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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Playertd

    sniper nerf

    The only weapon in this game that was Op (puts up high score games every time, fastest TTK, good at close, medium and long range) was the MSBS...but IW did the smart thing and nerfed that gun. Snipers are subpar...their like the bulldog, extremely good on certain maps, or certain areas of maps but overall not even close to OP. Can't really figure out why they would want to kill snipers....anyone who plays more than 5 games will realize that assault rifles dominate this game.
    2 points
  2. spectre

    sniper nerf

    Fuck Thunder. He's a whiny ass bitch. Snipers ARE NOT OP. If they are so OP, then why aren't there record breaking games posted with 3 KEM strikes using.............wait for it................ sniper rifles? They don't. Because they aren't the most powerful and efficient gun to use. People like Thunder that bitch about snipers game after game do nothing for the community but perpetuate the bitching and complaining about things that people hate to get killed by. Now, as for the nerf. Increased hip fire spread - not a big deal, no scoping has always been a last resort anyway. Reduced Aiming Speed when using Quickdraw - again, not a big deal. I don't even use that perk and I get along just fine. "Try Hard Snipers" put that on because they think they need it without even bothering to try without it. (Thunder "That is the Biggest blow to quickscopers" - again, he's an idiot. I quickscope just fine without it) It is hard to take someone like Thunder seriously when he doesn't even know the first thing about sniping. Reduction in flinch when using Focus - not a big deal yet again. The flinch is so pronounced when using sniper rifles that focus doesn't help you stay on target anyway, when you are scoped in. Increase in ADS time overall - now this one WILL make a difference. Snipers are at a disadvantage because the time to kill is so fast in this game. A sniper scoping in, finding the target and firing is going to be slower than nearly all other guns in this game (and when you add in the lag; AKA, you die by the first bullet that hits you because the lag didn't register you were being shot at until all the bullets arrived) - factor that in and you might as well hang it up. You'll have to stay scoped in on chokepoints far longer and it will be a bitch just to get around the map. As soon as you scope out and try to move, an enemy appears and you're dead instantly. Silencer - chest up OHK , instead of waist up. This is the way its supposed to be anyway. Question?? How often do you guys get sniped anyway? Its pretty rare for me to die by a sniper. I thought it was OP though. Wouldn't everyone and their brother be sniping then?
    2 points
  3. Let's take some time to talk about kids and guns. Recent events that have come through my office have made this a front runner in my mind. Do NOT EVER NOT EVEN FOR A FUCKING SECOND LAY YOUR GUN DOWN WHERE A KID CAN REACH IT. I don't care that you can see it. I don't care you don't think you're kid can see it. DO NOT FUCKING EVER DO THIS. Why Doc? Because your kid can reach for his chocolate milk and instead end up shooting himself through the face, which is fatal. This will result in a dead child, a feeling of being a total asshole for the rest of your life, as well as possible criminal charges. There is no god damned reason to ever ever fucking ever leave a loaded firearm unattended and unsecure if kids are in your house or the possibility exists of kids in your house. Never fucking ever ever fucking ever. If you're concerned enough about a home invasion to constantly have a firearm at hand, carry it like you do out of your house. In a secure holster. I carry a snub nose revolver any time I'm not under water but I don't lay it down and walk away from it, its in a pocket holster or ankle holster at all times. Now, on a happier note, here's what's on my short list to acquire in 2014: The new Match Champion Ruger GP100: http://www.ruger.com/products/gp100/specSheets/1754.html Ummm, sexy.
    2 points
  4. The possible SHTF Scenarios Pandemic / Outbreak Nuclear Attack / Invasion Economic Collapse / Martial Law / Civil Unrest Natural Disaster / Solar Flare causing EMP (also called Coronal Mass Ejection Power Grid Failure Why Prep? How Prepared is America? The 10 c's of Survivability Overview Combustion, Cordage / Knots, Compass, Candling Device, Cover, Cargo, Container, Cutting Tools, Combination Tool, Cotton Bandana Food and Water Storage / Preparation Defense, Tactical, Security and Force Protection Sanitation, Hygiene, Medicine Off-grid Power, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Prepping Lists Self Sustainment - Gardening, Produce, Animals Self-Reliance Survival Skills Money, Commerce, Investements, Bartering - Dealing with other Humans Bug out Bag, INCH (I'm never coming home) Bag, Get Home Car Kit Miscellaneous Current Events
    1 point
  5. I believe that is when cock and release the hammer in one action. You in cowboy movies when the pull on the hammer before firing, that single action. Double action does not require that you do that.
    1 point
  6. Stretch616

