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Minecraft Beginner Tips


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So for a complete noob where do I start with this? A good start would be basic controls and first things to learn / first 10 things in Minecraft to do would help me out so I can understand how to do the basics before I even attempt on picking a zone for myself.

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I'm sure I am missing something important out as I am doing this from memory.  Things are a little easier being is an online server as other players can give you things which speeds things up however the basics are still the same.


Basic controls;

Mouse - move your aim

Left click - perform an action (punch, dig, mine etc)

Right click - place / use selected item

W,A,S and D - move

Ctrl - Run (though I think run can be activated by pressing W then press and holding it)

Shift - Stealth / crouch

Space - Jump

E - Open inventory

Numbers 1-9 at top of keyboard - select things from your quick inventory (the line of items at the bottom)

Q - Drops one of the current item stack your holding.  If you want to drop a whole stack, left click and drag it out of your inventory.

J - Brings up a full screen map.


In your inventory;

Left click - select everything in that stack or if holding items place everything in that stack

Right click - pick up half the stack or if holding items, place 1 of that item



You can craft on the move by pressing E however it is quite limited in what you can make.  To craft most things you need a crafting table (I'll get on how to build one in a bit).  To craft anything you need to places the right items in the right order - with one of the mods everything is on the right and side and searchable to find out how to build it.


First things first in the game, being survival you need to survive - mobs spawn in dark places on the map or at night.  The best way to avoid these at night it to sleep through the night which stops any spawning.  On the server every player will need to sleep to skip the night.  To sleep you will need to make a bed and to make a bed you will need a crafting table and ideally to have a crafting table you will need to have a house.


So first things first;

1. Build a house - if you want to keep it simple (which I do just to start with) is build a small house (the smallest you want to build internally is 3 x 3 and 2 blocks tall).

2. Build a crafting table - find some wood and cut it down, you will need 1 blocks.  Bring up your inventory by pressing E, place the blocks in to your crafting and it should come up with 4 planks.  Place the 4 planks in a square and it will give you a crafting table.  Select the crafting table and right click to place it.

3. Right click on the crafting table and you wil get more crafting options to build stuff

4. To build a bed you will need 3 planks (crafted from wooden blocks) and 3 wool collected from sheep.  Place 3 planks in a horizontal row with 3 wool above them and you have a bed.  Select the bed in your inventory and right click to place it.

5. A basic set is complete now build and do whatever you want.


One of the most important tips I can think of is, if you crouch (by holding shift) you wont walk off the edge of blocks which is useful if you want to look over the edge of cliffs or if you want to build out with nothing underneath.


The other most important tip is don't mine the block you're standing on or the one above your head.  Not often but this will lead to your death at some point.


Being survival you have health and need to eat.  Heathwise long falls will hurt and mobs will hurt you too.  Food wise, to eat select an item of food and right click to eat.  As a general rule, cooked meat restores more of your food  meter than fruit or vegetables.  If you need to heal you will automatically do so but only if your food meter is full.


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Make a well for water

Get a bucket!


Dig a 2x2 hole

Put water in opposite holes




w = water, o = open (top down view

You will never run out of water again as long as you only take 1 bucket full every second (or less)


Working with water is easy, to make it level across a far distance, just leap frog the water you pour out


SO if you have a section like this


you would do water like this



It takes a while but it smooths it out 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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This guide doesn't cover any of the mods



Also, when in game, if you click on an item in the right sidebar (The one that is literally every item in the game), it will show you how to make it. From there you can click on other things to see how to make those.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Found thrse yesterday....they go over what the guys have said previously (and probably a bit more) but sometimes it's easier to see than to visualise



There are quite a few in the series I think


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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How about just jumping on with pals Lee and giving it ago.
A few of us were on yesterday and I'll be back on this evening.
Fuck tutorials, we won't steer you wrong. Well, Greboth might. And Crispy, just don't your back on him is my advice[emoji2]

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


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8 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:

Found thrse yesterday....they go over what the guys have said previously (and probably a bit more) but sometimes it's easier to see than to visualise



There are quite a few in the series I think


1 hour ago, Sennex said:

I think that is the video i sent lee the other day

Via the FG App


Thanks both, yes it was Bart.


