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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2014 in all areas

  1. deterioration

    Elliott Rodger

    After reading updates all day it looks like race and misogyny have trumped the gun debate in this case. As said in previous posts people are using this tragedy as another springboard for their agendas. Not knowing all of his imbalances or mental issues: I don’t know if I agree with the blanket theory of misogyny and men seeing woman as sexual objects. I think it has to do with selfishness, jealousy, young mentality and under developed social interactions. I’m positive most of us have gone through being jealous and having our hearts stomped in the mud. This kid didn’t even get as far as "be careful what you wish for you just might get it". Seems to me like if someone took the time to talk to him and let him know everyone goes through the same shit in life it might have helped him? Maybe someone did? Has me wondering what if he was in a relationship and the girl cheated on or dumped him and got a new man? Would he have killed them and their families? Hopefully this will get people talking to their kids and will help prevent stage 5 clingers, psycho stalkers, property damage, assaults, etc… in the future.
    4 points
  2. Tommy, I'm not bothered, none of the guys here are bothered, Chris (Tiger) will give you some slaps probably but that's par for the course - if you're having a good time then that's fine, keep at it I'm not exactly brilliant at this either, I get fumble fingers and hit the wrong symbol and stuff. I'm gonna give Bees wizards a try out over the next few days
    4 points
  3. Drifter

    Weekend pics

    Spent the last few days up at my cabin on the Au Sable as I usually do fishing along various places on the river for trout, smallmouth & pike. The trout were not all that active this trip but the recent warm up had the smallmouth up and active and managed to bring a few to net on streamers. Headed back up in less than two weeks for a trout trip fishing in Grayling and Mio, then back home for a few weeks till July when I head up for my annual 16 day trip. Going to be a good summer.
    4 points
  4. Once I fixed the connection issues, I watched a lot of the battles from our side against them. One thing I did notice is that a lot of us seem to disperse our troops in drips and drabs. I'm most successful with attacks when I send in my giants first with a heal spell. I then send in my wall breakers. While most of the enemies defenses are concentrated on the giants, I then release my archers and wizards, kind of release everything else behind the giants. Guys, high level wizards kick ass!!!! Not only do they destroy anything in the enemy's clan castle but they pretty much destroy everything else as well. It's just a suggestion. I very rarely lose a battle anymore since I went to the wizards. As for defense, my suggestion is to try and have your clan castle as close to the center of your village as possible, along with your TH. I see some of you have the clan castle near the outer edge of your village and that's just way to ease to draw them out and destroy them. I hope this helps some of you and if I'm in the wrong, just tell me to shut the fuck up!! Hopefully, the next war will be different.
    4 points
  5. Surgeons from the UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are set to begin suspended animation trials by dramatically cooling down trauma victims in an effort to keep them alive during critical operations. Twenty years ago, Peter Safar and Ron Bellamy proposed that the rapid induction of hypothermia could "buy time" for a trauma surgical team to control bleeding. Now, thanks to the work of Peter Rhee and Samuel Tisherman, this idea is officially ready for prime time. EPR-CAT "We are suspending life, but we don't like to call it suspended animation because it sounds like science fiction," noted Tisherman in a New Scientist article. "So we call it emergency preservation and resuscitation." The idea is to buy patients precious time during critical operations, such as after a massive heart attack, stabbings, or shootings. The technique will be used on 10 patients who would otherwise be expected to die from their injuries. The doctors on the project will be paged when a candidate patient arrives at the hospital; there's usually one case like this every month, typically with survival rates less than 7%. It's part a feasibility and safety study, called the Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation for Cardiac Arrest from Trauma (EPR-CAT). Because patients cannot give informed consent, the study will be conducted under theexception-from-informed consent process, which includes community consultation and public notification. So, if you live in the Pittsburgh area, and this seems too risky for you, you have to opt out (which you can do here). How It Works This technique involves internal rather than external cooling. A team of surgeons will remove all of the patient's blood, replacing it with a cold saline solution; the cold fluid is administered through a large tube, called a cannula, which is placed into the aorta, the largest artery in the body. This will slow down the body's metabolic functions, significantly reducing its need for oxygen. Then, a heart-lung bypass machine will be used to restore blood circulation and oxygenation as part of the resuscitation process. A state of profound hypothermia will be induced, at about 50ºF (10ºC), to provide a "prolonged period of cardiac arrest" after extensive bleeding. In other words, clinical death. The technique, which was developed by Peter Rhee, was successfully tested on pigs back in 2000 (his resulting study can be found here). Writing in C|Net, Michelle Starr explains more: After inducing fatal wounds in the pigs by cutting their arteries with scalpels, the team replaced the pigs' blood with saline, which lowered their body temperature to 10 degrees Celsius. All of the control pigs, whose body temperature was left alone, died. The pigs who were resuscitated at a medium speed demonstrated a 90 percent survival rate, although some of their hearts had to be given a jump start. Afterwards, the pigs demonstrated no physical or cognitive impairment. The technique, therefore, will only be used as an emergency measure on patients who have suffered cardiac arrest after severe traumatic injury, with their chest cavity open and having lost at least half their blood already — injuries that see only a seven percent survival rate. The survival rate of these patients will then be measured against a control group that has not received the treatment before further testing can begin. The human body can only be placed in this state for a few hours, so we're still quite a ways off from the suspended animation typically featured in sci-fi. But if this technique is any indication, we may get there just yet. Sources:
    4 points
  6. Jason

