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    Just Cal


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Diddums

    Eurogamer 2014

    A wild Stretch appears! Wild Stretch casts peekaboo-surprise-post! It is very effective!
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Just Cal

    Eurogamer 2014

    To be honest, I'm more than happy to miss out on the show. I'm more interested in just meeting up with ya's again. I'd be able to meet up with that girl I've been talking to too.
    2 points
  4. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    Just like Dave, i'm willing to take one for the team and sit in the pub for a bit
    2 points
  5. Diddums

    Eurogamer 2014

    I'm more than happy to shuffle around a bit to accommodate non ticket holders. I'm sure we can find a way to make the bracelets jump arms whilst I wait in the pub for a bit
    2 points
  6. Not sure I'll have the funds but I really hope I can make it.
    2 points
  7. Just Cal

    Eurogamer 2014

    What's the date of this again? I want to be there, although I'm going to be a LOT more responsible on the drink.
    2 points
  8. Bought a cheap used Mountain bike today off CL and outfitted it with about $80 worth of add on's to use as a means to ride to spots along the river at times when I don't take the boat out. Then once back home after the trip it'll serve as another means to some good exercise.
    2 points
  9. Docwagon

    Youtube Stuff

    This is absolutely hilarious:
    2 points
  10. I just did one for 300K credits. Another 40 minutes
    2 points
  11. Madjonny

    Warframe Alerts

    Did it! They're really being generous with the rewards of these special alerts, I wonder how long they're on for, because they're giving away a lot of the things most people actually buy platinum for... I'm not complaining though, just wish I could play all day so I didn't miss anything!
    1 point
  12. Madjonny

    Warframe Alerts

    Damn! I may have to hop back on before bed...
    1 point
  13. burnfitbillyboy

    Eurogamer 2014

    Are you pulling a Rich or is yours actually real?
    1 point
  14. NCA-Paendrag

    Warframe Alerts

    Now where`s Chris?!
    1 point
  15. was scrolling across my newsfeeds when I saw the names http://www.ijreview.com/2014/07/154582-family-cop-killer-officer-stayed-car-wouldnt-shot/ ----------------------------- The family of a man who used a semi-automatic rifle to kill an Indianapolis police officer Saturday night says it isn’t fair that the alleged shooter – Major Davis, Jr. – should “keep being dragged through the mud.” They also blamed the officer for not staying in his police car. As reported by WISH-TV, Davis was seen brandishing a semi-automatic rifle Saturday night in Indianapolis, which led to a 911 call that dispatched police to look for him: When IMPD Officer Perry Renn found Davis at 34th Street and Forest Manor Avenue, Davis opened fire on Officer Renn. Davis was critically wounded in the gunfight, but survived. Officer Renn died of wounds sustained in the firefight. Davis now faces a charge of murder. Davis’ family has now spoken out about the murder – and basically blamed Officer Renn and the Indianapolis Police Department for the shooting: “He wasn’t a bad person. His father was killed by IMPD. That is enough to hurt a person and scar him for life,” said Davis’ grandmother, Pam Moornan. The facts, as reported by BearingArms.com: Davis’ father, Major Davis, Sr. had been arrested 15 times and did three years in prison on a drug charge. He died of a heart attack in 2003 while in handcuffs after fighting with police as he attempted to avoid a public intoxication charge. More from WISH-TV: “Major is not a bad person in spite of what happened. Things happen,” said Pam Moornan. “I don’t know how the police was [sic] shooting. I don’t know if they took concern of any kids running around,” said Yvonne Moornan. The family said it “felt sorry” for Officer Renn’s family, but that the shooting may have been avoided if he had stayed in his car since he could see Davis had a gun. Incidentally, the alleged killer has an extensive criminal background that dates back to 2006. ---------------------- I fucking hate people. Your asshole family member was wandering around with a gun, cops show up to question him, and somehow the cops are now to blame?
    1 point
  16. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    Hairy muff?
    1 point
  17. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    Fuck i did know that! oooo noes -1 point for me Never mind, i'm still on +1824701378018923138071280290537802730821213081297510
    1 point
  18. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    Dave you've been playing WoW or LoL or BoB or what ever the fudge any of it's called for whaaaaaaay too long. Guarantee you'll be dressed as a wizard when we go to Eurogamer!
    1 point
  19. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    No one listens to me Dave, i don't half the time
    1 point
  20. Plumbers Crack

    Eurogamer 2014

    I can't believe some of you ignored Rich's warning!!
    1 point
  21. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    We're all just going to end up in the pub aren't we?
    1 point
  22. Stretch616

    Eurogamer 2014

    I'm down for the meet up again. But oh noes, tickets sold out, guess i'll just have to sit in the pub. So basically sounding alot like last time!
    1 point
  23. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    See, spreading germs tut tut i'm well aware that i'm the worst out of us all
    1 point
  24. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    We can pop out and have lunch, that should break up the day quite well. As long as we don't spend the rest of the day in the pub, i'm looking at all you lot, you're bad influences
    1 point
  25. L_C_Scipio

    Warframe Alerts

    They're special missions that award extra credits, special mods, rare resources, or blueprints, but they'te only available for a limited time (usually an hour or less). There's usually at least one going on at any given time.
    1 point
  26. Plumbers Crack

    Eurogamer 2014

    http://www.egxlondon.net/tickets looks like tickets from the official site is sold out for the Saturday Cal..... looks like it's beer only
    1 point
  27. Plumbers Crack

    Eurogamer 2014

    I seem to remember as we headed back to the main entrance we took a side exit (to the left?) then a side road to a main road and the pub was on a main road quite close to a tube station *searches google* pretty sure it's this one from the location photo and internal photos - what can you guys remember? http://blackbirdearlscourt.co.uk/gallery
    1 point
  28. tronic44

    Eurogamer 2014

    I'm pretty much already there but this time it'll be during the morning and we'll spend the whole day in there, we did it completely wrong last time! I sent Dave C a message ages ago when this thread was first created but never heard back from him hopefully he'll be able to make it! I'm going to see if Joe wants to come as he's finished uni now. The same pub sounds like a plan, don't remember where it is, just remember walking down streets thinking, i definitely don't live around here
    1 point
  29. Plumbers Crack

    Eurogamer 2014

    Thought I'd bump this as it's been mentioned a few times - hands up if you're going!! Should be good esp. as Bob/Charlie are making an appearance and possibly Mark as well. The other good thing is those that met up last time know what the others are like now and can put faces and personalities to names. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive last year about meeting up but Dave Cator (top man that bloke) met me at the station and we basically walked around the whole show together waiting for the rest to show up. Is DC still about - I haven't seen a post from him in ages Anybody fancy the same pub afterwards as the grub was good....if we can find it again?
    1 point
  30. It's easy. You raise someone to have no respect for life or property, teach them that they are takers and everyone else is prey, and then back it up with a toothless criminal justice system that reinforces their beliefs that there are no consequences for their actions. They are not deterred by jail, its a badge of honor. Both the carrot and the stick are much too small at this point. There needs to be help for those who will take it and an execution for those who won't.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
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