking this up! Haven't pre-ordered, want to walk into the shop and get it motherfucking handed to me yo!
    1 point
  29. J4MES OX4D

    TLOU Remastered PS4

    Can't wait for this tomorrow! I'm going for the Platinum trophy
    1 point
  30. +1 this is taken from the PS4 manual Avoid prolonged use of the PlayStation® system. Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play. Seems Bungie have other ideas.. I played Halo 3 for four years and after 4pm you'd always have an upward spike in the player count through the evening along with rammed Fireteam matches and it just seems Bungie are building their MMO structure around their classic multiplayer system which doesn't cater in the best interests of many gamers for this genre or potential health implications that it could create.
    1 point
  31. Looks like Ravel Morrison beat up two women in Manchester in the early hours on a night out. What a tosser.
    1 point
  32. That's the article I already published 6 posts ago I don't like this purely because it's the assumption that randoms cannot work together as a team - the very infrastructure that has made MMO's a very socially satisfying and enjoyable experience over the years. Let's say you have 4 friends online at a specific time but still need two players before you can start a match without fail; I'd rather have a quick matchmaking service to cater for any people that are looking for a game at that time and are willing to join as opposed to manually pissing about and having to search for others online or in the tower trying to club two people together to fill the void through adding them to a friends list or invite - it still destroys Bungie's initial wishes of randoms playing together anyway by having to do this so their assumption that a player will always immediately have 5 friends in sync available at the same time just suggests ignorance from their 4pm peak Halo days when the kids finish school and they have 6 hours straight spare.
    1 point
  33. Bungie talks raids and other endgame content: http://ign.com/articles/2014/07/30/destiny-the-endgame-is-only-the-beginning-ign-first The way I'm understanding it Bungie is saying there's no matchmaking in Raids because the level of communication and teamwork required would be impossible for randoms.
    1 point
  34. From gameplay I've been watching he looks incredibly fun to play.. cant' wait!
    1 point
  35. Celtic lost 4-1 at Legia Warsaw in the CL qualifier. Ouch! Lukaku's transfer fee has risen to £28m also
    1 point
  36. Bungie it seems don't want you to play 'as a disparate group of strangers' so they are under the assumption that everyone will have a bulky friends list from the get-go with available players at that given time and shouldn't need to go fishing for buddies. It's a bad assumption by them IMO but they recognise their risk in doing that. Also, if you have to recruit via the tower precisely the number of players you are short to play; that kinda destroys their wishes in terms of playing with strangers regardless. MMO's are all about making friends in game as you go. If some Raids are 4+ hours straight - fuck that. Who the hell (apart from kids) has that much time on their hands in one session? Not very healthy either if you can't have a break or save midpoint.
    1 point
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