    Elliott Rodger

    Interesting viewpoint in this article... Points fingers towards the "men's rights movement" http://m.dailykos.com/story/2014/05/24/1301671/-Elliot-Roger-Gunman-in-California-Mass-Shooting-was-influenced-by-the-Men-s-Rights-Movement
    3 points
  7. https://mojang.com/2014/05/minecraft-on-xbox-one-ps4-and-ps-vita-soon/ No idea if this has been posted anywhere before? Hello! We’re finally able to share news about Minecraft on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Playstation Vita. Apologies for the delay, but putting Minecraft on new consoles is a serious business. People have been using phrases like “logistically-speaking,” “infinite terrain,” and “platform parity” for months now. We’ve decided that letting current players upgrade for a small fee is the best way to show our appreciation. If you’re a new crafter who’s looking to pick up Minecraft in the next few months – welcome! We hope this post makes you happy! Owen – @bopogamel Minecraft: Xbox One Edition will be released on Xbox Live Marketplace in August. It brings significantly bigger worlds and a greater draw distance than Xbox 360 Edition. It will include all the features from the most recent Xbox 360 title update. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition will cost $19.99. If you’ve bought Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition from Xbox Live Marketplace, or played online with the disc version, you will be able to upgrade to Xbox One Edition for $4.99. You will be able to upgrade for a minimum of a year after the release date. Players with Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition saves will be able to import their worlds to Xbox One. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to transfer saves from Xbox One to Xbox 360. We can make worlds bigger without too much stress, but shrinking them causes all kinds of problems. Cross platform play will not be possible between Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Many, but not all, of the DLC skins and texture packs you’ve purchased for Xbox 360 Edition will be available for use in Xbox One Edition. We’d like to say all your DLC would transfer, but some of the items are trapped in licensing deals that are too boring to get into here. We’ll have more on this soon. Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will be available on the PSN in August. It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version, including online play on Vita. This means everyone who has bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN will get it on Vita for free. Those fluent in Sony-speak might refer to the deal as “Cross-buy.” We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 3 and Vita. We’ll have more info on this closer to release. Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will cost $19.99. It doesn’t matter if you buy for PS3 or Vita first, you own the game for both platforms. Saves are transferrable between the Playstation 3 and Vita versions of Minecraft. You will be able to craft at home on your Playstation 3, then continue on the bus/toilet with your Playstation Vita. All of the DLC you’ve purchased for Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition will work on Playstation 3 + Vita Edition. Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will be released on the PSN in August. It brings significantly bigger worlds and a greater draw distance than Playstation 3 + Vita Edition. It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version. Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will cost $19.99. If you’ve bought Playstation 3 Edition from the Playstation Network you will be able to upgrade for $4.99. You will be able to upgrade for a minimum of a year after the release date. We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition. We’ll have more info on this closer to release. Players with Playstation 3 Edition or Playstation 3 + Vita Edition saves will be able to import their worlds to Playstation 4. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to transfer your saves from Playstation 4 to Playstation 3/Vita. There are technical reasons for this; we can make worlds bigger without too much stress, but shrinking them causes all kinds of problems. Cross-platform play will not be possible between Playstation 3 + Vita Edition and Playstation 4 Edition. Many, but not all, of the DLC skins and texture packs you’ve purchased for Playstation 3 Edition will be available for use in Playstation 4 Edition. We’d like to say all your DLC would transfer but some of the items are trapped in licensing deals that are too boring to get into here. We’ll have more on this soon. Thanks for reading everybody!
    3 points
  8. J4MES OX4D

