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Resident Evil Village


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I actually really like how Resident Evil has evolved over the years going from T-Virus, different kind of virus, parasite, mold/ spores. It keeps everything interesting. The only problem I find with the RE games of the last decade is they just can't close it out. The story starts off so solid and then... meh. 

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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7 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Great read Chad @Riff Machine .



Do you think it took the right elements from RE4 or could it have taken more? I'm also interested in how you found the camera angles as opposed to RE4 and whether it took away from the feel of the game at all?

It took the merchant and upgradable weapons and utilized it well.  The gameplay is completely different.  I feel the movement and pacing of the 3rd person perspective wouldn’t mesh well with a 1st person view.  Plus, 4 was a game for its time that revolutionized a lot of gaming cliches used now.  

The camera is never a problem in this. Just be cautious about your environment so you’re not backing into a corner. 

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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On 5/14/2021 at 11:33 AM, Riff Machine said:

I finished the story yesterday and here’s some of my take aways.  I won’t spoil anything.


Graphically, damn.  Looks great.  Sound for the most part is good.  I was confused with the voice acting choices though.  I get that the main character sound American (and a total wimp) but if the game is based in Europe, shouldn’t the voices of the enemies reflect that?


Gameplay is ok.  I found the movement to be really slow and clunky even after getting the upgrade that improves movement.  Gunplay was fine most times but felt really snappy.  

I haven’t touched the extra mercenaries mode but from everything I’ve seen, it’s the same as previous interations.  

As for the all important story...  I found the pacing really good at first.  The opening area and the two that follow were well placed and felt like RE7 with the exception of the first boss fight.  The third area felt like an actual terrifying section.  Again, I won’t spoil it, but trust me.  It’s good.  

The ladder half of the game though felt really weird.  Lots of combat, and I mean LOTS.  At a couple points, it felt like I was playing a hoard mode and found it frustrating.  Once the credits roll, I honestly had more questions then answers. 

It was an ok experience.  There’s lots of replay value with it so I’d think an 8/10 would be a fair score for it.  RE4 is still my fave of the series.   

 Thats a great review @Riff Machine , im really looking forward to playing it myself. How was it for scares and creepy moments compared to the previous  games?

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On 5/15/2021 at 2:34 PM, Antpool84 said:

 Thats a great review @Riff Machine , im really looking forward to playing it myself. How was it for scares and creepy moments compared to the previous  games?

It’s got a lot of suspense up until the end of the 3rd area.  After that, there’s little jump scares but nothing that would freak you out.  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Been playing this the last few days after picking it up cheap and have enjoyed it more than I was expecting. It's definitely not as scary as RE7 but you never really know what you're walking into and there is some interesting level and enemy design. The trader and inventory management aspect is back from RE4 but I never felt like I was tight for funds or space and there wasn't any hard decisions to make regarding upgrades or what to discard. It's definitely trickier early on but once you start finding treasures then you can afford anything and everything. Wish they were more stingier in this regard. 


It's not a hard game either but combat is still pretty fun especially against numbers. There's also the usual puzzles, backtracking and shortcuts to unlock which is great. After a few missteps with RE5/6, it's brilliant that Capcom are still innovating and keeping this franchise alive where so many other AAA titles have died or been killed off by their publishers. 

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My lad played it before Christmas and smashed through it very quickly. It doesn't seem the longest game platform and I think the change to not worrying about lack of ammo as much and more action works very well for the newer generation into Resident Evil. I'm not sure how many these days that would have the patience to be tactical with ammo and green herbs like back in the day of Resident Evil 2! Some random story parts when I did sit and watch his playthrough but he did love the game a hell of a lot.

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On 1/12/2022 at 1:35 PM, GazzaGarratt said:

My lad played it before Christmas and smashed through it very quickly. It doesn't seem the longest game platform and I think the change to not worrying about lack of ammo as much and more action works very well for the newer generation into Resident Evil. I'm not sure how many these days that would have the patience to be tactical with ammo and green herbs like back in the day of Resident Evil 2! Some random story parts when I did sit and watch his playthrough but he did love the game a hell of a lot.

I have just completed it and OH...MY...GOD!!! I absolutely loved it! The story was really good and there wasn't any point in the game where i got bored or that i felt it dragged. I enjoyed the crafting element, and still had times when i had to hunt around for ammo and supplies. I really can't wait for the next one!!!

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I've been all over the place lately with games, so I just re-downloaded this one.  I played the hell out of it when it initially released and enjoyed every minute of it.  I also re-downloaded the RE2 remake as well for giggles and shits.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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4 hours ago, Riff Machine said:

I've been all over the place lately with games, so I just re-downloaded this one.  I played the hell out of it when it initially released and enjoyed every minute of it.  I also re-downloaded the RE2 remake as well for giggles and shits.

I still need to play the RE4 HD Project mod which in itself is an additional 40gb of fixes and improvements. If you haven't tried RE3 Remake yet then that's worth grabbing in the sale - feels a bit like an RE2 expansion and is much shorter but still great fun and cuts out a lot nonsense. 

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I have the RE 3 remake but It felt really rushed.  There wasn't near as much polish to it as 2 had.  Considering the length of the story, It really should have been DLC for the RE 2 remake.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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