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Youtube Banner, Logo & Credits

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Hello lovely people of Forever Gaming!


Is there anyone out there who would like to create a logo, banner and credits (final screen for videos) for our Youtube channel? The one we have is currently the old one and it would be nice to have something new up there.


We could even have multiple people make them and then have a vote at the end for which ones we like.


EDIT: Can i also add credits for the end of videos, they're not so much credits but it's normally a image with options to choose another video. 





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Wouldn't the logo just be the one at the top of the forum or the infinity controller? As this would fit in with current logo.  The banner would require some work though as the FG logo doesn't fit a rectangular banner.  I'll have a go at putting something together too.


It is worth noting an end screen version of the logo is also good.


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22 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I'll like the idea of doing a few and putting it to a vote Rich. I want everyone to have a say.

I'm definitely down with that dude, looking forward to seeing what people come up with.


1 hour ago, Greboth said:

Wouldn't the logo just be the one at the top of the forum or the infinity controller? As this would fit in with current logo.  The banner would require some work though as the FG logo doesn't fit a rectangular banner.  I'll have a go at putting something together too.


It is worth noting an end screen version of the logo is also good.

Yeah the logo can be the same, it just needs to be the correct size and then creating the banner.


The banner can be what ever people want, would be good to see some different ideas.



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I've edited the main post to add credits/options for other videos. 


Please say if it doesn't make sense, i can't think of anything to call it apart from credits.......video option screen? Na i give up.



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2 hours ago, tronic44 said:

I've edited the main post to add credits/options for other videos. 


Please say if it doesn't make sense, i can't think of anything to call it apart from credits.......video option screen? Na i give up.


What we absolutely need is a transitional video that uses the FG logo. This would be perfect for linking between different video clips.

Forum Signature Test.png

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I would have thought that the log would be the normal FG logo at the top of the forum? The end clip, I just used the one above thought I have had to amend it slightly as the subscribe button was too low for youtube so hgad to higher it a little and make the spinning FG logo smaller.  If we are going to be using this end card then I will upload the new version for everyone.  As for a banner though, I don't think we have one and I said I was going to give a go but completely forgot about it.  If I get off OW early enough I'll give it a go tonight.


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