    Watch Dogs

    I've finally got my hands on Watch Dogs and have just played a couple of missions whilst exploring and getting to grips with the game; so here's my initial thoughts: So far, pretty good but nothing incredible. The game settles in with a nice stealth mission at the Chicago stadium after the introduction. This gets you familiar with the foot controls and overall payer interface. You can hack cameras, people, look out for threats, gather info on them and also craft items to cause distractions to pave the way clear past guards. On this mission, you also have access to the Blackout feature which we saw at E3 last year. Plunging the stadium into darkness is very satisfying and stylish although the mission whilst seeming spectacular, is just a bit basic and bland although I hope the ante is upped as the game progresses. Graphically the game looks decent and performs well at 900p and 30fps although some textures and characters look a bit basic and last gen in all honesty. The RPG elements regarding the skills tree is vast and interesting. Earning skill points and doing things the right way seems rewarding instead of going in all guns blazing so there is good reason to take car and plan your moves instead of going GTA gun-ho. The driving mechanics for such a well-presented and seemingly serious game are borderline terrible. Cars handle reasonably well to some extent but the ping-pong collisions and poor visual demonstrations of accelerating and breaking drive the presentation and general feel down considerably. It doesn't even feel arcade-based; it's just feels very lousy at times which doesn't mirror the fine foot mechanics. You also cannot shoot from your car so chases combined with the horrendous collisions just makes it dissatisfying and at times laughable. You can hack bridges and traffic lights along with roadblocks but most of the chases involve wildly bumping into the person you are chasing and off other cars and scenery. Even Saints Row had more enjoyable and 'realistic' collisions and that game was a piss take. Not a good reflection on Watch Dogs then. Overall, I can see many people enjoying this game but you have to be very forgiving to live with the driving and accepting that as part of the game. The driving is a big aspect of the product so this is a massive letdown for me. I can live with it but it just leaves the game tarnished. The story is intriguing, the overall XP, unlock and missions seem very polished and fun and I can't wait to try out other things and go exploring. It's early days and this game does shine in many ways but the driving isn't going to improve and that could be fatal in the long run.
    3 points
  9. My ex is called Tina. This thread is a tease.
    3 points
  10. Just seen a replay of Jsyn being mullahed by 20+ level 5 hogriders....never gonna stop that easily. Don't be disheartened guys, that's a good showing against a clan that were 8 from 8 before the start of this war. We're always gonna have problems like this but on other days we'll pull through. We've had guys away on the holiday weekend, people have connection issues etc but that will always happen because it's only a game and we live in a real life world. So relax, enjoy it, watch the replays etc. If you qualify to war...then war!! Side note: Diddums in chat box "1 star. Just.1.star." I could feel the rage Side note 2: Kyle, I think you're right about my walls being intimidating. I think I've been attacked once in 3 wars
    3 points
  11. J4MES OX4D

    Elliott Rodger

    I see the conspiracy theorists have jumped on the bandwagon around the net bang on time with some very flamboyant claims whilst hiding behind their keyboard stirring up theories despite not having concrete knowledge of the events. It only takes one speculative comment and suddenly everything gets twisted and misconstrued as it multiplies and spirals into more outlandish tales. Seems to be the same people who said the Boston bombing was a performance of a smoke grenades, fake blood and a cast of paraplegic actors. Whilst there is a lot of bullshit in the world and things we don't know and are within our rights to be suspicious about; I find some of these remarks online extremely disrespectful and offensive. Even the father who spoke bravely after hearing his son got gunned down was branded an actor as his son was taken into hiding. Can't people just accept this happened the way it did and there is no ulterior motive behind the tragedy? I don't even want to mention the tragic events of Sandy Hook and what was spoken about that. It may be early days in the investigation but this wasn't some upper echelon farce to manipulate and engineer laws. It's a common tragedy and this happen in this day and age around the world every day.
    3 points
  12. Sennex

