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Overwatch first impressions


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Let me start bt saying that you will struggle to have more fun in a game. Honestly, the variety of heroes and and environments make for some of the most intense and entertaining fighting I've had in years.

That said:


These are the guys that make this game. They're all psycho in some form or another and they're absolutely mental. They all have different abilities which make them unique, there are four classes: damage dealers, tanks, healers and support, each with about 6 heroes to play. Coming up against a well balanced team is a nightmare, you don't stand a chance with a bunch of randoms. The variety of weaponry and abilities in this game is cray cray. I'm not talking about different guns, but different types of weapons altogether. You think of a way to kill someone, odds are it's in the game.

Environment / maps:

Blizzard is so good at this. These maps are fantastic, nicely sized, vibrant colours, loads of paths and corridors, you can go upstairs, downstairs, across rooftops, the lot. They provide some seriously hectic matches because you never know where you're gonna get shot / axed / hammered / chained / electrocuted / frozen / burned / yanked / stabbed / ninja starred / sniped from (I think you get the idea). The maps are also dedicated to game modes, so you won't be playing different game modes on the same map.

Game modes:

There are a fair few, from an escort type to a king of the hill type, they're all there. It seems that Blizzard has just blatantly nicked ideas from every other game out there and perfected them to create this game.


Fantastic. The action gets seriously intense and it's never dull. There are already quite a few cheap tactics in the game like turrets staring at spawn rooms and whatnot but there are loads of counters and and changing to a different class takes 5 seconds. Of course the game is full of retarded snipers who don't go near flags already but that's par for the course. Snipycunts gonna Snipycunt. The combat is smooth, slick and polished although there are the odd lag spikes which can get a bit annoying but its no worse than Cod or Destiny. The one thing that is the game's biggest strength and it's weakness is the supers. They can really help you out but they can also ruin your day. Last night I was on a 22 streak when some dick zapped me with his super, I had zero chance of surviving. Oh the rage.

Also, ammo is unlimited and abilities are on timers so theres no worrying about not having stuff.

Other notes:

I left a game early today and was penalised -75% xp for the next few games. I like this, more games need this so quitters suffer. The lack of anything to work towards is rather concerning. There are no achievements, no unlocks, no attachments, bo perks, no progress at all. It's very Unreal Tournament like that. I'd like something to work towards. Customization is aplenty however, with costumes, hats, emotes, voices, and more. These are all awarded with loot crates which are earned with XP. Blizzard has also stated that they will never charge for any DLC for this game which is good but it does raise the question of what DLC we're going to get as the budget will be limited.

So far it's a great pick up and play game. It's not the kind of game you sink three hour long sessions in to, and for that reason I think it's overpriced. This to me is a £20 game, not a £45 game. That said, we don't know what Blizzard has in store, they usually have epic DLC for their other games but these come at a cost. Time will tell.

I do think this is a great game for us all to hop in together and fuck shit up and I do hope many of you get it for that very reason but for a solo player this game is simply too expensive.


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I'm excited to see the ranked seasons and tournament mode in the next update.



EDIT - You jackass, instead of linking to a page on reddit that linked to the actual article, just link to the damn article! - Sennex



Edited by Sennex
rob is a derp

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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I ended up getting it.


I'm enjoying it so far but I've only done bot games with a few characters


It's objective based which I like.

It gives you the opportunity to play support roles as opposed to just killing opponents which I also like


The look of the game is more cartoony but it works.


It has a cyber ninja as a character so it has to be good :)

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The game is really well polished which is normal for Blizzard. The objectives are fun and so are the maps. The characters are very basic but all have extremely high ceilings if you want to main a specific one as well as very balanced with counters. It's nice to hear you buy this game once and no longer need to worry about buying any new character or dlc. 


Certain modes and checkpoints can get very cheesy as you are allowed to have multiple characters on a team, but the fun part in that is it allows for memorable troll moments and you will learn who counters who. (had a defence gametype where we rolled 6 Torbjorn and the team almost flawlessly beat our opponents, until they all switched to Widowmakers and sniped out our turrets- or 5 Reinhardts and a Lucio (fastest moving walls every for payload)


Competitive ranked seasons are coming soon which is where this game plans to anchor its player base is very excited from it.


