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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2013 in all areas

  1. No wonder it's free! I might pay them to not release it! Does it come with a reindeer skin for Riley?
    3 points
  2. This explains why Scotland are so shite, every single one of them is being bought off for a packet of crisps.
    2 points
  3. J4MES OX4D

    The Division

    I'm sure everyone saw this game at E3. I've found a short video released yesterday about the Snowdrop engine which is used to power the game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2NJSAvuiQ0 Here is also the original trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWJD8DMasCU This title is my tip to be the biggest game of all time! It Will be the ultimate software to prove the power and possibilities of the current gen. Just hope Ubisoft don't delay it like they have with the rest of their next gen titles! Watch Dogs seemed to be wobbling as it edged to release but if this game can maintain the quality that we saw in the first instance; it will certainly be a miraculous game very early on in the generation. Cannot wait!
    1 point
  4. H3iman

    Humble Jumbo Bundle

    Currently on sale as part of a Humble Bundle: Natural Selection 2 Sanctum 2 Magicka + DLC Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack Garry's Mod Serious Sam 3: BF3 I've got Natural Selection 2 and it is a fun game, a FPS and RTS combination with the Commander building stations for Marines that try to wipe out the enemy Aliens' nest. Not a very big community, but I'm sure it'd be a blast with a small party using Teamspeak. All of these can be yours for the low price of $4.15 (price subject to change). https://www.humblebundle.com/
    1 point
  5. So my work Christmas night out is this Thursday (yes Thursday, unbelievable). My Christmas outfit for this year is magnificent. Behold: The carrot nose and scarf is "3D", I'm cooler than John Wayne, Batman and Dylan all rolled in to one.
    1 point
  6. Dragon Age Origins complete pack for £4.99! LA Noire £4.99 or £6.24 for the complete edition.
    1 point
  7. Well, according to this, people are geting between 340 and 411mhash/s with a 7850. That's not bad. All you need to do is figure out your energy prices and run some numbers, to see if you'll make a profit. I just remembered I've got 0,05 BTC in my wallet, which is about £25. I'll probably use that to buy a few litecoins, as they've gone from approx. $14 to $33 over the last couple of months, and they don't seem to be stopping any time soon. This is of course a game and shouldn't be taken seriously, but if you make a buck or two, it's a bonus, right? Tommy watch this:
    1 point

    The Division

    PC all the way, no doubt about it. I'm excited now. This is on my wish list!
    1 point

    The Division

    That's the one game from the next gen lineup that makes me really want a new console. Will this be out for PC?
    1 point
  10. I noticed this too Matt. More so at night than anything else. I don't mind playing solo to be honest but it's definitely better to have some of you guys there to at least bitch and complain to about the shitty randoms on our team and the camping bitches on the other team.
    1 point
  11. Glad I chose Ghosts!!
    1 point
  12. I saw that story on Facebook, I had so much sympathy for him! I'll have to show it to my wife but then she might have the idea to purposely take me to extra shops in the hope I jump.
    1 point
  13. 'This Year's Christmas Jumper' I thought I was going to see this story I posted in the shout box yesterday. Harassed boyfriend jumped to his death after his girlfriend insisted on going into another clothes shop Also don't get drunk and get whiskey carrot. If an asshole grabs it you'll want to impress them
    1 point
  14. tronic44

    Guard Dog Skin

    You should be able to choose your dog skin and you should be able to choose from all breeds. I'd have the Lindsay Lohan skin, could you imagine that crack whore jumping around a corner and biting your face off? I fuckin could!
    1 point
  15. I can't play anymore because my PS3 broke. I dunno if Josh or Dope spread that around, but I would love to play. As soon as I can :|
    1 point
  16. TF2? I'm sure you already have that though as even I, a console peasant knows that it's F2P. Then go to kat(dot)ph I don't know the strictness of linking to shit like that
    1 point
  17. Dr Diamond

    UFC/MMA Thread

    hunt vs silva...the entire card was nuts ! awesome fight !
    1 point
  18. You're far behind! http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/359-who-is-the-blonde-girl-in-the-loading-screen/?p=9617
    1 point
  19. Chookes

    Guard Dog Skin

    "Oh, and I forgot to mention, this camo was for my 4 year old kid. So yeah it should be free because it's good to help the kids and that." I have a new slogan for Christmas, I think it'll work. "A kid is not just for Christmas, but for getting sympathy votes and free shit because you're a dumbass."
    1 point
  20. Apparently it's been confirmed that the chick is Shelby Welinder <---- NSFW
    1 point
  21. burnfitbillyboy

    Guard Dog Skin

    Oh wow what a great idea, please IW make a ballet skin for my juggernaut maniac... Retards! Now more people will probably use this bullshit streak! Seriously a camo for the dog but no camo for pistols and the combat knife! Fuck you IW you suck!
    1 point
  22. Chookes

    Guard Dog Skin

    The guy who bought the picture of an xbox will like this.
    1 point
  23. A lesser man would have sucummbed to hatred, retribution, and revenge after spending 27 years locked up. His response was the opposite. I hope that his death, as sad as it is, reminds us that there are people dying on a daily basis still,people enduring hardships that we in privilidged societies cannot imagine, because they are not treated like equals.
    1 point
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