    Elliott Rodger

    I am new to this story, as I avoided all things "news" this weekend. That being said, I am reading all this now and spotted one thing that always sets my blood to boiling. Its being reported that this dude had Asperger's spectrum Autism. First off: Aspergers as an Official diagnosis was removed by the American Psychiatric Association back in 2012, as it was a shitty diagnosis, and we have learned more about Autism since then. My son was originally labelled as Aspergers Spectrum, but was changed to Regressive Autism when Aspergers went away. Autistic's can be incredibly violent. This is contrary to popular belief, and the percentage is very small, but is is possible, I have seen it and experienced it first hand. Typically this violence happens only in severe cases of autism, during puberty, and when the normal "Tool box" of responses doesn't work. The Child will just lash out. Again this is not frequent, and I would venture to guess that the actual number is less than 1%. (Anyone wanting to know more, let me know, while not an expert, I will share my experience and library on Autism as much as I can) Second off: Why the fuck are we again talking about gun control and not talking about how the mental health services in this country have been in a steady nose dive since the 1960's? Why aren't we talking about how people with mental health issues are typically ostracized and ridiculed in this country? Mental health funding and treatment are as bad, if not worse than VA benefits, treatment, and funding. //this isn't directed at anyone here, just in general by what I am seeing in the news //Also, wasn't there a second shooter/ stabber on the grassy knoll?
    2 points
  13. I'm not a great fan of the pairing off against the respective guy in the opposite clan, reason being the top 5 are usually rock hard, and so we waste 'higher level' attacks against stuff where we have no chance. I appreciate the fairness of giving the guys with lower level troops the chance to attack the lower level enemy, and if they can do well that's a really good strategy, but I think it should be a bit more of a free for all in the middle ranks, so we three star as many people as possible Maybe round 1 should be - top 7 players go against opposition 6 to 10, bottom 8 go against 11 to 15. We have enough failed attacks at the moment that it would'nt leave anyone with no-one to attack Round 2 - improve on what we have by learning from round 1 Swapping strategies is also helpful, I'm off to build some wizards which I haven't used for ever
    2 points
  14. CVG[5] 9/10 Forget speculation about textures and framerates - Watch Dogs is a bona fide next-gen proposition with a wonderfully told tale at its heart. Destructoid[6] 8/10 Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide. Escapist[7] 4.5/5 While the controls are quite basic and a bit more limited than one might hope (exploding things only gets so varied), a significant sense of empowerment is hard to argue with, and the interface is so fluid that even a simpleton can feel like a master hacker. It feels cool, that's for damn sure. Eurogamer[8] 7/10 It certainly entertains, but mostly through borrowed concepts, and the central notion that could have made it stand out - the hacking - is the most undercooked of all. It doesn't get anything horribly wrong, but nor does it excel at any of the genre beats it so faithfully bangs out. It's good, and yet that always feels like a criticism when a game comes weighed down by this much hype. You won't regret the time you spend in Aiden Pearce's world, but nor will it be saved as a precious memory when you reboot. Joystiq[9] 4/5 These online invasions are arguably the smartest realization of what Watch Dogs is about: the fear of being violated, and the principle of identity protection. Even when it skews toward bigger actions and questionable bouts of busywork, though, Watch Dogs is a more fluid and modern power fantasy than we're used to. Forbes[10] 8/10 Like Grand Theft Auto V before it, sometimes it’s not enough to simply be big and well-made. Watch Dogs feels like collection of promising concepts with nothing solid holding them together. Aiden Pearce should have been that something, but instead, he’s just a character meant to sell cool looking hats in collector’s editions. Perhaps that can be rectified in a sequel, but for now, Pearce is pretty big issue, and