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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2014 in all areas

  1. Stretch616

    Fathers day plans?

    Going camping at a VW festival for the weekend. Then on Fathers Day itself probably putting said tent away in the pouring rain before driving the nice and dry family home! Then decorating when i get home. Thought i was meant to get a day off?!
    3 points
  2. Jason

    Fathers day plans?

    Dad and I usually head up to our camp for some trout fishing, target practice, hiking, grilling, and to drink a beer or two.
    3 points
  3. The day Sledgehammer fails the Call of Duty franchise is not when I give up on Call of Duty. The day Treyarch fails the Call of Duty franchise is when I give up on Call of Duty. In other news, if for some reason you have no faith in Advanced Warfare, you can have faith in one man to deliver: Kevin Spacey. Ain't nuttin' got anything on Underwood.
    3 points
  4. Preferably, from an administration standpoint, the former.
    3 points
  5. uberwarrior

    Sub Forums

    You know I'm only kidding Jason, and anyway I have enough viagra to keep me going for a few more years
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Guest

    Guess who's back, back again

    Welcome to the party. (Party hours are 9 - 12 during Diddums' sleepy time.)
    2 points
  8. WTH is my wife talking about then........... goddamnit, well I can still take my dad for burgers and beer
    2 points
  9. I'm generally a naked gamer, i'd post pic to prove but not sure the page will allow for scrolling that far I like a bit of everything, i mainly play games for gameplay but can easily get sucked into a massive story based game. The one thing that's put me off playing story based games is that i couldn't chat to others whilst doing it, my love for gaming is purely based around my love for you guys. Much homo? Muchly! With the PS4 having party chat, i can see myself playing more story based games like TLOU or Far Cry (when it comes out) Although like Dave has said, some of the most fun i've had is us just messing around in a private lobby.
    2 points
  10. You blatters should of made me admin Dave, i've got a python See, no one fucks with a man who's got a python!
    2 points
  11. Guest

    What type of gamer are you?

    Indeed, those who experience and those who simply play is an accurate way to categorise players. I myself are amongst those who experience, I find; I fell deeply in love with Ezio and his story-arc (Assassin's Creed II, AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations). I have replayed each of those games at least three times each year for two years now. I often get very emotionally attached to characters. Even in games that aren't exactly story-driven, I still have my emotions stirred and ripped apart by the deaths of characters - certain Call of Duty games, for example. The same goes with books and movies; I become heavily involved. However I still enjoy games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield and so on all of the time. As said, mood is a factor.
    2 points
  12. im only here for the T&A. too lazy to find my own porn
    2 points
  13. I'm admin on a popular forum, I've got quite a few good mates I see regularly from that forum but this forum has become my number one stopping point for its varying interesting topics and both international and age related view points. Ive never met anyone from here but find everyone I've played online with interesting, friendly and mostly funny
    2 points
  14. Damn those tarts look good, been a long time since i've had a good old tart! I only like the jam ones, not the marmalade nonsense, fuck that with a cricket bat! In other news, the future is here I wasn't going to say anything about what's been going on here, as i don't think there's really anything more i can add but what i will say is this. I haven't been on many forums before but the ones i have been on have been nothing like this, like someone has already said, the fact we know each other by first names rather Wizardman3000 shows how close we are as a group. When people need help or advice on something, it seems, that they come here first. I know we all have our spats and our bad days where we can be dicks, everyone has them but the important thing is that we speak about it and try and clear the air. If someone's pissed you off/disappointed you so much that you think there's no way back then don't respond to their posts. You wouldn't go and hang out with someone you don't like in real life. At the end of the day we're all pretty fucking good mates here, i've made mates for life on this forum and i hope to continue to make more. Lets not forget how special this place is because lets be honest, it is.
    2 points
  15. Keep rocking the boat mate, no-one has to like it, challenging and questioning are a necessary part of life. Just don't expect too much...
    2 points
  16. If AW has any lag or connection issues; I'm done with it. Season pass culture I fucking hate in this industry today especially any preorder bonus crap and planned DLC whorings. Bottom line; just give us a game that works. No excuses in this day and age.
    2 points
  17. JsinOwl

    Sub Forums

    well we know you won't be involved, there's no way I could suck that flacid lump you call a penis xD
    2 points
  18. ten times zero is still zero, just sayin. xD Uh, should I report myself for trolling you? I'm conflicted now.
    1 point
  19. Baabcat

    Fathers day plans?

