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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Diddums

    Wearable Technology

    Not only that, but the imagination is a wonderful thing. I'd much rather tell a story and let people's imaginations fill in the gaps than show them a photo, which will detract from the story. If you're sharing a positive experience, the human imagination will always resort the the most positive image it can think of. For many people, this is the exact situation that would be as positive as possible in their eyes. This situation would be different for different people, which is why i like to leave the imagination to do its thing when telling a story. The imagination is a magical thing, and photos and videos are killing it.
    2 points
  3. I read an article talking about how people are so quick to pull out their cell phones to take pictures and/or record things in their lives. It was shown that you're more likely to remember the event if you don't take the time to take your phone out and take a picture. Too many people are so quick to take our phones to snap picks and post them online to claim they witness such and such or went to this or that place, but they are cheapening their memories of it by doing so. Just slow down, take in the moment and enjoy it for what it is.
    2 points
  4. Hah I had a fiver on an Arsenal win .
    2 points
  5. The Wolf of Wall Street. A week. Growing a beard. Pregnancy. Transatlantic flights. Evolution. World War 2. The Big Bang. Brain surgery. The painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A life sentence. Regardless, I enjoyed it even though it dragged a little. Cramped a lot. Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill are outstanding.
    2 points
  6. Ah, video game music. No matter if we're careening down a speedway in the Mushroom Kingdom, flanking some soldiers in space or saving the galaxy from a sentient race of squids, VGMs (or BGMs) are always by our side, breaking up the monotomy of roaring engines or explosions. Unless of course, you prefer muting the music volume. x) For the rest of y'all, what are some of your favorite VGM/BGMs? Here's some of mine: Koopa Beach from Super Mario Kart SNES: That funky baseline and cheery tropicalness of the main track always gets me. x) Redial from Bomberman Hero (N64): I don't know, it's spacy "Muzac" beat always makes me hum along. Ah, my childhood. :') Yoshi Rap from Yoshi's Story (N64) In a game where every BGM in it is the wildly different and unique variant of a single sample of music, it's hard to pick just one favorite BGM of a game so prevalent in my childhood... But I choose this one.
    1 point
  7. Drifter

    Drifters den

    I'm starting this post just as a stake in the ground. Calling it Drifters Den, what it will be is a place for me to piss , moan, whine and complain about all you damn kids that step on my lawn. Seriously though, wont be that, but will be a place just to blow off steam and talk about shit is all. And maybe even share some life wisdom with you damn kids. Just startin this now, we'll get more into why I hate all you damn young punks tomorrow And stay the hell off my lawn, damn punks.
    1 point
  8. A great series where comments taken from YouTube from an argument are reenacted in film-scene style
    1 point
  9. My problem with assassins creed games is that they haven't made any major changes to the game since the first one was released, it's almost like a reskin of the game is being made.. It's almost like once you've played one, you've played them all.
    1 point
  10. PrivateParts_93

    Longest Headshot

    All you need for one of those is a total of 150m headshots In a round .
    1 point
  11. I know. That happens to me too. Usually. They should really fix it. Along with that annoying zero health crap.
    1 point
  12. 20-1 which weren't too shabby! I had a feeling all week particularly after the way Liverpool played against Everton and the lackluster display Arsenal had at Southampton. I thought my bet at half time was over at 4-0 too! Oh well that's my Xmas bills paid off
    1 point
  13. Jason

    Longest Headshot

    Mines only 156, I don't often long range snipe. May have to try just to catch you guys. Lol @ Tommy go to www.bf4stats.com to see your stats.
    1 point
  14. Madjonny

    Sledgehammer Games

    I agree with all of that, also every dlc seems to make the gaming experience worse every year... Regardless of how many of the maps are garbage or decent, still seems to make the game worse... Also I think it should be 2015 cod we look forward to, I'm not sure how long sledgehammer have been working in this years game for, but November is 9 months away, I'm not sure we should be expecting too much this year, as the timeframe is less than usual. That is unless they are a lot further along in development than we are led to believe...
    1 point
  15. TigerBurge

    Sledgehammer Games

    I'm sort of looking forward to a new company doing a CoD game. I really think that they need to get back to the basics of why everyone loved CoD at one time or another. If BO2 had the connection Ghosts has it would of been the best in the series. I hate the maps on Ghosts. Actually there hasn't been any DLC since MW2 that I really liked.
    1 point
  16. crippled_viper