    sniper nerf

    I really hate this idea that people have that snipers are OP. It's frustrating when you meet someone who's really good, but by no means OP. If it's that easy everybody would run with one. Whereas probably 70% of people actually run a AR but people don't mind getting killed by an AR.
    1 point
  7. Even a small dog. The bark and bark they minute something is close and people are still worried about being bitten. It's also a good distraction. While they are worrying about the dog you can get to your shotgun. My Shetland sheepdog is only 22 lbs but nothing would get past her and she does anything I say on command. A guard dog does not have to be an attack dog
    1 point
  8. For sure on that one. I am not able to get a bigger dog yet until I move, but I plan on getting a Boxer. They are already instinctually suspicious of strangers and so make good guard dogs.
    1 point
  9. No Dogs in there or is that part of animal Husbandry? Best early warning and defense system in the world if you have a decent well trained dog as far as I am concerned.
    1 point
  10. Sounds good to me. When using the shield it pisses me off so much getting a insta-death when somebody puts 2 bullets into my feet. I think this mode will be pretty popular as most people's complaints (bar spawns) relate to the TTK
    1 point
  11. Anyone who doesn't buy Bulletstorm is seriously missing out. It's best with a joystick though.
    1 point
  12. J4MES OX4D

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    Thanks for the info guys! I've picked up the Arma 2 collection with the DayZ mod and will leave the £20 alpha until a much later date. Even the producers are recommending people NOT to buy the standalone at present despite selling about 200k copies lol!
    1 point
  13. Bulletstorm £3.47 Papers Please £3.49
    1 point
  14. phil bottle

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    The Mod is its best right now, Razor and the other mods have put a lot of effort into making it playable.... and I haven't come across a scripter/hacker for at least 6 months
    1 point
  15. spectre

    sniper nerf

    In my opinion, the advantage of having a capable sniper on your team is not what he does for the team as far as objectives go, but how well he gets the other team raging and playing recklessly because they are mad about getting sniped. This leads to easier kills for the rest of the team.
    1 point
  16. Diddums

    Is this True?

    Yep, it's true. It used to be in hardcore only in BF3, but for some reason they decided to introduce it in core too. At first it was annoying, but having since gotten used to it now, playing as support and dropping ammo everywhere nets me so much XP it's just insane.
    1 point
  17. Diddums

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    I haven't played the Standalone myself, but I browse the forums a fair bit and based on that my recommendation would be to get Combined Operations and play the mod for a bit whilst the SA evolves a bit more. As Dylan says, buildings are currently very restricted, there are no vehicles, you can fall randomly unconscious, etc etc. It's just not anywhere near a polished product at the moment. I spend an hour or so playing the mod recently, after a hiatus of about 6 months and it's progressed in leaps and bounds. Last time I played it it was a bit of a mess but excusable. Now it's almost feeling like a well rounded and developed game. Of course it's not perfect, but it's probably much more enjoyable than the SA at the moment. Given that Combined Operations is only 8.49 on Steam, I'd go for that.
    1 point
  18. My guess is it's too late at night for this young man to make sense, or at least a lil bit more sense than this.
    1 point
  19. Harrison

    Is this True?

    Yeah you do, yay for realism!
    1 point
  20. Well, I want to right now haha
    1 point
  21. I got Cassiopeia today from my bro. Happy though, don't want some cheap champ. I want an expensive one that I don't have patience to save up for.
    1 point
  22. I barley know what my laptop is . Never mind under it xD. Its a HP Pavilion g7 that's as much as I know. Hahaha
    1 point
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