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Crucible 4v4 always in Destiny 2


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This one was pretty big news that I think most of us would immediately jump and say its pretty disappointing. I did, initially anyway.


However, I can start to see where they are coming from. Whilst i'm going to miss PvP in a big FG group of 6, there wasn't much co-ordination to it and we've always been crying out for more PvE content to do together. If the reason is because we get more PvE content and then much more focused PvP games where we could actually play a little more tactically then i'm game.


I'm coming around to it but blasting shotguns with 5 others is going to be sorely missed.

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Like I said in the other thread I think 6v6 pubs at the minimum should have been kept with a possible ranked playlist for the more sweaty team tryhards. 

I think running solo just got harder 


That news game mode is also targeting team play which definitely makes a move away from solo play towards esports

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4v4 sounds like a bit of a mistake to me. The proof will be in the pudding but quite nervous about this aspect. PvP was always a good laugh on D1 and kept me going longer so would hate to see it not being a large part of the new game 

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4 hours ago, BO7H B4RRELS said:

I'm not too worried about it.  I think it will be just fine, but we will see.


However, I wonder if they'll have any game modes, or special events with more than 4v4?  


I'm with Tommy. I don't think you'll see the change in the end. We'll be playing so much PvE to start with imo. We only miss it because we enjoy gaming with bigger groups.


I think they have all the previous game modes plus the new one which is attack/defend mode. I like the sound of the new mode, similar to Overwatch style.

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That's great gameplay. I'm already loving that game mode as SnD is one of my favourite modes from other FPS PvP games.


If we can have private games of that too which means 8 of us can play, that would be brilliant. I also like how you can see what each team make up is.

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