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No Man's Sky new huge update coming but is it worth it?

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Developer Hello Games hinted at a new update coming in August potentially to substantially update the game to higher standards. The information released said:


"We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the Mercury Subroutine so far," the statement reads.

"We hope you have enjoyed the successful distribution of 180 Access IDs, and we hope you will also appreciate the other interesting artifacts we have in store for you going forward.

"We intend to keep the process alive until the completion of Project Waking Titan in August.

"It is important to mention that we are very excited by the coming Phases 2 and 3. Input from the Mercury Subroutine will pave the way toward new experiences in version 1.3 of a familiar universe.

"We look forward to the successful conclusion of this ground-breaking experiment. Regards. S.M."


The last big No Man's Sky PS4 and PC update was dubbed Pathfinder. The Pathfinder Update added new planetary vehicles, base sharing, PS4 Pro support, ship/weapon specialisation, permadeath mode, and much more. Hello Games also made various visual improvements, and added a new photo mode.The screenshot tool lets players change the time of day, increase or decrease fog and cloud levels, unlock their camera for new angles, and add filters.


Now, this all good and well but I just don't think anyone is listening to them any more. Has anyone fired this game up in the last 6 to 12 months? Such a shame any game has to end this way but they should be thinking of saving money right now and putting it towards their next title, if they get the chance to make another game.

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I can only assume that the reason this game is still having work maintained is to keep them distant from any legal ramifications down the line. The amount of lies that were spouted leading right up until release was just astonishing but if they show that they still have a dedicated interest in the project then that may cover their arses in the future. Or perhaps they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts cos afterall; they did net a remarkable amount of money for an indie game which was sold on brainwashing fans and endless amounts of deception. I can't see any future endevours from this team or from Sean Murray having any form of success or trust so perhaps trying to repair the relationship with a fraction of the community is all they can do. 

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What I do not understand is why they get so much hate for the game, I'm sure the reddit thread exists still in which someone listed all the 'lies' that were told up to release but they kept getting crossed off as people played more and more of the game and found that they weren't actually lies.  There were some things that were straight out lies, or at best were supposed to be in the game but they couldn't make the launch, but Hello Games are far from the first to lie about their game and they wont be the last.  I do think some of the issue with NMS was the hype, people built this idea up of what it was going to be yet watching any streams of it and Sean Murray playing it - it was plain to see it was going to be a huge and vast but ultimately a shallow game.


As for the updates, they have supposedly made it better and I keep meaning to go back to see what the updates added but I find it difficult to motivate myself for single player games.


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I read at the time what the game was promising and laughed my arse off.
It was even mooted as competition to Star Citizen at one point.
SC only goes into Beta this year and it's been worked on for 4 years plus already.
That's with much more people working on it and massive pockets of cash.

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4 hours ago, Greboth said:

What I do not understand is why they get so much hate for the game, I'm sure the reddit thread exists still in which someone listed all the 'lies' that were told up to release but they kept getting crossed off as people played more and more of the game and found that they weren't actually lies.  There were some things that were straight out lies, or at best were supposed to be in the game but they couldn't make the launch, but Hello Games are far from the first to lie about their game and they wont be the last.

They will always get flak especially in this day and age for their antics and whilst I'm tired of seeing the same stereotypcial hate being banded around at them; they fucking deserve every bit of it. This wasn't a case of time constraints, budget restrictions or technical limitations - this was a calculated deception of continuous lies for three years leading up to release. Even Sony called them out on their whole strategy and even went against their own policies to refund angry users months down the line. 


Sean Murray 12 days before the delayed launch still stated to various media domains that the game could be played with other players online but the chances of meeting them was virtually non-existent. Day one and this was already debunked as complete bullshit and it was clear he talked up a feature that didn't exist hoping that nobody would ever discover it to be nonsense. It was then proven that the game was played locally with only the data packet that was transmitted online which means it is technically impossible for players to meet, see or communicate with each other. He even dropped at text at the 11th hour before launch telling people not to go into the experience if they were looking for a multiplayer one - this was after the game was heavily pre-ordered and the tight media embargoes were lifted. That was just one of a catalogue of blatant lies. After Murray was exposed barely 24 hours after release; he disappeared from the media for months not to be seen until January. 


There are also so many other allegeded features that was talked about or he answered 'yes' to in his many biased media interviews and virtually none were ever seen or talked about again. This wasn't a case of them being simply omitted - they clearly didn't exist and HG had no intention of producing them. Even if his back-catalogue of BS features did ever make it into the game years later; that's not what people paid for at launch a year ago and it's not an early access listed title either. He always talked about not wanting to spoil or give too much away but it's clear why these were his motivations. I do think many people did perhaps get a bit over-hyped and carried away and the media were far too generous in swallowing everything Murray said rather than questioning each detail and asking for some evidence rather than a simple 'yes'. Just his body langauge alone was a dead giveaway for me. 


This was definitely worse than anything Peter Molyneux, Dean Hall, EA and even Ubisoft have ever pulled. I usually champion British-based develoeprs but this lot have brought utter shame and embarrassment to the industry and let a lot of people down on a level I have never ever seen before and that's against the usual AAA suspects of today. Not even Ubisoft have ever sunk to this borderline-illegal practice. 

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