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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2013 in all areas

  1. So vanquish have dropped their previous roster? Phizzurp is the biggest c*nt in competitive COD, pardon my Scottish. I like Ricky, good move. Smart player, good attitude. Optic will be massively strong in SnD.
    2 points
  2. Same exact boat. Only I'm 19, close enough.
    1 point
  3. I got 35.... I'm 18
    1 point
  4. also, what the fuck is up with having to leave a sever if you dont want to be the commander anymore...how fucking stupid is that
    1 point
  5. I heard a rumor from a very credible source that the F1 strategy group are considering making Vettel race the 2014 season blindfolded. They also loosely suggested that if this doesn't materialise; they would also consider forcing him to race in reverse. Personally I would just give everyone a 200 point start and see how it plays. I'm sure F1 can't turn into an even bigger joke than it has been last season.
    1 point
  6. Plumbers Crack

    Your Mental Age

    Love it!!! 46!!!
    1 point
  7. Cheeky sod!!
    1 point
  8. uberwarrior

    Your Mental Age

    35 and overjoyed!!
    1 point
  9. £50 says the tip of the carrot ends up brown
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. No rumours about it. Aches made Scumpii an offer and he told Hecz about it. Once again proving his loyalty. Jkap was a good player, but I haven't seen him perform well as of yet. I really hope OpTic DON'T pick up Clayster. He is not what they need. They don't mesh well. I hope OpTic picks up Ricky from UNiTE as he has been playing amazing with them. He is a vocal leader and is always calm. Something that the OpTic boys need badly.
    1 point
  12. Rumours was that coL wanted Scumpy, HECS reacted by making a roster change and JKap was the obvious choice (I don't think he'll be as effective on Ghosts as he was BO2). Killa joined Curse, replacing Stainville. That's 3 of the original COD Champs reunited in Kills, Parasite and Miracles. I hope OpTic pick up Clayster.
    1 point
  13. And thats exactly the problem They start off telling you how special you are, and how the prophet has seen all this shit for you in the future, and then BAM you are out of your prison cell in the middle of a few hundred other "special" people... There was never any sort of attachment to the character, there wasn't a single thing that made you feel unique and not just another unwashed basement dweller in Skyrim with hundreds of other people. The combat mechanics feel ripped directly from Neverwinter Nights (Free 2 play on Steam), and I am serious here, they are directly ripped from it. You could tell that they were going to port it, as they limit you to the number of attacks/ spells/ abilities you can have equipped. In other words they are dumbing it down so that players with Xbox/ PS Controllers are not left out. We all praised the 3 faction Race/ Class combo's at first, but unless they go through massive changes, then none of them matter, there will be no diversity across the factions. Every Race can be every class, and every faction. Every quest had spoken speech..... SWTOR had this, and it sounded amazing at first, until you realize that there is LITERALLY NO POINT to it other than to suck up space on my hard drive. Oh, and you can't skip it (at least not in BETA), so by about level 10, you are sitting there yelling "STFU!!! I know I need to collect 7 Bear Asses!" In 20 levels as a Templar, I was never once able to heal another player, even though the Templar is the healing/ tank class. The reason for this? There was no real range to the spells. The minute Joe the Plumber decides he spots a new shiny and runs out of your range, you end up healing yourself and not him. Best part about this: It was impossible to tell just who was healed, so it was a guess, and the vast majority of players won't communicate that you missed them when they are running the fuck away from you to pick up a shiny, or fight more mobs. So they die I could go on. Honestly, just wait for the next Elder Scrolls Single player game, and you will enjoy yourself far more. I was insanely excited about this game (Not sure my posts are still around covering the various trailers), but the Beta, as a preview was so woefully underwhelming, that I cancelled my pre-order. Also, Yes, I get it was a Beta. This isn't my first Beta in an MMO, I understand that we still have 5 months left before Launch, that doesn't change the fact that there isn't a single thing special about this game, there wasn't a single time when I was playing it that I was in Awe of what was happening to me, like I had been in Skyrim so often. Good thing though: The game looks fantastic, Graphically speaking. It was Skyrim with all the HD textures maxed out.
    1 point
  14. No just a chat cable that people are insisting will fix the issues in having...Like I said I'm not so sure it will... EDIT: DSS2 is £49.99 cheapest I have seen, it's expensive for something that may not even work...
    1 point
  15. This is tams greatest troll. Dylan's Facebook says he's 7.
    1 point
  16. Oh but there is trolling! You can kill there annoying little dog, destroy all there shit, trap them in corners so they have to die to get out! One guy we trapped wasn't even in a corner, Euan, Glenell and myself just surrounded him when he was on a streak
    1 point
  17. love the jumper
    1 point
  18. Nah a woman wants to kill you slowly over a long period of time. On topic: I do like that sweater/jumper. I think you should add a little pop of Christmas to the ensemble with a mistletoe belt buckle.
    1 point
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