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CoO changes bungie responds


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Whilst I commend Bungie for resolving this, but it's damage limitation.  If my wife has to ask for something, and I do it, I don't get the credit because I was told to do it.  Same thing here.  There was intent to extract money in the most efficient way possible.  That hasn't gone away.  Without a fuss, they would have left it as it was.  That is not easily forgotten.

I genuinely want Destiny 2 to be the experience we all hoped for, but it's so far away.  It feels further away from what I'd like to see than Destiny 1 finished.  And I can't help but shake the feeling that if they spent more time on content and less time doing bloody sneeky XP throttling and microtransactions then it might have been better.   It's ocean wide puddle deep still.  Make fireteams bigger and stick more bad guys in.  Job jobbed.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I'm with Crispy when he says that he hoped that this would be the one game we wanted.

The u-turns communication is great to see but now because of the changes the only thing they could do is effectively remove content from all players immediately to restore a level playing field. I was going to play faction rallies too from today.

On what is more frustrating is that they had no choice but to take away some things that impact people who have actually BOUGHT the DLC.

Its going to be rocky for possibly another month with holiday season upon us. The world and lore of Destiny is great but everything else around it is falling apart.

Ffs Bungie.

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I don't even need to watch the video or read their new statement to know this is another PR sham to get out of jail once again. Let me guess; they are blaming it on an 'error of judgement' or a simple 'mistake' of some kind rather than a(nother) deliberate implementation to knowingly screw over their paying customers in the hope that they pay up for something they don't want, to access something they've already been playing since launch in what is already a painfully threadbare product. 


Shit game design or embarrasing incompetence from a major developer. It's one or the other.  


Until the next calamity..

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I skipped it as well. I don't care anymore, I have learned that in order to enjoy a Bungie game you have to wait to get it until the ass end of the life cycle when all the DLC are out


Way to go Bungie, you really showed me how to throw my money at the screen

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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On 12/12/2017 at 7:52 AM, Baabcat said:

Quite encouraging that Bungie have listened and acted quickly, and some decent responses from them. Hopefully there is much more to come, but fair play to them for putting the 'locked content' fire out.


There's nothing encouraging about this at all. They locking content was done "by accident" but that's a load of shit. How can they accidentally raise the power level for certain events? It was done on purpose and the ONLY reason they changed it back is because so many people kicked off about it. My guess is that they changed it back because Christmas is coming and they didn't want to lose out on Christmas sales.


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3 hours ago, MrBiron said:


There's nothing encouraging about this at all. They locking content was done "by accident" but that's a load of shit. How can they accidentally raise the power level for certain events? It was done on purpose and the ONLY reason they changed it back is because so many people kicked off about it. My guess is that they changed it back because Christmas is coming and they didn't want to lose out on Christmas sales.


Im sure it was done on purpose, I was encouraged by the fact they have realised it was totally out of order and responded pretty much immediately. Given the issues with the game and the lack of a communication to date I was quite pleased the jumped so quickly.


Having said that I have heard tat people started getting refunds as the pay wall locked out some trophies which meant retailers had to give refunds. Perhaps this is why they jumped.


my actual guess is there is a fire going on in Bungie HQ ,a plummeting player base , I would guess poor sales of the DLC, and it’s trashing by you tubers , has hopefully opened a few eyes at Bungie to the collassal disappointment this game is



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53 minutes ago, Baabcat said:


Im sure it was done on purpose, I was encouraged by the fact they have realised it was totally out of order and responded pretty much immediately. Given the issues with the game and the lack of a communication to date I was quite pleased the jumped so quickly.


Having said that I have heard tat people started getting refunds as the pay wall locked out some trophies which meant retailers had to give refunds. Perhaps this is why they jumped.


my actual guess is there is a fire going on in Bungie HQ ,a plummeting player base , I would guess poor sales of the DLC, and it’s trashing by you tubers , has hopefully opened a few eyes at Bungie to the collassal disappointment this game is



I agree Bob in relation to they acted quickly. We have to reiterate, this isn't new, the exact same thing happened in D1 and we didn't grumble too much then. The main reason why there's so much anger and backlash is because the content that was there was just too easy to rinse through.


People's expectations are far higher of D2 than of D1 and rightly so. They expected improvements, not a feeling of scaled back from Y3 D1 game.


They've had a serious reality check and you have to be critical of them. At the same time I don't think there's a problem to continually review what they are saying and where this game is going.


I always said it was about how things land after this debacle and how they communicate. Communication is becoming very regular already which has to be a positive. I hope the backlash did what it needed to.

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5 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

At this point in time, I'd rather reset a D1 character and play D1 again.



A few of us are talking about that now actually 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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