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  2. TigerBurge



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  3. Dattebayo



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  4. Racist Giraffe

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Racist Giraffe


    Im sure some of you remember me! I was really active on the Mw2Forum, not so active on the FPSForum but i plan on being active on this forum! I've been kinda inactive cause i've just not being playing much games, and if i was playing games then it was FIFA, plus there was exams and stuff and the whole forum changing so blegh. Anyways, after skipping Black Ops 2 i plan on getting CoD Ghosts, i'll be getting FIFA 14 and like most of you, i'll be getting GTA 5. So i'll be able to participate in more discussions and stuff! Well for those who don't know, i live in Scotland, im 18, i like football (Liverpool FC!), i just finished high school this year and im taking a gap year before i goto college to do Administration and IT. I enjoy fitness but im not super serious about it, i like cats, and im not sure what to do as a career yet but it's either going to be some sort of business degree, or something to do with law enforcement. I've got a few years to decide either way. Well it's good to be back!
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Sennex


    Dear Dave, Stop spilling beer on the server Signed Everyone that drinks beer responsibly
    2 points
  4. Diddums


    Waterproof server. Too much beer. Broke server. Sorry
    2 points
  5. On Sept 13th, 2004, a man who had fled to a war zone to save himself from himself was able to marry a woman who was brave enough to go against her family and her culture in the name of love. In the summer of 2003 the man had an epiphany. For reasons that are irrelevant to this story, he realized he needed to start over before his behaviors destroyed him. He remembered the last place he'd been happy was the military, but with his fucked up knee he'd probably not get far in trying to reenlist. He also wanted more freedom than an enlisted man had. So he became a security contractor, moved half way around the world away from all influences and alcohol, and before Christmas of that year he was in a foreign country watching the sand blow around. She was living with her parents, as is the custom of her land for unmarried women, and working as a pharmacist. She'd had an arranged marriage planned, but it had fallen through when the man had immigrated to another country before they were actually married. She was young, beautiful, and with a respectable career. She had no shortage of suitors, she had taken to wearing a ring and pretending it was a wedding ring because she got so many proposals in a day. Wealthy men, men of local fame from the media and the government services attempted to catch her eye. None did. She originally thought he was Lebanese, as he was sundark from working in the desert heat and dressed in local fashion. He spoke Arabic poorly, though, and he was in fact an American. She had nothing against Americans, she'd lived in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion, and like the native Kuwaitis remembered US soldiers as liberators. Still, Americans were an unknown quantity, often looking for a short term relationship that would destroy a woman's reputation and chances of a respectable marriage. She initially was leery of the American, but finally relented and went out with him for dinner and a beach visit. He invited her to his upcoming birthday party, she agreed to attend. They would have their first kiss. Love would blossom. They would consider marriage. Her father initially agreed, but due to pressure applied by the brothers for reasons that are unimportant to this story, withdrew his consent. This made marriage impossible in the country they were in, as his signature was required for a legal marriage. They created a plan that was both simple and devious. She would say she wanted to fly to Jordan, where they maintained a home, to forget about the American. He would fly to Jordan with all of the required paperwork. Jordan did not require the father's signature because of the earlier arranged marriage, he had already signed stating she could be married and Jordan didn't require him to say WHO she could marry, just that she could. Over the course of weeks she brought clothing and documents, he took them and stored them in his house. She flew out on the 8th of Sept. He flew out on the 10th. Her father would fly out on the 14th, which would greatly limit her movement, as he would want to spend the time with her. On the 9th he received a call from a lawyer in Jordan he'd hired to research and was told he needed many more documents than what they'd already gathered. The details are unimportant to this story, but he was hard pressed to gather them and there were some shady dealings, but he got it done. The plan was almost destroyed due to bureaucrats and a religious holiday. They were unable to marry on the afternoon of the 10th, as had been the original plan. He hired a fixer. The fixer, The Chechnyan was very resourceful, drove them to multiple embassies to get required documents and stamps. He stole court documents, he may have kidnapped and/or bribed a sheik to do the ceremony, it was never quite clear which. Like I said, Jordan's not real picky as long as the right people get paid. The details are unimportant to this story. For the price of a lawyer who thought he could get it done in a few months, months they didn't have, he made it happen for the couple on the Express plan. They were married on the 13th of September, 2004, in the living room of a man they'd known for all of 3 days, in front of witnesses he'd hurriedly gathered from his neighbors. There were no pictures. They were in a hurry, she needed to return before her cousins grew suspicious. He had not thought to bring a camera, his nerves were raw. She returned to her home, he to his hotel, to await their marriage certificate. The Chechnyan went to the court to get the certificate, knowing there were "irregularities" in the packet of documents but also knowing how Muslim cultures work he said this was best. He told them we'd already left on our honeymoon, which they would understand to mean if they revoked the marriage she would be unable to find a proper marriage again. The Chechnyan returned with the certificate, legally binding in any Muslim country and with it, one could get a civil certificate binding in the US. In gratitude, when The Chechnyan refused to take any additional money, he bought a mattress and box spring. He knew that the one The Chechnyan and his wife slept on was worn out and they suffered from back pain because of it. The Chechnyan had no choice but to accept, as he knew it would go to waste if he did not, and his honor was not impugned by accepting the gift. He only had to get his bride away from her family to spirit her away. He was now familiar enough with Muslim culture to know there were places that unescorted women could go that no man could enter, such as a hair salon. He told her to make sure she had her passport and to go get her hair done. Sure enough, her father dropped her off with the understanding he would pick her up again in 3 hours. The Chechnyan pulled up, she came back out of the hair salon, and he drove her to the hotel where her groom was waiting, not willing to risk the father seeing him if he went to pick up his bride. The Chechnyan took the couple to the airport, where they would fly back to Qatar. He gave his cell phone to The Chechnyan. Just before the plane closed its doors and the no electronics message was read, she sent a text to her father telling him not to pick her up, that she was with The American in a private cab on the way to Syria to be married. The false trails were laid. The Chechnyan would call him a few days later and say that yes, the father had called the phone. Yes, he'd told him that he'd bought the phone from an American at the airport in Damascus for a very good price because he was flying to the USA with his new bride. The false trails were complete. In an abundance of caution, they would fly to Cyprus two months later and get married again in a civil ceremony. The documentation was cleaner, it was in English, it would be a much easier presentation for her visa to move to the US with him. They would continue to celebrate the 13th as their anniversary, though, because that's when they knew that the law, her family, and the culture couldn't keep them apart any longer. The couple had a son. Once his contract was up, they moved to the US and built a life. It wasn't always easy. There were adjustments, there were misunderstandings, there were some tough times and some hard work, but they built a life. He was forever changed. His anger subsided, he adjusted, he learned moderation. He had, quite frankly, been a gigantic dick for much of his life. He realized that she was much too good for him, and he strove to be who she deserved. He failed. He backslid. He still does, but he's a much better human being for the trying. She is, he believes, happy. God send that it remains so.
    1 point
  6. So I wanted to make a thread to talk about BF4. Everytime I see more videos on this game it makes me want it even more. But only on the PS4, of course. I just watched some sniping gameplay and the map looks great with the weather and all!
    1 point
  7. "Are we there yet?" "I need to pee." "Oh, I can't sleeeeeeep." "I love Diddums so much." "I'm hungry." "My nappy is full." Dylan is going to drive you fucking nuts on your road trip.
    1 point
  8. Dattebayo

