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  1. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  2. Sennex



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  3. Drifter



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  4. jordie1892



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Nightcrawler reference in a BF4 thread?
    2 points
  2. This has been day one for me
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. J4MES OX4D

    Watch Dogs

    Finally a release date; May 27th! Many retailers were stating June 30th but thankfully it'll be out waaaay before then. I was really pumped for this before Xmas but after the delay; I'm kinda on the fence but it's nice to see it's not too far away now. PS4 purchase for sure as I need more than just FIFA on there
    1 point
  5. I bought black ops 2
    1 point
  6. IS BO2 still active? I loved Hardcore on BO2
    1 point
  7. I don't know who you are any more man.
    1 point
  8. Just Cal

    Goat Simulator

    I installed this today. Even though my laptop should be able to run this with ease, I'm still having problems with FPS drops. I'm trying to sort it out though, so far I've headbutted a fellow goat and the farmer. I LOL'd twice. Pretty successful haha
    1 point
  9. This was the first time I've experienced major lag so far. It was pretty significant. Felt like I was trying to shoot this guy. Then I'd die standing safely behind walls, watch a guy throw a grenade while simultaneously getting hit by his bullets. Good times.
    1 point
  10. Has the 'Moyes out' plane protest happened yet? Gonna have a job upstaging this
    1 point
  11. J4MES OX4D

    Watch Dogs

    Welcome to Chicago trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1efmpSc7fJQ#t=112
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Drifter

    Last movie you watched

    Lawless with Tom Hardy. Good flick.
    1 point
  14. The wolf of wall street. It was really good! But i wouldn't say it was movie of the year like a lot of others are
    1 point
  15. Drifter

    Last movie you watched

    Need not say more....but you DO need to ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk?
    1 point
  16. J4MES OX4D

    Watch Dogs

    New gameplay video Looks okay but the driving elements still look incredibly tacky. I don't like it being too arcade-oriented like Need for Speed for what should be a more serious game. I'm still fence-bound on this one.
    1 point
  17. Sennex

    BF4 Shortcut Kits

    Reasons why Unlock things like this are used: Why not? Free Stuff, that most of us will never ever use, or take the time to unlock. So maybe we use that one top tiered DMR to troll some butt poodles on Flood Zone in one match; we randomly chose it cause why not. If it wasn't there, we would have used something else... Dice decided to make Shotguns a Primary weapon; when they should be a kit slot, like the MASS or 320. I could go on. Yea, the thing here is that all of the weapons are balanced in BF, this isn't CoD, what is unlocked doesn't really matter as most of it will never get used. Its not like the Typ3 95 is really better than the ACW-R even though its unlocked well after. You could easily gimp the ACW into being a shit ass weapon for your playstyle with 1 attachment. http://symthic.com/bf4-compare?ACW-R_vs_Type-95B-1 Example of what I mean. Note I didn't put any attachments on them. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what is the exact same between each weapon as well, because thats very important for learning how balanced this game is and why things like DMR, Pistol, Nade, Shotgun unlocks are nothing but fluff. Now for me, the ACWR is a flippin God send. The gun feels good, its recoil and reload time mesh perfectly with my "Spray and pray/ Run around like a derp" playstyle. Unlocks don't matter in a game where everything is balanced to the degree that it is here. Lets be honest would you ever actually use Flash bangs? Or would you use Impacts until they were unlocked and then come here and ask us, find out they suck, and then ignore them? Cause thats all the unlocks do, they unlock things I (Dare I say, all of us here) will end up ignoring in total, except that one time we want to troll some jag offs on flood zone. TL;DR Who cares, its not like the shit will get used anyway. //For the record I had all grenades and pistols unlocked well before these kits came out, I still only use incendiary and the P226
    1 point
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