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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2014 in all areas

  1. Let's face it, he had to blame someone and we all know he likes blaming his own players
    3 points
  2. Aw no Euan It won't be the same without him offending random ginger people on the street
    3 points
  3. The final should be a cracker, local derby but played in Lisbon. Also the first time 2 teams from the same city have ever met in a CL final. Really looking forwards to this one as it has the makings of a classic.
    3 points
  4. I have a idea. Stop worrying about the campaign and do nothing but multiplayer. Worked for Titanfall. I will work for CoD.
    3 points
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE17D8C6O4A#t=211 Bit weird the announcement is on May 4th which is a Sunday.
    2 points
  6. Well that was easy, this time....
    2 points
  7. Bog standard save that.
    2 points
  8. Two stories! Story One: Story #2
    2 points
  9. So this is the 'impossible save' It was good but I've seen better...like this
    2 points
  10. By unlock you better mean open the box! Ain't no body got time for that!
    2 points
  11. We did bloody well last night, there wasn't too much more that could have been done. It seems like the other team don't seem to realise they are in a war or just don't care which is good news for us
    2 points
  12. Great work on this yesterday, pretty good way to start things off. I wonder how many people are actually on this and haven't just signed up to forget about it. Looking forward to seeing how much we gain from this too.
    2 points
  13. I didn't even realise that Torres was playing until around the 20min mark, i missed the first 5mins and the team sheet. I was moaning to my house mate about Jose being boring and moaning at the fact he didn't have to striker on, well he might as well have not had a striker on. Eto'o had a great impact, just the wrong end. His idea to play Luiz and Ramires in the centre is and was and will always be crazy, i just don't get how someone can be so defensive at home. They lack so much creativity and passion going forward. I've said it once and i'll say it again, Chelski, you're very boring to watch but fun to watch getting hammered. Madrid looked good and Marks completely right, the final's going to be a cracker, there's not much to separate them in head to heads this season but there should be a few goals. Also..... This ^
    2 points
  14. Plumbers Crack

    Eurogamer 2014

    It'll end in tears again...especially if Rich goes anywhere near a KFC!
    2 points
  15. Sennex

    Space Engineers

    Personal Review: First off, this game is still in Alpha stages, its one of Steam's Greenlight projects. So keep that in mind please So I played this for about 2 hours last night. I'm not 100% sure of it. It could be fun, but the main focus of it is more building and then raiding your neighbors for supplies. Guns, Rockets, and Turrets are easy as hell to make, where as Reactors and other components are pretty complex. Sure this is actually true to life, but I more so enjoy the building aspect of things. IDK, part of me regrets purchasing this. Part of me really enjoys the free flying aspect and being able to make massive mining ships and space stations, but the problem is whats the purpose, whats the end result? Once you have a reactor, you never have to worry about dying to loss of energy (Food) You don't have to worry about air at all in fact. The largest worry there is, other than other players coming and shooting you in the face, or sitting at range destroying everything you built in the last few hours, is Metorites. Holy fucking god I was sitting there, mining for some uranium to make another reactor, and BAM explosions all around me. Quick video, because the meteors will destroy your shit Right now there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, other than Stack multiple layers of armor, or hollow out an asteroid and build inside of it. I have no idea if they plan on putting in some sort of point defense system to target asteroids, or even to put in some sort of shield. (Minecraft has all these in Tekkit and FTB for the mod packs with Meteor strikes, so I can imagine that Space Engineers will do something similar) I think my biggest problem so far with the game is that once I had a reactor, I stopped being scared of what I could and couldn't do. When I died, and I did a few times on purpose, and to accident, you arrive on another ship, which you can immediately salvage for free armor, cockpit, thrusters, landing gear, Reactor, and occasionally a gravity generator....... So basically, if you kill yourself a few dozen times right at the start, you never have to worry about dying again...... (unless some asshole raider comes along, shoots you, and then swipes your shit) The game is in Alpha though, so I expect most of this to be worked out in the end, but right now, I sort of regret spending my sons birthday present to me on this. Thoughts on Multiplayer: Much like Minecraft though, I think this game would be amazing if there were community projects and people working on a server not hellbent on shooting up everything they see. Thoughts on Controls: way to much going on here, there is a button for literally everything. Which typically I would be okay with, except, when you are mining in an asteroid, you have to hit "T" to actually pick up what you are mining, and there isn't a setting to just auto loot... which annoys the absolute piss out of me. Closing Thoughts: Looking at the various creations out there, I think this game could be badassed, but right now, I just don't know. I need to look at what it takes to have a private server, I believe they are free, but I have no idea where they are hosted. Playing on a public server was pointless, It was worse than Day Z to be honest. I mined for about an hour or so, with some dude flying by in his little spaceship, watching me, and never talking. Once I had a reactor, and a decent platform up, he and his friends brought a ship around and started salvaging all I had done, I started yelling, and one of them shot me. I respawned, flew in, and it happened again, and they salvaged my respawn ship..... I stopped playing on that server after that. I started jacking around on a single player game, and looking at the various builds folks have out there. Link to a google image search: Some of my favorites so far:
    2 points
  16. I know we're a ways off from the game or even the beta but this is a matter that requires serious thought. All three look like lots of fun. For me it'll be a close call between Warlock and Titan, but I think the Warlock's Nova Bomb special will be the deciding factor You'll be able to have three characters and swap items between them. So say you're playing as a Hunter and you find some Titan-specific armor, you can just transfer it over to a different character.
    1 point
  17. I've been thinking back over the games I've put the most time into over say the past year, and they're co-op games. First Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and now Warframe (which has to be the most underrated PS4 exclusive and is well worth buying the console for, IMO. But I digress). I've put more hours into those two than into either Ghosts or BF4, possibly combined. I had a six day weekend last week and, other than an hour or so of Arkham City, didn't play anything but Warframe. I thought about putting in BF4, but never did. Before I could hardly wait until the next chance I'd get to play CoD or BF. Now I just have so much more fun in co-op games. The rush from working with your teammates to beat a tough mission is better than anything I've experienced playing a PvP game, no matter how good of a score I've pulled off. I spent lots of time playing BO2, and often I'd stop myself and realize I wasn't really enjoying it, I just kept playing because it was the "thing to do". I very rarely rage playing a good co-op game, while in CoD or BF I'm frustrated probably more often than not. Seeing people talk on here it seems like I'm not the only one, but people keep playing anyway. The game I'm far and away most looking forward to is Destiny: more co-op goodness (yes, it'll have PvP but I can't really picture myself playing it more than once in a while), while the only MP game that attracts me at all is Star Wars Battlefront. The point of all that is...well, I guess there is no point, I just wanted to talk about it. I'm sure I'll fire up BF4 once in a while, but it's no longer my "go-to" game and I can't see myself getting an MP game on release anytime soon.
    1 point
  18. I'd love another war era game. Thr first few iterations of cod were extremly good and each one improved in the genre. Whereas the "modern" day era games are now a little stale. So long as there's some good innovation and thought i'll be happy. Ghosts screamed out to me that it was a game they didn't really give 2 shits about apart from microtransactions. Plus don't be afraid to steal the good ideas from previous games. Pick 10, league play, killstreaks that you actually enjoy getting! etc etc... With Destiny and the Division on the horizon they are really going to have to show something special to claw back some of the fanbase that was alienated in the last few games
    1 point
  19. Does this mean space shit? I was just adjusting to the thought of it being a ww1 era shooter, thinking yay less gadgets and bullshit detection devices etc.. Now this! I'm not going to write it off already but, advanced warfare to me means silly gadgets and gizmos, tracker sights etc... Just a first thought...
    1 point
  20. WHAT KEVIN SPACEY Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb And look at those graphs and badass armor... I am excite for E3
    1 point
  21. Racist Giraffe