    Sledgehammer Games

    Since I have been using the Bulldog on Ghosts I have had so many ragers complaining about me. With that in mind there were 4 of us in a party and we all ran Bulldogs. Lets just say there was laughing and giggling because bodies were thrown across the map with shotgun shells. (well I exaggerated but you know what I mean by just a few feet backwards). I would say give it a go and run and gun with the Bulldog to give that slight challenge but yet still have a good time.
    1 point
  17. So far I enjoy it a lot...the main thing that concerns me is the whole hybrid class thing, I like a more traditional MMO where there are tanks, healers and dps...not everyone being a jack of all trades. But I think I'll grow on it lol. Character creation is pretty danm sweet, step up from Skyrim so that's good. The tutorial area looks like shit, but it's supposed to haha, after that the game gets pretty good, amazing graphics. Quests are fun, everything is voiced (no more reading boring paragraphs from quest givers if you don't want to) and so far I enjoy the combat (melee more so than magic). Combat in other MMOs felt to mathematic, standing still and less like I was actually fighting something and more like I was adding up damage calculations to get the best dps/healing. ESo is more immersive combat and I like that. The only other MMO's I have actually put a lot of time into are Runes of magic and Tera, so I don't really have much to compare to, but ESO beats the heck out of them so far Ohh yeah the loading screens are long as fuck, not sure if that's because its still beta or not, but it sucks.
    1 point
  18. Wow I had no idea that the ps3 was that badly effected. Id rather play a round without sound . Just camp with a sniper with high power magnification BOOM
    1 point
  19. The second one gives me chills every time, love it. Gotta listen to the whole thing though, there are two distinct parts, the intro and the main theme.
    1 point
  20. Yep! I always plump for crazy results and it looks like this one might come off!! I dropped a tenner last week on betting that Southampton would beat Fulham 6-2 but I'm in the zone today it seems
    1 point
  21. 3 subs going on now for arsenal. All thinking "oh for fucks sake, do we have too?"
    1 point
  22. What's wrong with the team selection? I think the players have been a hockey, every one of them. Maybe not Szczensy, he's done a proper good job of picking the ball out of the net. Has had good practice today. I texted Glen11, I'm a cock according to him. Teehee.
    1 point
  23. Yeah if any of you could direct me to a rather big heavy rock I can hide under for the next week. I'd apreciate it. Also, I'll give my car to whoever assassinates Wenger for me.
    1 point
  24. Ahahahahahahahahaha. I've had a shitty week but this is putting a smile on my face. Sorry Arsenal fans...
    1 point
  25. 4-0 HT! I think Liverpool will be disappointed that they didn't reach double figures! Hope Skrtel gets a hat-trick as it's only happened once before in Premiership history that a defender has scored a treble. Only the 2nd time ever in the top flight that Arsenal have conceded 4 first half goals too. Can't believe Suarez is yet to score... Arsenal = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyqlKzrZmnQ
    1 point
  26. This might 7, 8 nil. Arsenal can't pass 10 yards, they're having a go at each other constantly, hilarious to watch. Thank fuck I put a fiver on and not a tenner.
    1 point
  27. An entire football season with titanic thrown in on top with all the extra features
    1 point
  28. Just Cal


    When I get it however I get it, I'm doing a live comm plaything. Most definitely.
    1 point
  29. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    Well, that's a tough question. I found it very controllable. It was back on target before I had reset the trigger and was ready to fire again. If it had better sights, I could probably have dumped the mag pretty quickly. However I'm me, not you or your wife, and differences in hand size, grip technique, wrist strength, etc. may change that. Also keep in mind that I shot the duty size 4.5" barrel. There is a compact 3.8" barrel and a competition 5.5" barrel as well, and each will be a bit different. *As a general rule* I find .45 APC to be a very easy to control caliber. The recoil is more of a slow push than a quick snap. However a 9mm *is* easier to tame and is more forgiving of an improper hold. Improper holds happen to everyone, even people who know better, under stress we don't always do what we know we should. As a prime example, I haven't been practicing as much lately because its SO FUCKING COLD. I had to qualify Wednesday, and I didn't shoot like I wanted to. I realized why. I was gripping to hard with my strong hand instead of gripping lightly with it and hard with my support hand and stringing shots left. Today I went to the indoor range to work on fundamentals to beat it back into my head and muscle memory.
    1 point
  30. Dattebayo

    Classic films...

    *nostalgic sigh* Not to mention that the Thing was an actual presence in the 80's version. A puppet, yes, but a physical presence nonetheless. Nowadays, people have to pretend that something is actually there. Also, movie makers use CGI for EVERYTHING nowadays. It's like they use CGI to get away with laziness. "We need an alien? F*ck the make-up, send some sketches over to the boys at SFX. Backdrop? Pfft, CGI!" Sad. That being said... It was pretty cool seeing some of the things implied in the 80's version of The Thing seen in the 2011. EDIT: "Hey, f*ck YOU, Plamer!"
    1 point
  31. Sennex

    Drifters den

    I thought that this was gonna be pics of your man cave or something LOL
    1 point
  32. J4MES OX4D

    Classic films...

    I don't like modern films very much nowadays. Too much reliance on special effects and A-list actors with no skill or personalities. Remakes make me cringe at the thought of destroying the classic. I also hate franchise reboots such as Indiana Jones whereby you had a near-perfect trilogy and then a fucking dreadful and shameful fourth installment with an ageing actor and the most mind-numbing tedious story ever. Certainly made a fair few $$$$$ and there's talk about a fifth film but for every new one; they are killing the films and the name as a whole. Fucking Hollywood!
    1 point
  33. Drifter

    The Beard Thread

    First off, spectre we need an update bro, where's the latest beard pic? You didn't shave it did ya? And mine as of now. First, here's normal beard..... Then, theres... So you really want to date my Niece beard.
    1 point
  34. techno

    Youtube Stuff

    Saw this on Facebook
    1 point
  35. Drifter

    Wearable Technology

    Totally agree. Personally I think people these days have lost sight of what life really is about. They feel they need to constantly be "plugged in" to something and that it somehow makes their life better. When in fact they are missing out on life because they are constantly plugged in. You can't enjoy life when you are a slave to your electronic devices. Kind'a like Ferris Bueller's famous line..... “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Personally I have moved in the opposite direction myself over the years. I had a cell phone back around 2000-2003 (back when the only thing you could do was call someone and play "snake" on it for a game) but I ditched it about 10 years ago and you couldn't pay me to have a cell phone these days. I no longer use social media except for once in a very VERY great while, I only use the computer about 25% of the time I use too, pretty much have cut out a lot of the stuff like that and I'm a happier person for it.
    1 point
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