so is his propensity to kill people in boring, cover-based shooter-y ways. Game Informer[11] 8.5/10 Watch Dog's story works as a basic revenge tale, and the final few missions provide some gravity to the characters. Ultimately, however, the main draw of any open-world game is the gameplay, and while not perfect, Watch Dog's hacking abilities add an engaging and unique twist to the third-person action. Ubisoft has another deserved hit on its hands, and I look forward to seeing where the new series goes next. Gamereactor[12] 8/10 This is a cast we actually want to see more of. Despite the amalgamation of different franchises here, the IP is strong, the ideas and execution good. Oh, and its use of licensed music, particularly at key moments, betters even GTAV. You should play - or just watch - the game for the Wu-Tang Clan sequence alone. GameSpot[13] 8/10 Aiden's soul is still locked away, too, even though I spent dozens of hours with him. But while I can't say who Aiden truly is, I can confidently say that Watch Dogs is a lushly produced and riotous game with an uncanny ability to push you from one task to the next, each of which is just as fun as the last. GameTrailers[14] 8.9/10 Visuals aside, Watch Dogs has a remarkably well crafted world that feels lively and believable. Aside from overtly hacking someone, you can constantly listen in on conversations just as you walk down the street. You'll see random car accidents, guys looking like idiots playing games on their phone, dudes rapping, or even urinating on the sidewalk. And if you pull out a gun, people will run for their lives. GiantBomb[15] 3/5 Even though I feel its story is often weak and its action isn't that different from other games in the genre, I still enjoyed my time with Watch Dogs. It turns out that the old stuff still works, and the strong-but-standard mission design kept me entertained, most of the time. It's rough around the edges, though, so if you don't settle for anything less than the best, you'll probably be disappointed. IGN[16] 8.4/10 One-button hacking might be overly simplistic, but it does give you abilities that make playing through Aiden’s story feel powerful and fun. Doing side missions and multiplayer as you make your way through the dark and lengthy story makes it feel like a huge adventure, and stealth options let you play smart if you prefer. Car chases aside, Watch Dogs is fundamentally very well made, and has more than enough unique ideas to make it a great and memorable open-world action game. Metro[17] 7/10 A highly enjoyable GTA clone but one that doesn’t quite have the panache of Rockstar’s best or the inspiration to make the most of its otherwise enjoyable gameplay concepts. Polygon[18] 8/10 Other games have nailed a better balance in optional activities and large-scale ambiance, including other games from Ubisoft Montreal itself. But when Watch Dogs focuses on the things it does better than anyone else, it finds an identity worth developing. As a hybrid open-world stealth-action game, it’s in a class by itself. USGamer[19] 5/5 Watch_Dogs combines an astonishingly detailed world, a gripping storyline, creative game mechanics, a myriad of missions and activities, and improvisational tactical sandbox gameplay to create a truly next-generation open world game. Phenomenal. No other word for it.\ VideoGamer[20] 7/10 It's a game that reaches a baseline of enjoyment – and that baseline is fairly high – and doesn't raise it further. The mission loop is too samey – drive here, hack a few things, sneak/shoot out – and multiplayer is too throwaway to really affect much. You'll undoubtedly enjoy your time with it, but it won't linger long in the memory.
    2 points
  15. Probably every other one of the nominees for sexiest female at the soap awards.
    2 points
  16. Been watching quite a bit of the hype for this and Groves hasn't really done himself and favours. He came out of their last fight smelling if roses and if he'd been less arrogant in his press conferences then i'm sure more people would be rooting for him. Froch however lools a lot more calm and collected this time. Which can only spell trouble for Groves. Froch in 6 for me
    2 points
  17. I'm having a ball doing this. I love CoC. I just feel bad about holding others back. Being the weak link blows, haha. But, if you (Dave) aren't bothered by it, then I'll keep at it.
    2 points
  18. TigerBurge