    Plan? Zombies with my kid, that will do Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  20. Ah Fathers day, the most confusing day in Scotland.
    1 point
  21. tronic44

    FIFA 15

    Feel the game? EA Sports, it's in the aids!
    1 point
  22. Different types of gamers I’ve been meaning to start this topic for a while now, and with Doc playing The Last of Us, it has rekindled my interest. Different people prefer different types of games, obviously, let’s talk about the reasons why. Here are some benchmarks Entirely story driven: Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls Mostly story driven: The Last of Us, Uncharted 50/50 story/gameplay: Mass Effect, Fallout, Metal Gear Mostly gameplay: CoD, Bayonetta, God of War Entirely gameplay: Sports games, puzzle games (Tetris), Dark Souls Some folks prefer story driven games, others require good gameplay, still others demand both. Personally I like them all; I think there’s a place for them all, though I lean heavily in favor of story. I’d much rather choose between things I like and dislike, versus choose among things that are all samey same. When it comes to people like what they like, I have some theories. I think gamers can be lumped into two broad groups, those that ‘play’ games and those that ‘experience’ games. I’m not sure how else to describe it. I believe it has to do largely with how emotional of a person you are, or perhaps it’s imagination. Are you a dreamer or a realist, prone to wandering thoughts or locked into the here and now. Are you empathetic or indifferent towards others. How you are as a person in real life, I think characterizes the sorts of games you’re drawn to. I’m very emotional, very empathetic, and a romantic in every sense of the word. A good story driven game sucks me in and stirs all sorts of emotions, which to me, makes for fantastic entertainment. But if you’re less touchy feely, a story game may leave you bored. At the other end of the spectrum are gamer ‘athletes’. I think these people find enjoyment in the physical aspect of gaming. Hand eye coordination, speed, dexterity, reaction time. To them, playing a game is a precision sport. I’m thinking of MLG types. Or if not the physical aspect, then the competitive, where the game simply provides a forum to compete against others. Finally there’s the strategy aspect. Strategy is present in both story games and competitive games; sometimes it’s the entire point of the game (Portal). People who like strategy games are probably those who enjoy problem solving in real life. People who spend a lot of time in contemplation and who plan more so than get out there and do. So my question is, what type of personality do you have and can you see a relationship between that and the type of games you enjoy? Here’s a little diagram I made to help visually describe what I’m talking about. The circle is drawn around my most favoritist games.
    1 point
  23. Stretch616

    UFC Demo PS4

    Very good so far. A couple of niggles but nothing that spoils it. When you time a good uppercut or even a leg kick you can really see the effect on the opponent depending on what they were doing at the time. I was leg kicking the crap out of someone the other night and you could see the bruises and redness in the leg come up after each shot. Not just a generic colour pallet according the damage taken
    1 point
  24. JsinOwl

    Fathers day plans?

    I'll take some pics, it's done except for the head. It also sits coiled up rather than stretched out. Pretty easy actually, way easier than clothing.Sennex may appreciate this, I made some Pathfinder style goblins as a Christmas present for my brother one year. Might be time for a crochet thread. (I've come to terms with immasculating myself.)
    1 point
  25. phil bottle

    Fathers day plans?

    My missus would love you, she's gone crochet mad lately, how the hell do you manage to crochet a snake??
    1 point
  26. Bob hit the nail on the head for me. BO2 with good connection would be a beast of a game. I'd just like the dev teams to not be afraid of saying "That bit was good. Let's not fuck around with it and keep it" whilst tinkering with the other bits. Get a great core game and people will buy the DLC. Making a half arsed game and relying on DLC to bolster it is not the way forward. Quality first, eye candy second
    1 point
  27. Stretch616

    Loadout PS4

    Looks sweet. Something that doesn't take itself too seriously, perfect fun for some banter filled games
    1 point
  28. JsinOwl

    Fathers day plans?

    Fathers Day is next week bro, you freaked me out for a second.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Please, please please just let it play MP smoothly "Reconnecting to party" aaaggghhh!!!
    1 point
  31. I've come to console gaming late in life and have only played CoD (and briefly BF4). I like to play MP for a couple of hours to chill out with friends who I've only known since starting playing on-line with MW2 I would be classed as a "weird" player (by my son) as the most I've completed of the campaigns is about 20% (MW2) getting progressivly lower to "is there a game on this disc?" with Ghosts. I like the aspect of playing against a human not a machine but I'm not overly competative. Some of the best laughes I've had has been playing "Sneaky Beaver" and "Hide and Seek" with Bees, Euan and others, winding up the other team So there you go, perhaps for me you could put it down as interactive distraction
    1 point
  32. That’s a rather interesting question. I guess if my gaming interests describe my personality, someone would probably conclude I have ADHD or something. I don’t think I really have a type but I would say that I mostly like the story telling aspect of a game. What I really look for is a good quality product that well put together (so I find it hard to explain why I play BF4 so much). Skyrim as far as I am concern is probably one of the best games out there because it. Having the main quest is great, but you can basically play that thing for years without even being on that main quest. Mass effect is another favorite of mine. Again it has some of the same aspects. I didn’t however like Borderlands2. I found it rather immature and childish. I played Crisis 3 and Lara Croft. I didn’t complete those games because after a while it just got so repetitive and didn’t see a point. Might be the reason why I can’t play any CoD for more than 30 minutes anymore. I thing I have also noticed is that I seem to like games where I can jump in and play for 30 minutes or 5 hours straight and it doesn’t diminish the experience. I tend to have a very interrupt driven life based on family and work obligations so being able to play a game to relax is something I do.
    1 point
  33. Best invisible car glitch evaar! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSaeD_IwXt4
    1 point
  34. All of you are beautiful. I love you all <3
    1 point
  35. Sennex

