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COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread


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Well, it`s bullshit.

Another thing that is bullshit is that people seem to kill me with a couple of bullets while I have to put 6-7 or often more in them. Happens pretty much all the time no matter what gun I use.


And I have to say that this is the CAMPiest COD to date!




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PS3 for me too. MP is not particularly laggy, but feels like hit detection is poor on my end and bullets chase me around corners just like other COD`s.

And being slightly behind others, but that is because of lag I guess.


Squad is kinda MP I guess, but that was laggy as hell. Both Sat and Sunday. Still went 45-1 on my best run though, with two Hinds that I didn`t get to put up :) So I guess it lagged for the bots aswell ;)




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I have no complaints about this game still. It runs perfect for me, I rarely die to any of the bullshit I died of in BO2 or MW3. Only thing that I hope to god changes soon is the ammount of people sat in a corner ADS'ing. Some wannabe german HAZE guys accused me of camping, if they had watched the killcam they would have seen that I was running and gunning every time. Next game when they killed me I checked the killcams. Sitting in a corner with a silenced weapon...

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Smooth sailing for me, the only time it's not is when my internet drops but that's obviously my issue and not the game's.


I will agree 100% that this is full of campers, like literally FULL of campers!! 


I literally have no complaints about this game! Finally a game i can just play from the start and not have to wait months for it to work properly :)



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There seems to be a fair bit of negativity on YouTube some of it justified some just plain moaning, not sure what you guys think.


1. Too hard to unlock everything? Why are you spending your points unlocking every attachment for every gun? Just unlock the ones you need at the time and you'll always have plenty of points.

2. Basically, "I have to use a gun to get kills instead of a streak?" Have some cheese with that whine.

3. BO2 was dominated by SMGs so it's not fair to be ok with that game but not this one.

4 & 5. Maps to big and TTK too low: These are 100% personal preference. I happen to like both myself.

6. Matchmaking: Haven't encountered those issues

7. Spawns: Valid point here, though hardly new to the franchise.

Personally I'm having more fun with this installment than any since MW2 (still the best IMO).

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The other day playing with clan members I unloaded 98 rounds with a rapid fire LSAT into 2 enemies standing right next to each other while I was crouched. I managed to kill 1 and got 2 hit markers on the other. ♫ I'm fuckin' laggin'! ♫ 98 rounds; good thing we don't have to use squad points for bullets!



1. Too hard to unlock everything? Why are you spending your points unlocking every attachment for every gun? Just unlock the ones you need at the time and you'll always have plenty of points.

Thinking the same thing but do you get a background or other unlockable when unlocking all of the attachments for a weapon? Maybe thats why? He's trying to obtain all the meaningless game goodies...




My complaint towards Ghosts is we all combined clans to play together and have fun. Or combined clans trying to sink claws in and hang on to what we in our minds know can be fun. I have more fun talking and listening to you all joking back and forth than actually playing because when we do I have a 0% chance of enjoying a good game or helping us win. This is with an open nat and no other devices leaching bandwidth.


When our strongest players can't break even on K/D's and I'm 3/24 it makes me sad. Not because my KD is that of a legally blind person with no thumbs and severe head trauma, sad because we all still buy these games in an attempt to enjoy ourselves. We have more discussions about how bad the games are, what pisses us off, and smashing our controllers or personal property as a result of playing the game than how great our experiences playing with each other have been. Which IMO is the point of playing together.


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Good points @deterioration.  What is even more frustrating is when you die so many times through no fault of your own. It makes you feel helpless as if you really have no chance.  I could go 26-6 and it would be a modest game but 4 of those deaths could be dumb spawn kills on me.  Sometimes its even worse and I just can't do anything.  Its time for me to jump ship to PC.  I have meant to play with you guys the last two nights but when I jump on around 8 expecting to meet up at 9:30, I've shut the game off by 9 because it fucking pisses me off to much.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Deterioration...man, if you actually hate the game that much why don't you play a different game and just stay in party chat with these guys? That's what I would do if I didn't like cod.

Trying to find where I type about hating the game; this is the first I've shared my opinion of Ghosts? If I hate anything it's myself because the game constantly makes wonder if I'm retarded for continuing to buy them. Buying them with the forethought I might actually be able to enjoy teaming up online with clansmen when I get the opportunity.


With that the campaign in ghosts was great! The space missions blew me away honestly. I enjoy most things which involve floating around in space anyway but the tank and helicopter vehicle missions are fun too. *shrugs* I have been playing it less and less online though. I don't always have a ton of time to play so I'll pop on here & there and try to get a few in. When I do it has been rarely enjoyable. Even solo at times. Clansmen quit out mid game, it's impossible to move without being killed by enemies that aren't even on screen, bullets don't register and the laundry list of other valid complaints in this thread. I feel I need to add a disclaimer: I'm not passing judgment on anyone bitching/quiting or the like only sharing what I've witnessed happen as a result of the game being a fuck face. I sympathize with all of your frustrations.


I could, I appreciate the suggestion :), but the idea of playing another game while listening to people explain in which ways their online experience is being horrible 10 minutes at a clip doesn't excite me.Again I'm only on for small blocks of time. If I was on for a few hours party chat would suite me. It probably would also make the connections of the people playing worse :lol: if thats possible?



On the side: have there been any articles about cheaters and hackers effecting peoples connections? Similar to lag switchers in the past. I know we ran into two hackers the other day. Might they also be exploiting more glitches that effect connections we don't know about? Has me curious.


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I thought from the way you said the connection was bad and your scores were not so great that you hated the game, I might have misread :P Either way yeah, when connection is bad games suck, especially with CoD. Whenever I have a bad streak of connection problems I take a small break from the game, although this cod has been great for me so far.


The only cheaters/hackers I have seen are some 10th prestige guys with like 5 hours played, they didn't have any advantage over me though...just a shiny prestige emblem lol.

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I thought from the way you said the connection was bad and your scores were not so great that you hated the game, I might have misread :P Either way yeah, when connection is bad games suck, especially with CoD. Whenever I have a bad streak of connection problems I take a small break from the game, although this cod has been great for me so far.


The only cheaters/hackers I have seen are some 10th prestige guys with like 5 hours played, they didn't have any advantage over me though...just a shiny prestige emblem lol.

I've only seen 1 hacker on PC although there has been a few reported on all the systems but a patch was released yesterday apparently that prevents god mode and invisibility for anyone that has fallen-foul of those in recent weeks.  Fingers crossed this game will remain pretty clean throughout like Black Ops 2.

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Had a game of KC on Tremor last night, whiling playing solo. Game starts and myself and a random take off in the same direction. He kills a guy, I kill a guy and we both see a 3rd guy. We both unleash all hell on this guy and I get nothing, no hit markers, no death, nothing. I can only assume the same for my random teammate.


So I thought there might be a host migration or something. Nope, I continue to fire bullets at him an nothing. He fires at me and nothing. I tried to stab him, nothing. He tries to stab me, nothing. So he takes off and I follow. Come around a corner and one of his teammates is there and he is able to stab his own teammate. WTF!!!!????

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