37 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

How about just jumping on with pals Lee and giving it ago.
A few of us were on yesterday and I'll be back on this evening.
Fuck tutorials, we won't steer you wrong. Well, Greboth might. And Crispy, just don't your back on him is my adviceemoji2.png

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


Totally with you me old china, but I just don't want to become extremely annoying within 5 minutes (at least give it 20 ;)). I would be literally asking questions every 5 seconds.


Thanks for the start up @Greboth, I will just need to be disciplined one night and stop trying to play ps4 with FGers, forum and read up on this all at the same time.

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This seems like best place to ask, how do unlock/rank up mining level? Going through the cave last night there were some blocks I couldn't mine.  Normal blocks say at the top what they are, tool to use and mining level* with a number.  Most blocks are level 1 but some of them are level 2 or 3.


* May not actually be mining level, my memory is terrible but something like that.


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This seems like best place to ask, how do unlock/rank up mining level? Going through the cave last night there were some blocks I couldn't mine.  Normal blocks say at the top what they are, tool to use and mining level* with a number.  Most blocks are level 1 but some of them are level 2 or 3.
* May not actually be mining level, my memory is terrible but something like that.

It's a combination of the tool you are using and your level I think.
Certain materials can only be accessed with the right type and level of tool.
You probably already know that but it's lunchtime, I'm in the pub, and that's my tuppence [emoji123]

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


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15 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

It's a combination of the tool you are using and your level I think.
Certain materials can only be accessed with the right type and level of tool.
You probably already know that but it's lunchtime, I'm in the pub, and that's my tuppence emoji123.png

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


I assume it is something like that, I'm level 40 is for mining but it still had a red 2 at the top.  I was using a stone pick though so could be I need to use a different pick like an iron one.  If I don't get an answer, I'll have a mess around later and try to figure it out as I have an Iron pick now.


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I assume it is something like that, I'm level 40 is for mining but it still had a red 2 at the top.  I was using a stone pick though so could be I need to use a different pick like an iron one.  If I don't get an answer, I'll have a mess around later and try to figure it out as I have an Iron pick now.

Yep, stone picks are for the basics, try an iron one, I think only iron can mine diamond etc etc

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


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Phil is 100% correct here.


Iron Pickaxes can mine anything except for obsidian. Diamond can mine anything


So what I do in game before I have a full stack of diamonds to work with.

Take a stack of wood planks or logs with you wherever you go

Take 1 Stone Pickaxe

Take 1 Iron Pickaxe


When mining stone, use the stone pickaxe, when mining any ore, swap to the iron.

When the stone pickaxe breaks, make a new one with some of the stone you mined, and the wood you brought with you. This way you don't have to stop until you have enough stone or minerals for your needs, or your pack is full.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Okay, what is a way point on our install, how do you set them and use them?....I have tried Google but found it confusing 


Also, how is is teleporting and how do you do it (been walking a lot recently)?


Finally, for now, is sprinting double click W and does it burn up your energy quicker?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Running costs food, yes it burns more than walking. 


Waypoints do NOT teleport. I am unable to change this.

However what they do is show you where something is, and how far away you are from it.


Teleport commands that work


/home - teleports you to your home

/sethome - creates home point

/back - teleports you to the location you recently teleported from

/spawn - teleports you to the server spawn for that dimension

/warp {name} - warps you to the location you named, you set hte names, you can have 3

/setwarp {name} - works like set home



Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Running costs food, yes it burns more than walking. 
Waypoints do NOT teleport. I am unable to change this.
However what they do is show you where something is, and how far away you are from it.
Teleport commands that work
/home - teleports you to your home
/sethome - creates home point
/back - teleports you to the location you recently teleported from
/spawn - teleports you to the server spawn for that dimension
/warp {name} - warps you to the location you named, you set hte names, you can have 3
/setwarp {name} - works like set home

Still plan on doing multiple "home" teleports since we can't use waypoints?

Via the FG App




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25 minutes ago, BO7H B4RRELS said:

Still plan on doing multiple "home" teleports since we can't use waypoints?

Via the FG App


I believe we'll be able to do 1 home and 3 other warps, so 4 in total.

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