    Pilot kills

    Normally between 10 and 15 in attrition. Never played CTF, but in Hardpoint it varies a lot. Sometimes i'll be trying to capture hardpoints all game and only get like 5, and sometimes i'll guard a hardpoint in my titan and get about 25. The most i've ever got in a game is 125, but even then i only killed 12 pilots. All those minion kills really add up..
    1 point
  22. ^Was just reading about Mr. Petty and the Heartbreakers new album coming out this summer! I hope its better then their last
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Don't know how I forgot this... One of the greatest scenes of all time:
    1 point
  25. Just Cal

    Eurogamer 2014

    So I'm going! Might be bunking with a special someone (not Rich ) but I'll be there I promise not to press any large red buttons that say "In case of emergency...."
    1 point
  26. Chookes

    Eurogamer 2014

    I didn't offend that ginger. He has no soul and you can't offend someone without souls.
    1 point
  27. Sennex

    Space Engineers

    So every thursday is "patch/upgrade" day for the game. My honest recommendation here is to wait to get it. Its not fun right now, like at all, the learning curve is really weird and I find myself not enjoying the game unless I play in "creative" mode where I can just give myself stuff. As it stands now, the updates have not done much for me, and I regret purchasing this game over things like the STALKER series.
    1 point
  28. That was the impossible save??? Fuck me Jose, you've lost it mate......literally
    1 point
  29. Palle

    Random Pictures

    1 point
  30. uberwarrior

    RIP Bob Hoskins

    Brilliant actor, try watching "A Long Good Friday" one of his finest pieces of work! Sad loss to the acting world.
    1 point
  31. Dattebayo


    If you're 12. xD
    1 point
  32. People will b*tch regarsdless. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.I wonder who'll be the first Dev to ditch the campaign completely...
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. All the goals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFhcFA5Uad0
    1 point
  36. J4MES OX4D

    Eurogamer 2014

    Bastards! I have a few empty Ribena bottles so I think we may just about get away with this one
    1 point
  37. Palle

    Kent - Art 'n' Stuff

    And colorized
    1 point
  38. J4MES OX4D

    Eurogamer 2014

    Good idea. My time table will be something like this: Skateboard to London Eurogamer Pub Eurogamer tipsy Back to pub Eurogamer pissed Back to Pub Eurogamer wankered Back to pub On to club Kebab Sorted. If Dylan brings his Buckfast; it's gonna be one hell of a morning
    1 point
  39. Well if you've seen rumours circulating today; it's gonna be called Call of Duty Patriots and is set in a fictional story within WW1. I'm not convinced, else TmarT and Ali-A would have been blowing their beans mid-video with this news.
    1 point
  40. Character creation:
    1 point
  41. J4MES OX4D

    Expedition DLC

    First screens of the 'War Games' map which appears to be the Hammond training facility.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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