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Football (Played with Feet)


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Couldn't agree more Euan, after the last round where they thumped Schalke, it looks like they might do the same here. It still depends how the play on the day but this cup is going back to Spain in some shape or form.


And :lol:  at Mourinho, he blamed his strikers for last night, even though they didn't play. What does he expect against PSG? PSG's run in will be based on how bad Zlatan's hamstring is, they got a great team but he's in a different class.



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Seriously despise Real Madrid, hoping they have a Munich type plane accident at some point.


a - Franco's team

b - BIggest neo-nazi supported team in Spain, which is saying something when they share a league with Sevilla.

c - The Spanish state has bailed them out time after time after time, in some of the most dodgy deals in world football

d - Luka Modrich robbed from the mighty spurs

e - Gareth Bale robbed (sort of) from the mighty (sort of) Spurs

f - My missus is from Barcelona (most important reason of all).

g - Ronaldo's wink


I do have a soft spot though for Althletic Bilbao, fucking love the Basques.


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2-0 Everton. 


Romelulu Lulukaku or whatever he's called has scored. I think he'll be in a Spurs t-shirt next year


Only if they don't get Champions league I'd say.


TBH I'm not a big fan of his but he'd probably do a good job for us, he's a big lump :P


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2-0 Everton. 


Romelulu Lulukaku or whatever he's called has scored. I think he'll be in a Spurs t-shirt next year

Lukaku is just as good, if not better than any other striker Chelsea has right now IMO. If I was Mourinho I'd want him in a Chelsea shirt.



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Lukaku is just as good, if not better than any other striker Chelsea has right now IMO. If I was Mourinho I'd want him in a Chelsea shirt.

Agree. I think Mourinho's pride and general arrogance was the only thing stopping him from recalling Lukaku. He got shot of him a bit lively after the Super Cup and like you said; he's better than any striker they've currently got. It's their lack of goals up front that could ultimately cost them the title and it's that type of player they need. Jose should have just brought him back at Christmas because he was on fire around then. 

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