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Bought this in the PSN sale. I had it on the PS3 and enjoyed it for a bit but burned out fairly quickly. On PS4 it seems to have so much more stuff, the attention to detail and sheer amount of content in this game is on a whole different level. The multiplayer is such a blast. I logged on and tried to do a few missions last night but I think I managed one, every time I kept getting killed by other players, but it was actually great fun. I did some TDM matches which were decent, can't see it lasting very long but still great for a blast now and then. I even managed to kill a few people!


Did some of the wacky racing stuff, it's like a completely different game. Boosting and blasting all over the place, jumping over skyscrapers and far enough to jump from London to Manchester, all the while trying to not get smashed off the track and smash everyone else off. Absolute blast. 


If you can bag a copy cheap, do it. 


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It could be that a few of us are going to be playing a bit of GTA online.

James and I set up clan when we were playing on PC and it's still active for PS4....so if you fancy it let me know and I'll send an invite.

Clan name: FG4Q


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13 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

hit me up buttercup.

Oh me oh my, I sent you an invite cutie pie

Rich has just got the game and I've sent invites to a few folk who seem to have had it at some point.

If I'm not your friend 'yet' on PS4 and you want in, gimme a shout. I answer to: "oi!"


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OI! :D I would like in pretty please.  I sold my copy ages ago but got a wanted thread up on another forum for it but if no one responds in the next day or 2 I will just get a new copy.  So should be available at the weekend if anyone fancies doing some mission or whatever.


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It will be good to get back to my fancy apartment and nice garage :D I know there has been a lot of changes and additions too so lots of new stuff to buy.  I can imagine that there is going to be A LOT of updates to download.

On a side note, if people are ok with I can record our chat while we play as I can imagine it would make some 'interesting' montages.


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5 hours ago, Greboth said:

OI! :D I would like in pretty please.  I sold my copy ages ago but got a wanted thread up on another forum for it but if no one responds in the next day or 2 I will just get a new copy.  So should be available at the weekend if anyone fancies doing some mission or whatever.

Sweet, I need to add you to my PSN too and I'll sort out this evening!


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I've sent a few invites out via Rockstar social club but give me a shout if not received.

I think a few are already in clans from back when it came out so I'm not sure what every one wants to do. I'm easy but you're all welcome to the FG Bootboys (FG4Q) either way.



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Got mine yesterday and have been messing around on it today.  I am happy to switch clans, I don't think anyone from OCUK plays it anymore anyway.  I think it would be good to get a company going online as it seems a good way to get money online.  I just don't have anywhere  near enough money to buy the premises.


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I've got about £1m I think. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing and keep getting robbed, so may as well chip it in to something for the clan. I only got it because I got some or other limited edition I think.+


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6 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

Don't let him in!

Too late, but you two going at it constantly probably means its a pretty prickly sort of clan.

I found out that there's also an FG clan from PS3 days, so if folk would prefer to go on the old one let me know..and send me an invite:769_heart:


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