    Watch Dogs

    I'm still on the fence about this one,I just want something to play.
    2 points
  19. That's some crazy shit! The idea of being drained of all my blood and having it replaced with something else is kind of freaky to imagine, but it sounds like they're on their way to saving a lot of lives. Also, "suspended animation" sounds a lot more friendly than "emergency preservation and resuscitation" in my book. But that may just be me.
    2 points
  20. spectre

    The Beard Thread

    11. A tie-wearing nobody into an operatic powerhouse. Via buzzfeed.com 12. And a past-his-prime actor… Via movies.ndtv.com Into an Oscar winner. Jason Merritt / Getty Images 13. There are practical benefits too. Growing a beard means you can say good-bye to one of mankind’s most tedious tasks. Via i.imgur.com 14. Other things you can do with a beard? Well, it gives you something to stroke while you’re thinking. Via i.imgur.com 15. You can use it to accentuate your insults. Via i.imgur.com 16. Intimidate your enemies. Via i.imgur.com 17. And enchant women 18. You can grow it into the shape of a cage. Then drink tea through it. youtube.com / Via i.imgur.com That is all real beard hair. Filmed at the 1991 Beard and Moustache Growing Contest in Tacoma. 19. And if it’s big enough, you can sell advertising on it. beardvertising.com / Via laughingsquid.com Kentucky-based ad agency Cornett-IMS allows men with beards to earn money by placing miniature “beardboards” in them. Admittedly not all types of beard are equally desirable. Via imgur.com There are strict rules of etiquette that must be observed. Via geekfill.com It’s certainly possible to go too far. (If you’re not sure where the limit is, this guide should help.) Via mrporter.com And, OK, the hirsute look doesn’t work for absolutely everyone. Plus, once you’ve grown one, it doesn’t always have quite the impact you’d imagined. Via weknowmemes.com 20. But still. If you can grow a beard, you should. Pity those poor souls who can’t. Via timothywinchester.blogspot.co.uk (They can try and fake it, but they’re not fooling anyone.) Via stupid.com 21. In conclusion, then. Beards, f**k yeah!
    2 points
  21. Docwagon


    Diddums out for a ride:
    2 points
  22. J4MES OX4D

    Elliott Rodger

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-27562917 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ZEjruo5eI https://www.youtube.com/user/ElliotRodger/videos This is gonna further fuel the gun control debate. Personally I don't think it's wise that someone who is being treated for mental health illnesses to have custody of guns regardless if they are owned legally. They should have been confiscated particularly under the advice of family and after his recent alarming behavior. A tragedy for all parties involved. I don't know what the mental health services are like in the US but here in the UK; they are desperately underfunded and many homegrown murder-suicide incidents still occur with disorders being a proven factor in the reports. It's a tough subject and lessons will be learned but each person and incident has to be based on its own merit. Taking away his guns still wouldn't have prevented the stabbings and after being assessed by deputies; they were operating in their remit to allow him to remain in the community after no immediate threat was identified up on a recommended visit. This will be scrutinised to buggery no doubt. Elliott Rodger could have easily gone on a knife-wielding rampage alternatively and perhaps done more damage than with the guns in an area so the guns can't be entirely to blame but the bottom line is his risk to the public would be greater enhanced with them. If his family suspected he was a threat in which they did alert police; should they have taken steps for his safety and brought him home and does this fly-by visit by deputies work effictively? They are doing what is asked and although they determined no threat; it was wrong. I don't believe they were to blame as Rodger could have conned them and I firmly believe they did their work under the correct criteria laid out in such circumstances. Perhaps incidents like this are completely non-preventable and more needs to be done for people with mental health issues and quicker also particularly if they demonstrate the alarming behaviour Elliott did in the 24 hours before his rampage. I think they need to address gun ownership with people who are at, or pose a future risk i.e the mentally unstable but overall; is this a failure of many parties or just something that could happen to anyone, anywhere?
    1 point
  23. We had a massive storm a few days ago. I was at work, looked out the window and everything was fine, a few minutes later looked out and it was pitch black. My wife said she heard lightning hear nearby so loud she thought it hit the house. Turns out it didn't, but it did hit a tree in our front yard. What I suppose is the entrance: Other side:
    1 point
  24. Madjonny

    Watch Dogs

    I just quickly did the first mission, it's all Iv had chance to try tonight... But Iv had 1 car journey and it's bad... You try to turn using the left stick and it's like, nothing still going straight, nothing, nothing, WOAH I just veered straight into oncoming traffic... I haven't played nearly enough to give any real opinion but so far there is nothing spectacular, and already the hacking seems a little tedious...
    1 point
  25. techno

