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Football (Played with Feet)


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Another slick performance from Liverpool today. What an incredible finish to the season it's going to be. If they can beat City and Chelsea at Anfield; it's theirs to lose. I'd love to see them do it because Rodgers has done a remarkable job and the way the team are performing is the ultimate definition to quality football. 


Spurs had a bit of a stinker today as they have in too many games this season. Sherwood started well and literally gave himself the job but they really need to replace him with a quality manger end of season and bring in some better players. Most of their signings from the Bale money have been a massive letdown with only Chadli and Eriksen impressing. Kaboul, Rose, Ciriches, Lamela, Sigurdsson and Soldado have all had pretty horrific seasons. 


I can even see Everton pipping Arsenal to 4th place.

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Obviously I'll be disappointed if Liverpool don't win the league, however this season has been a massive success for us regardless. Brendan's turned Hodgons ugly football into a thing of beauty and with a champions league spot we might attract some top talent too. It's good to be a Liverpool fan right now.



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Well the football has been mental the last couple of weeks, only just getting a chance to post in here. It seems like UTD are slowly getting a bit more confidence, if we can end the season on a bit of a high then that'll at least be something. I can't see us getting 4th but i can see us overtaking Spurs who seems to love letting the goals in of late.


Liverpool are playing some great football at the moment, they seem to be scoring left right and centre.....although i hope they don't win lol Everton to over take everyone and win the league!! You heard it here first!


Also, and i know it's mind games, against who though i'm not sure, but what manager comes out and says his team have no chance of winning the league when they're only 2 points off the top?? Mourinho is a nutter!


Oh and i know it was a week ago but what a goal by Rooney! Haven't posted on here since and since i haven't had a lot to shout about :D lol ......well actually i've had plenty to shout about :/



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Hope Liverpool wins the league. I don't like chelsea or city one bit. United is well out of it. Arsenal lost their chance when we didn't sign anyone good in the winter window... Still have my hopes for a 3rd or 4th place and a FA cup win.

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Good result for United and a decent display but they'll seriously have their work cut out in the 2nd leg but they are not out of it by any shot.


Bayern dominated the first half but should have been a goal down. I thought they were poorer in the second half but grabbed the away goal and perhaps could have nicked it. 

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Valencia should have definitely gone. His challenge was probably a red card in itself. It happened a bit too quick but at first glance, even for me, it was reckless. 


I can't decide is Fellani had a good game or a complete stinker. He gave the ball away so much but other times he did some neat stuff. Still the Champions League is waaaayy out of his league. Best player tonight was Alex 'I can't believe it's not' Buttner.

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Disagree about Valencia's challenge being a red card. Yellow at most. The Schweinsteiger red card was a joke. I don't think either of his tackles were close to a yellow. Yellow cards get thrown around far too easily.

Fellaini is so poor. Kagawa is a far superior football. Agree about Buttner, played well.

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