    29 years ago today

    This classy bastard taught us that: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
    1 point
  36. JsinOwl

    29 years ago today

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKTKqP7Qg4s That best lines vid is missing a bunch of 'em: Do you have a kiss for daddy? Ferris Bueller you're my hero. You killed the car. That's right, I'm Abe Froman...The sausage king of Chicago. I'm not European, I don't plan on being European, so who gives a crap if they're socialists. They could be fascist anarchists, still wouldn't change the fact I don't own a car. Man, it's been too long since I've seen this movie.
    1 point
  37. I like everything, it just depends on the mood I'm in, like Megan said.
    1 point
  38. I think for some people it also has to do what mood they're in. If I'm in the mood to watch a movie or a read a book, then I'd probably be in the mood to play a story driven game. But if I've had a long day, I usually would rather play something that doesn't require a lot of thinking or attachment. But when it comes down to it, games that are heavily story driven tend to make my favorites list.
    1 point
  39. At this point I might be taking a pretty long break from FPS games in general and COD specifically (To a lesser extent BF) I just want honesty, and a willingness to deliver a bug free game. Its sad that its come to that, but the price of games is retarded and I just can't justify things like season passes that barely work, or the games that spawn them
    1 point
  40. uberwarrior

    Sub Forums

    Can we have a sub forum to discuss Jason's dick sucking expolits??
    1 point
  41. i was too when it came to the first one, but i have to say i don't regret having watched it a month or so ago. liked it enough to want to see this one (or at least wait until it's on-demand somewhere). seems like it has to be a huge SFX spectacle in order for a theater ticket to feel worth it to me anymore. although i think i saw a monkey with an AR riding a horse in that trailer . . . promising.
    1 point
  42. JsinOwl

    Sub Forums

    Keep at Sennex and maybe I'll suck your dick too. (too much? That might have been too much...)
    1 point
  43. I thought all this shit was over with! The way I see it we are one big family, do we disagree and have arguments? Sure but what family doesn't? I had a disagreement with Scipio (Sorry if the spellings off) but it was like 2 lines back and forth then ended. Get over it like we did. I just had an argument with Glen11 over nothing and guess what, even though he's a massive helmet like everyone else on this forum, you guys are still my brothers (And Sam) and I enjoy reading all of your posts. Can't we just all brush it under the carpet and get on with our lives?
    1 point
  44. Sennex

    Random Pictures

    Apparently 5 Wongs do make a Wright
    1 point
  45. I prefer slightly more realistic guns in my cods, but if the game play is balanced and fun I'm sure I can get used to this sci-fi shit
    1 point
  46. Damn, now I want a CoD game with dragons. Can you imagine?
    1 point
  47. I am not a massive fan of futuristic games but that won't be a major put-off for me on AW. I just don't want COD to drift too far from its identity. I was there from day one when it was a classic war-based shooter and the risk they took bringing it into the modern era with COD 4 paid off as it gave a believable portrayal that people could relate to and scope to expand the weapons and technology. Advanced Warfare is bordering on fictional and a vision of what the future may hold but I don't want this risk to fall into the realms of fantasy with an unfamiliar style that drifts too far from the Call of Duty formula. I think it's a risk Sledgehammer are taking although it does open the floodgates to interpretation of the future and a wealth of funky new technology that could be fun to use. I just don't want the franchise distancing itself from it's popular roots. People want innovation and the game to move forward but that doesn't mean it has to go deep into the future. They could have retained the current era and made a solid game out of that or even looked to the past. Black Ops 2 was a grounded multiplayer game and distanced itself away from the single player which kept the MP fairly sensible and not overly-chaotic. I hope Sledgehammer keeps the hallmarks of COD MP without going over the top.
    1 point
  48. Mike said it perfectly, I just don't like futuristic eras with laser guns and all that Sci-Fi stuff which is why I haven't pre ordered Destiny, I really like the sound of it though so I will see how many of my PS4 friends on here buy it first and get reviews before taking the gamble. With CoD however, if all of my friends are getting it then so will I because quite frankly its what brought us together in the first place.
    1 point
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