    Battlefield: Hardline

    Pretty much agree with this, I've played bf to death due to lack of game diversity on next gen but soon my time will be split between titles so games like bf4 will last over longer periods.
    1 point
  26. As disappointed as I have been with the titles available on ps4 up until now I have no regrets... It will only get better IMO, also on the plus side I have recently found warframe which is just excellent, and I'm just about to fire up watch dogs for the first time, so I hope this is the beginning of the great games to come to ps4 and next gen in general...
    1 point
  27. Done working for the day and it's raining here so kicking back and relaxing with some good 90's rock from Days of the New at the moment.
    1 point
  28. Lol put ghosts in today 295 players in kc game mode...took it straight out.
    1 point
  29. No regrets on buying the ps4,my only regret is selling my Xbox. I miss Skyrim. The lack of games suck. That's my biggest disappointment so far.
    1 point
  30. Infamous Second son is not nearly as good as the other two in the series. It feels forced, and honestly, I think the dev's and Sony wanted to show what the console was capable of when they made it. They didn't spend time on a credible story, nor did they focus on what made Infamous great. Gone is the Comic book-esque sotryline, now its all emo-goth, graffiti angst. This game would have felt perfectly at home in the mid-90's when Grunge was still king. All we have now is an Emo Grunge kid in skinny jeans. I don't want to spoil anything, but at least Killzone has spots that are hard, and there is a slight overtone of a story/ message to the campaign. That being said, my son loves Infamous Second Son, so I play it
    1 point
  31. Dattebayo

    Datte's Art

    16-bit versions of the horror comic so popular, hardly anyone knows about it Barely saw this :s I dunno...I mean, the basic skill is there, but not the technique. Know what I mean?
    1 point
  32. Docwagon

    Elliott Rodger

    Yet murder is illegal so that we can sequester that person away and keep them from doing it again, or be able to arrest them for attempt or conspiracy to commit and prevent a life lost. Stricter gun laws can prevent crime, if done appropriately. Banning cosmetic features or wholesale prohibition is not doing it appropriately. Allowing the mental ill to be disarmed does. Indiana has the "Jake Laird law" because a mentally unstable person had their guns confiscated, petitioned the court and got them back, and then murdered his mother and shot up the neighborhood, killing one cop and wounding several others. Had the law allowed his crazy ass to be held in a mental institution or prohibited him from getting his guns back, the tragedy could likely have been avoided. http://www.odmp.org/officer/17421-officer-timothy-jacob-jake-laird Since I work in Homicide & Robbery, I get a stat sheet on every homicide, murder or otherwise, in our county. Very few murderers don't have weapons priors along with multiple prior felony and drug arrests (as do a majority of victims, for that matter). Stricter enforcement for weapons offenses for felons would prevent crimes, as those assholes would be in jail instead of back out carrying guns and slinging dope again.
    1 point
  33. I watched everything, the dialog wasn't too long and I did walk around and looked around but it was always in root to the next objective.
    1 point
  34. Drifter

    Elliott Rodger

    I won't get too deep into the gun control debate, but I will say this. Stricter gun laws do nothing to prevent crimes and anyone that thinks they will are just simply kidding themselves. Murder is a crime but that doesn't stop people from committing it does it. People can, and will get weapons to commit crimes no matter what the laws are, be it gun, knife, IED, baseball bat, chemicals you name it, there's many ways to commit heinous and senseless acts towards your fellow man. Legally or illegally owning a gun is honestly a null point in cases of crimes. For those that are mentally ill or not mentally ill, if they can not get a gun legally then they will simply get one illegally (a lot easier than you would think in certain areas trust me) or they will just use some other means of mass murdering people such as just running them down in his car. Honestly there is too much garbage after an incident like this happens where both sides of the debate as well as the Government waste so much effort and time talking and fighting about gun control when they should be addressing the real underlying problems. Which is proper treatment for mentally ill persons, and stricter punishments for criminals rather than slapping people on the wrist and letting them back out into the world (not the case here but is the case in other incidents). The other thing that obviously the Gov has no control over, but which I believe is another main reason for senseless murders ...and that is the deterioration of morals/values and improper upbringing over the past two decades. There's been more senseless murders like this over the past 20 yrs than there ever was in the 50 yrs before that, there's a reason for that and it's the way society is these days. Anyway that's all I'll say about this because this sort of discussion can get pretty emotionally fueled and I don't like to get too deep into them, but the above is my .02 for what it's worth.
    1 point
  35. It's Auptyk Time!!!
    1 point
  36. Sennex

