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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2014 in all areas


    Kill/Death Ratio

    I disagree. I think that K/D should be a tracked stat. Is it the tell all of stats... nope, but it definitely provides SOME indication of skill. TDM is obvious, but even game modes like DOM it can still be important. If someone goes 5-30 with a bunch of caps, he can still be liability to the team by giving the other team a bunch of kill streaks. I don't want someone on my team dying over and over by mindlessly trying to jump on a flag. I want people who cap flag, get kills, and don't die over and over. If we only tracked caps/defends/spm, that wouldn't tell the whole story either. Someone might have a ton of caps, but like I said, if they're giving up kill streak after kill streak, he might be the reason the team lost. I think we need ALL the stats to paint a more full picture. We can tell who was kill whoring and who was playing the objective by looking at the scoreboard at the end. Hell, sometimes it's valuable to have one person kill whoring while the other 5 guys play the OBJ. He provides cover, distraction to the other team, etc. If it's coordinated that way, it can be valuable. There will always be people trying to abuse the system no matter which system you implement. Whatever the new hot stat is, that's the one people will find a way to abuse. I'd rather have ALL the stats so I can see for myself what someone was doing.
    3 points
  2. Baabcat

    NFL 2014

    Same here, chose the redskins all those years ago when C4 started bringing American football to the uk. Really got back into it last year, and I'm off to one of the games at wembley this year Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    3 points
  3. It seems that a majority of the forum will be playing it this fall, so I'd definitely recommend buying it. It feels like it's going to be the game that we've all been waiting for on the PS4.
    2 points
  4. ******Shocking News******* EA has delayed Battlefield Hardline until early 2015 I'm not massively interested in this game in all honesty, mainly due to the concept and price but it's mildly encouraging to see EA having the bollocks to push the game back based on Visceral's beta feedback. If they release it around March time; we may get a playable game off the bat. They will also stand a chance of selling more copies in what is considered a quieter time of the gaming calendar plus they won't have to compete and ultimately lose to the new Call of Duty regardless of how good their game is. I thought this game was fun in the beta but probably not worth the money. The digital deluxe edition is £59.99 as a download whereas I paid £34.99 for the deluxe Battlefield 4 physical copy. Also tax has been raised on digital downloads in the UK and EA have stopped doing physical copies of games on PC. The concept also doesn't push the Frostbite 3 engine further and actually limits the scale leaving it watered-down and not a considerable step forwards, certainly compared to other titles on the horizon. I think it's a wise and essential move by EA to restore some confidence especially if the game isn't of an acceptable standard come October but they'll probably get slated for this move too Also EA have pushed back Dragon Age Inquisition back to 2015 too.
    1 point
  5. L_C_Scipio

    Kill/Death Ratio

    So the thread about randomized maps got me thinking about another radical change I'd love to see implemented in shooters, namely removing Kill/Death Ratio as a stat. You can still track kills, but deaths and ratio shouldn't be found anywhere in the game. For starters, it's practically meaningless as an indicator of player skill without any context. if player 1 has a 2.5 k/d but finishes Domination matches with no caps or defends, and player 2 has a .7 k/d but finishes on top of the scoreboard every game, who's the better dom player? People place entirely too much stock in this number. No doubt the main reason people don't play the objective is to protect that precious k/d. More people playing the objective means more intense matches, which personally I find much more fun to play, win or lose. I used to play an FPS called Urban Terror, which kept no stats whatsoever. Once you finish a game, it might as well never have happened. And guess what? Pretty much everyone played the objective. There was no reason not to. There was a popular mode called Team Survivor, which is TDM with no respawns (or SnD with no bombs, if you will). Can you imagine the campfest a mode like that would be in CoD? People camp when they're on offense in SnD, for crying out loud. Yet in UT, pretty much the only time you saw somebody camp was when they were outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1 (in which case camping provides your best/only shot at winning). Granted, the community was far different than the Cod community...but is CoD the way it is because everyone is so focused on that magic number? Games could track K/D in TDM modes, since it is somewhat relevant there (though even then, it's debatable whether a guy who goes 4-1 is better than a guy who goes 15-5). What are your thoughts? Oh, and before you dismiss me with, "He doesn't want K/D in the game because his sucks": over the past few Call of Duty and Battlefield games my K/D is usually in the 1.15-1.2 range, which is not "great" by any means, but I don't think you can fairly say it's "bad" either. So that's not my reasoning. I genuinely believe that without that stat, everyone would play the game the way it should be played and we would all have a lot more fun with it.
    1 point
  6. I watch them! I haven't seen this newest one so thanks for sharing. I'll watch it when I can!
    1 point
  7. I've just never been there. I do think it's beautiful though. To drive around with familiar looking sights and on the right side of the road would be super nice. ;D I try and say out of the UK as much as I can ETS2. Omg and the drivers side switched... Oh hell naw.
    1 point
  8. NCA-Paendrag

    Kill/Death Ratio

    No killstreaks - Problem solved
    1 point
  9. FFP's a myth. Like Bigfoot or Santa Clause...
    1 point
  10. J4MES OX4D

    Kill/Death Ratio

    W/L is the only thing that really matters in terms of stats if people really want to into the nitty-gritty about players' abilities. COD is all about the K/D 'image' because of the attitude of a large part of the community. The feature is pretty useless seeing it can be manipulated by dashboarding and influenced by rage quitting. I remember the days of Black Ops when you'd see someone with a 5.54 K/D and 0.13 W/L ratio. If kills were the only thing that was displayed; people would happily go 43-39 with an offensive and care-free approach but the stereotypical K/D whore that was born in COD would rather sit in a corner for the sake of a few numbers and a decimal point. SPM is also a good stat for consistent scoring players although it can be mode-dependent if you play more SnD as opposed to games with a higher pace and greater opportunity of point scoring in a specific time. Sadly as so many people pride themselves on K/D because it's the 'cool' thing about COD; I don't think it will ever be removed but I think for players profiles; the attribute should be masked to just kills on record. You could also select if you want your K/D visible but only to friends or something. I also hope prestige mode gets removed; that just means someone who's played the game more than someone else.
    1 point
  11. James Rodriguez signs for Real Madrid http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28418131 Hhhmmm FFP anyone?
    1 point
  12. Plumbers Crack

    My "art"

    Talking of acrylic I saw this at the weekend, feel in love with it but Mrs P said "No", a rare occurence which I normally accede to on the basis she's usually right but What do you guys think...the artist is Zinsky and it was £635 framed for a limited edition print
    1 point
  13. Matt and I did some upgrades to the main hall, need some more Plastids if anyone is rolling in them. Choose the great hall as your spawn, everything is going to be located in there soon.
    1 point
  14. On top of the Crimson Turtle: Underbelly, sitting on wood pellets in dry dock (my garage). Right side up with seats unfolded and oars in place. It is somewhat canoe like, but quite different. Firstly, it is rowed, not paddled. It has oar locks at all three seating positions, though one strong rower can bring it up to maximum hull speed. A seat back can be moved to the center seat for solo rowing. The whole craft weighs only 80lb, so Mrs. Owl and I can car top it without too much trouble. Length is 14' and it's about 3' at its widest. We got it from a small shop in Vermont and couldn't be happier. //We don't fish, but love spending time on the water, exploring little coves and such. We'll be taking it when we go camping next weekend.
    1 point
  15. What do you need the PHP code to do?
    1 point
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