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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Diddums

    I'm coming!

    Yep, even Amazon couldn't supply faster apparently. Really excited now. I'm remoniscing about the good ol' days of our gaming sessions. I hope you all have BF4, because fuck cod.
    3 points
  2. My wife's got cancer. Two of my uncles have cancer. My mother's just been through a mastectomy, my sister's boyfriend has been fighting it for the last year, and she just rand me to tell me my father's got a year to live. Now I couldn't give a shit about my father, in much the same way he's never given a shit about me, but can I just get a fucking break over here? Not a sob story btw, just feel like ranting.
    2 points
  3. God I hope not!! I wouldn't want this CoD gimmick in this game, this is what vehicles in game as supposed to do.
    2 points
  4. I feel for you dude. What I don't get is why people don't ask "Why are the cancer rates exploding?" - I think it has something to do with Modern Life. I'd trade it away any day for a rough life in the 1800's
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. techno

    Random Pictures

    Surely there's a law against this if not there should be.
    1 point
  8. techno

    riot shields in bf4

    I haven't seen mention of this, sort of like the idea for pushing forward on certain maps I'm also not sure how true it maybe.
    1 point
  9. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    No problem. Let me know how you like it once you get it. I've found the Winchester DPX-1 bonded 130gr .38+P to be good carry ammo for the LCR. Recoil is easy to control, its accurate, and the bullet design is a win. With lighter weight bullets, you want mass retention for penetration. (Actually you want that with all bullets, but it matters a lot more in bullets that are already light before shedding mass). Bonded ammo means the jacket will stay on, helping to maintain mass and to resist fragmentation. An example of where this could come into play. Imagine someone is facing you with a knife or gun held forward. Now imagine you shoot and it hits there forearm. What I've seen from lightweight bullets is after it passes through the first thing it meets (the arm in this case) the bullet starts to come apart. Even if it continues on and strikes the chest, its now in fragments and won't penetrate deeply enough to get to anything that matters. 9mm Gold Dot, for example. Its a great round if the first thing it hits is what it needs to. However in the scenario of an intermediate strike it sheds the jacket and the lead core fragments, resulting in about 1-3" of penetration when it hits the next part of the body. That's clearly insufficient to reach vitals. With bonded ammo, the penetration will be deeper, although it still may fail to reach vitals it will have a better chance. Bonded becomes less important in heavier bullets, a .45 that splits into two results in fragments that are still as heavy as a 9mm is to start with (although the shape, irregularity of surface, etc means they won't penetrate the same) and will resist deceleration easier. The flip side of that coin is lighter calibers tend to recoil less, allowing you to send a second shot faster. That's why I recommend the .38+P over .357 in a 2". The extra fps don't result in much better terminal ballistics, but the faster followup shot can make a big difference in getting a second shot on target if the first fails to stop. That's a longer explanation than I intended so: TL;DR Bonded ammunition is better than non-bonded, especially in lighter weight bullets. Sometimes you'll have to shoot more than once to stop an attacker. In broad generalities, plan for 1-3 shots, but realize that's a generalization and shoot until the threat stops.
    1 point
  10. SAF won't come back - he timed his exit to perfection. He finished on a high with a below standard MU team and even he would struggle making a silk purse out of this sow's ear. Deffo poison chalice following him!!
    1 point
  11. Hope not, I like the idea of ESO but I want the actual elder scroll games to keep coming out to!
    1 point
  12. Sorry to hear Dave *bro hug* My wife lost her mother when she was only 12 to breast cancer, then her father the year before I met her to lung cancer. I've lost three grandparents to cancer and my 45 year old brother in law. One of my best friends from college came down with thyroid cancer, then a few years later, his wife got breast cancer and they have two little children. They're both doing well though. It fucking sucks hairy, dirty, flee infested, scabby goat balls. But if there is one prick on this earth that can tell his wife's cancer to properly fuck off, it's you my friend.
    1 point
  13. F*ck that noise, where's Fallout 4?
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. So much has been already said that the exclusivity for xbox is the 1st game only. I don't think Microsoft could stump up enough cash to keep it as an exclusive given that the ps4 is the more popular console this time around. It just wouldn't make sense for EA from a financial perspective for game sales alone, let alone the dlc that would inevitably follow. They'll probably go the COD route and try and pay for early dlc, but i can't see anything other than this.
    1 point
  16. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    OK crappy images because of glare but it's up. I ran out and got the cheapest frame I could find. On topic:
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Dattebayo

    Random Pictures

    An absolute classic.
    1 point
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