    Watch Dogs

    The biggest problem I have with this is that the game STARTED out as a sequel to "Driver", which is a driving game! This doesn't make any sense to me at all. Thanks for the review James.
    1 point
  37. Spot on dude! I watched some guy yesterday completely destroy a dragon with a few archers and 4 wizards, i'm definitely going to start to use them! I've tried them before but they always seem to get merked far too easily. I definitely need to sit down and sort my village out, although i rarely get 3 starred. I did this time but that's because the dude dropped about 7 dragons on my face Don't think anyone's village is ready for that!
    1 point
  38. deterioration


    The show is amazing; Mads is my favorite Hannibal.
    1 point
  39. Fingers crossed Del Bosque will bring in Torres to replace Costa for WC. Spain wont win shit then!
    1 point
  40. Apparently he was getting English lessons but on the last game of the season he still had his interpreter! Perhaps it's all a con - maybe Pochettino isn't even a manager and just a normal bloke and the alleged interpreter is the actual manager
    1 point
  41. J4MES OX4D

    Watch Dogs

    If the postman delivers this today; I'll hop on later and hopefully give my thoughts on the game. The reviews have been a bit of a mixed bag with anything between 6.5 and 9. Either way, it seems this game is a bit of a letdown. I desperately need this game to be good for me because the next gen so far has been a whopping disappointment.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Here's everything that's been confirmed about competitive multiplayer, in one convenient list. I'd copy paste it but I'm on my phone http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=65087528
    1 point
  44. burnfitbillyboy

    Watch Dogs

    He said it looks absolutely fantastic, no issues on that part. Just the driving has been a massive let down.
    1 point
  45. Megan

    Elliott Rodger

    Suggesting that he killed 6 people because of his (possible) mental illness also perpetuates stereotypes surrounding mental health. People with mental illnesses are more likely to victims of crime, not perpetrators. If you label a killer as "mentally ill" and fail to address any other factors involved, the killer is no longer held responsible for his actions. He is provided with a perfect scapegoat, and it propagates the idea that mentally ill people are dangerous. Also, out of all the articles I read about this, plenty of them were quick to mention mental illness, yet few of them even touched on that this kid felt so entitled to women that he killed people. I don't know about you guys, but this is quote doesn't sound unfamiliar to me at all. I hear boys whining about girls not giving them the time of day, even though they're a 'nice guy,' and how girls 'only go for douche bags.' This kind of thinking is rampant, and its dangerous. I mean, just last month a girl got stabbed for turning down a kid to prom. I wonder how many of these incidents need to happen before people realize that something is wrong.
    1 point
  46. J4MES OX4D

    Elliott Rodger

    I think the underlying problem here is the allowance of someone with mental health issues to own a gun. Having such a weapon can increase the risk to themselves and others. These should have been confiscated until he was determined fit post-treatment. Regardless of the gun issue; he still stabbed 3 people first so perhaps the systematic failure is not just gun control but allowing him in society. Sure he was recently assessed but considering how stretched the services are and how everyone seems to be all treated the same when mentally ill; more detail needs to go into ensuring the well-being of the person and others around them. It'll be interesting to see what his doctors and the officers who visited say in their reports and whether this incident could have been prevented. His mental state could have deteriorated severely in recent days or perhaps he was able to hide his real intentions and mask everything as fine. Allowing him a gun is very irresponsible under the circumstances for me and this needs to be addressed.
    1 point
  47. I found Negan in real life
    1 point
  48. Luiz spotted in Paris:
    1 point
  49. FFP is a joke.
    1 point
  50. deterioration

    Metal! \m/,

    They have a new album coming out; excited to give it a listen! I love how trippy this album is. 1."Scapegoat" 0:00 2."Insomnia for Months" 3:24 3."Said and Done" 5:28 4."Unknown Awareness" 9:38 5."Running Red" 13:59 6."Nature's Predators" 19:50 7."Almost Lost" 23:58 8."Only One" 27:00 9."Perception" 32:20 10."To Walk Alone" 36:03
    1 point
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