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MW Gunfight PS4 Alpha August 23rd-25th


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I played quite a few matches as and when I could fit them in.  A couple moments that made me wonder about the connection but mostly it was fine.  Certainly better than previous CoD’s and I’m hoping that continues in to the full game.


It’s still early days but it’s gone from another CoD I’m not going to buy to a definitely maybe.


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I played about 30 matches and although I didn't like the mode and probably wont play it again, I think the game shows tremendous promise not just for a Call of Duty title but for an FPS game in general.  It's a fine balance between realism and arcade that's enjoyable but takes some skill on top.  It took a bit of time to adapt to the controls and find the sweet spot but I finally got there after early frustrations. The presentation is outstanding particularly the animations. 


Treyarch games of late have become wacky cartoony arena shooters with painfully simplistic mechanics and very basic design that's just overly-rewarding and underwhelming. The Black Ops brand is just a joke now.  Just having real weapons with recoil adds so much and removing the tiresome three lane design format of maps will add so much flexibility to playstyles and variety to matches. Zero recoil weapons and three lane MLG map philosophy became so ingrained in the franchise that every COD game was stale soon after launch and aspects like sniping as intended were rendered redundant.  It's gonna be nice battling for power positions and weeding out campers again rather than just running up and down lanes hoping to not get shot from behind. It'll also be nice to choose from a variety of weapons types rather than having to pick the usual AR's or SMG's because of the samey map design. 


MW has so much potential that I hope isn't ruined by Activision's unknown monetisation strategy. IW certainly know what they are doing and what people want. 

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I personally think it had to go back to some realism and tactical side of things and its nailing that right now. I thought the mode is perfect when you logon late at night, no one is on and just want a quick couple of games. No thinking about classes and bam you're in.


Looking forward to downloading a beta now. Was always going to be a buy for me, knowing this lot as everyone always caves but finally you have reasons to do such things.

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