    R.I.P Howie

    She was one curious cat! It sounds like she was quite the adventurer. Reading about you holding you cat walking down the street...a little too much for me. :'( I feel for you, man. Im sorry for your loss. If you ever want to talk, anyone here is gladly available. /like, literally anyone. //atleast the dogs got their commupence
    1 point
  9. jordie1892

    GTA V

    That would make since. Good thinking Batman!
    1 point
  10. Jason

    The Beard Thread

    I started watching it about a year ago and now I'm hooked. My last huge beard I had, someone said to me "you look like you should be on duck dynasty" I had not a clue what it was. She said it's a bunch of guys with long beards that hunt all the time. I said sounds good to me. Have been watching it since. Phil is the man.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. You cant really run and gun in this game, its a bit more tactical. It doesnt help that the UI is a bit confusing to understand. x) Once you find out your class, we can help you from there. /Dont worry, its alot more streamlined in ME2 and 3. xD
    1 point
  13. Cassidy


    Don't know what happened with the site, but when I came back, my account was gone. So I guess a new introduction will have to do. Yo.
    1 point
  14. Cassidy


    I still really don't know what console I'm going to get. Part of me just wants to save up and build a nice gaming computer.
    1 point
  15. Just takes a while to get used to the game. Once you get a feel for everything, it'll take 1-3 games to get decent with a new champion. Just gotta push through the bullshit in the beginning.
    1 point
  16. You actually listen to this? I'm going back to FPSH
    1 point
  17. For starters, what class are you playing? That will somewhat dictate your most effective playstyle. It also has an impact on your armor options. What difficulty are you on? We'll get you sorted.
    1 point
  18. I ran across Spiderbait a few years back completely by accident. I was looking for "Black Betty" and realized their version kicked the shit out of Ram Jam's version. Spiderbait's drummer doesn't play the drums as much as he assaults them. We're all here, drinking beer Drinking beer without a care Drinking beeeeer...without a care
    1 point
  19. JsinOwl


    And let be known that today, was a good day, for a lost soul has returned to the clutch.
    1 point
  20. Dattebayo


    For every sad bee story, there is this:
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. burnfitbillyboy


    So I'm outta this thread...
    1 point
  24. Roll another fat one Dave!
    1 point
  25. TigerBurge


    We need to get back on topic and stop name calling. Datte I will like whatever comments I want . Stop taking things personal. Not once have I personally attacked you about the subject.
    1 point
  26. tommy290

    Battlefield 4

    I created an account just to add another vote for PC.
    1 point
  27. I have no idea how to embed a Youtube video here, but you guys need to see this video. I honestly wish I was as good as this guy
    1 point
  28. TigerBurge


    We will agree to disagree. We had Bevis and Butthead today's generation has MLP.
    1 point
  29. tronic44


    When Both B4rrels come down on you, you know you're in the shit! That bot don't know what hit it!
    1 point
  30. Drifter

    Robocop 2014

    God no, really? thay are gonna wreak another classic movie....uhg! Sorry, guess you know my thoughts
    1 point
  31. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    ....must...resist...temptation.... Self-control.....fading.....ARGH!!!!!
    1 point
  32. Dattebayo


    You're blowing it, Tiger
    1 point
  33. Palle


    1 point
  34. You could buy it for a PC and do that yet another PC plug. Seriously, I've been playing BF3 on the PC as well as the PS3. The graphics already don't compare to a PS3. They are much much better but the keyboard + Mouse learning curve can be pretty hard with all these pros that only play on PC
    1 point
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