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Ghost Recon Wildlands


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2 hours ago, tronic44 said:

I've heard bad things about this game which is a shame. I was pretty hyped when i saw it was coming out, great idea for a game but not completely sold by it although i am registered.

This is gonna be an epic PS2 game and its made by Ubisoft who are a highly trusted company especially with games like theseB)

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1 hour ago, phil bottle said:

From what I've seen - which isn't a lot - it looks like  a mix between the Division and Metal Gear Solid V. 

I signed up to the test a while ago so the proof will be in the pudding.

Pretty much and with a bit of Just Cause thrown in. The one thing that makes this game stand out for me when compared to similar games in the genre is the 1st person ADS. Usually you have a shoulder cam for games like these but the third person movement and then 1st person combat is fairly unique and it seems to be cleanly implemented. Other than that; it's just another questionable Ubisoft sandbox but could be decent for a quiet time of the year. 

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23 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Pretty much and with a bit of Just Cause thrown in. The one thing that makes this game stand out for me when compared to similar games in the genre is the 1st person ADS. Usually you have a shoulder cam for games like these but the third person movement and then 1st person combat is fairly unique and it seems to be cleanly implemented. Other than that; it's just another questionable Ubisoft sandbox but could be decent for a quiet time of the year. 

Completely agree on the 1st person ADS, hopefully it feels natural switching between views.


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Average. Nothing really jumps out on the beta as being awesome. It's GTA/just cause with squads. The flight controls are awful and there are some strange graphic glitches when in dark areas. 


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Had a little play today and it was good but not great which is to be expected in a beta.

Smooth driving and I thought the UI seemed solid too.

Seemed a little odd though how you couldn't hide straight away under cover and the drone seems good initially but it shouldn't be available to redeploy straight away from the character again.

Feels a little like Far Cry with a little of the Division. Didn't feel a wow factor along the way unfortunately.

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10 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I saw the open beta is from Feb 23rd to 27th. 

It's not got a great appeal @J4MES OX4D, I think I would re-look at Far Cry 4 co-op over this in my opinion.

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Played nearly a couple of hours of the beta on PC so far and this game is the mixed bag I was expecting. Visually, it looks magnificent at times and the draw distances along with the general scale is insane. Some textures are iffy as hell up close but all in all; it looks incredible for the most part. The combat seems decent and I like the 1st person ADS and the movement controls are also reasonable although the cover elements aren't as slick as their other games such as The Division and even bloody Watch Dogs 2. 

The amount of negative aspects here is pretty alarming though and really drags the game down. Character creation is pretty garbage just like The Division and Ubisoft will no doubt be farming out decent cosmetics through DLC at a price of course. The story is as weak and confusing as hell along with being rather uninspired. The acting is pretty poor and the script is painfully bad most of the time. 

This may be a beta but we all know from experience that its more of a demo and some things just cannot and will not be fixed. The driving is very poor and there are issues with the collision detection and general physics being somewhat wonky. The AI is pretty shite and at times the game is painfully easy. The missions I've played so far just stink of your typical sandbox cliche and combine this with the poor narrative and script anyway; and the whole game will probably just feel like a bland experience where everything you do is linear and feels like a side mission. 

It's clear that the developers are focusing purely on co-op and it's up to the gamers to create their own story to bolster their experience. As a solo game; it's pretty weak and although you have 3 other AI players you can direct who actually perform decently; you really need to be playing with friends to get the most out of it because it's very empty and mediocre otherwise. 

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I do not believe Ubisoft can handle these types of games. I believe AC Black Flag was the last quality piece as Rainbow 6 Siege and For Honor are their own types of games and share common problems between the two. This title never interested me enough to try the beta. 

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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