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Limit heading in youth football?


Young footballers should be limited in how often they can head the ball, says a report by a group of politicians.

Calling for a parliamentary inquiry into the issue of concussion in sport, the report says there must also be a debate as to whether restrictions are placed on full contact in youth rugby.

The report, titled Concussion Can Kill, suggests a five-step charter.

And it says costly legal cases in the United States mean concussion cannot be ignored by UK sporting bodies.

Concern about the effects of concussion has grown in recent years, andDr Barry O'Driscoll resigned from the International Rugby Board medical committee in 2013 in protest at its concussion protocols.

The report states there needs to be "a debate about limiting exposure to head injuries for those participating in sport, particularly young people" and suggests "a graduated introduction of 'headers' in youth football".

It also asks: "Is it appropriate for young children to regularly train and compete in full contact rugby?"

As well as calling for a parliamentary inquiry, it proposes:

  • A single set of concussion protocols covering all sports.
  • Independent peer-reviewed research into concussion and British sport.
  • A clear message that concussion can kill.
  • Better co-ordination between sports, schools, colleges and doctors.

The Football Association's lack of formal protocols to deal with concussion is highlighted, while there is a recommendation for more research into the links between concussion and the disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Former England forward Jeff Astle died in 2002 from brain traumacaused by heading heavy leather balls and his widow, Laraine, has urged the FA to take more responsibility on the issue.

The governing body promised at the time of Astle's death it would undertake a 10-year joint study alongside the Professional Footballers' Association to investigate the link, but no study was published.

It said in a statement the safety of all footballers is of "the upmost importance" and added it intended to publish new guidance before the 2014-15 season.

The FA statement continued: "Unfortunately, the previous study that the FA and PFA instigated, which followed the effects of heading the ball over a 10-year period, never reached its conclusion as the selected young players all failed to make the standard as professional players and fell out of the game."




Right so they're looking into having B teams so our youths get better at the game but at the same time we're going to limit the amount they can head the ball. Sense? I don't fucking think so!


"Head the ball once more and you're off son" - if i ever hear those words i'm quitting life!



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Only non playing political morons could even think up this concept. What is the fucking point in even getting out of your jimmies in the morning and venturing into the big wide world when you have idiots like this suggesting such idiotic proposals??


Surely they have better things to do with their "valuable" time. You know, like propping up the bar(s) in Westminster. Now people will begin to understand my complete hate of politicians no matter what their affiliation.............grrrrrrrrrr..........and relax ;)

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:lol: As soon as i posted that i thought, hmm hope that doesn't give anyone any ideas.


I bet you there's an MPtard forum where they post all their lunatic ideas then just pick random ones......shouldn't say tard actually, very offensive to mentally disabled people if i compare them to MP's. Apologies.



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wtf I sent you a message through the app but it didn't send it just disappeared! I watched it fuckin send! Sorry man, left late then and had to tidy my room from take away boxes cuz it stank! :/ sorry dude



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I might well be, the missus is working so I should be good for a decent session. I am cooking at some point but won't take long. I honestly have now idea why that didn't send, sorry again dude. Hope to catch you later



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