It's what I expected from Blizzard and plan to play the crap out of it. It's easy to lose track of time and play the game for a few hours in a sitting but wonderful you can play 2 or 3 games in 15 minutes.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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It's fun. Like really fun. Brings me back to my pvp days in Halo 1&2. Still haven't used all characters yet. I'm working on getting decent with one from each class. A couple of characters are really strong. Other than that it's extremely well balanced. If they update it like they say they are I'll play this for a long while.

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It's fun. Like really fun. Brings me back to my pvp days in Halo 1&2. Still haven't used all characters yet. I'm working on getting decent with one from each class. A couple of characters are really strong. Other than that it's extremely well balanced. If they update it like they say they are I'll play this for a long while.



Even within a class they are pretty different. Support for example, Mercy is pure support almost no offence. Zenayatta is harder to use needs to target other heroes carefully but has real good offence. Lucio total buff


Get tommy on this. It's kind of an FPS LoL

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I'm practicing Tracer. I want to be good at her after seeing some amazing players flank everything under the sun and she's hard to learn. If I want to face roll I just use Bastion and Torbjorn. Mercy is a lot of fun but ransoms won't protect support players so it's a bit hard.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Finally got to play this yesterday, still getting the hang of it all but absolutely love it! My favourite characters so far are Reinhardt, Roadhog and Mei. Went on an 18 kill streak with Mei but then Rob told me that everyone hates her so will try and not use her as much  :lol: Been trying to get to grips with Reaper but not having a lot of luck.


The one thing i've found is that i'm pounding on people but then get immediately dropped by someone, guessing that's just down to the different strengths?


As you all love this game so much i'm surprised no one ever got into Loadout



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Reaper is a bitch to use, but absolutely lethal in the right hands. He's an absolute bitch when you're Roadhog. Roadhog is by far my favourite character, his chain is so so good at interrupting stuff and yanking Bastions out of their pussy ass turret mode. I tear Mei to pieces all the time as well, as soon as she starts her ice gun I just yank her to me and peel he face off.

Also, chaining and tearing apart a Tracer is the most satisfying thing in the game :D


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Yeah i think roadhog's my favourite too at the moment, need to start using other characters so i can get to grips with them.


I started off by going through them one at a time but realised pretty much straight away that only a few will work for my hectic play style :)



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So what is there to work towards in the game? All the characters are there to try. So say I find someone I like, what can I do with that character? And does anyone know how things are gonna work with new characters? Is there gonna be paid downloadable content? Is the content free? I have a lot of questions about this game and I'm just not sold on buying this game yet.

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There are no unlocks. There are no achievements, challenges, story missions, nothing. The ONLY thing you get is XP which is towards levels. There is no level cap and every time you level up you get a treasure box thingy which has cosmetic stuff in it like skins, voices, that kind of shit. Doesn't affect game play at all.

You can't create classes, you literally join a match, pick one of the 21 characters and kill shit. Apart from cosmetic stuff, you can't modify the characters in any way so the playing field is always even.

DLC will be free, always. This will contain maps, characters and maybe game modes.

There are however microtransactions to buy those treasure box thingies but that's all fluff and doesn't affect game play at all.

For abilities, you have primary fire, secondary fire, one to three extra abilities which are on cool downs and a super. These are completely different for each character so you're always coming up against different compositions. There are healers, tanks, support and DPS.

There are three game modes: escort payload, king of the hill, and attack / defend. They're all epic fun.


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So what is there to work towards in the game? All the characters are there to try. So say I find someone I like, what can I do with that character? And does anyone know how things are gonna work with new characters? Is there gonna be paid downloadable content? Is the content free? I have a lot of questions about this game and I'm just not sold on buying this game yet.


Hey Sam, this game according to Blizzard will eventually be geared towards an eSports, competition atmosphere. Honestly, there's no end game goal other than maybe collecting all of the cosmetics. Blizzard has announced there will never be a paid DLC, all new characters developed will be free and available from the moment they are released.


The game won't be for everyone, it's a shiny new Team Fortress 2/ Unreal tournament feel to it based strictly on multiplayer and at the end of June Ranked Seasons that span 3 months.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Hey Sam, this game according to Blizzard will eventually be geared towards an eSports, competition atmosphere. Honestly, there's no end game goal other than maybe collecting all of the cosmetics. Blizzard has announced there will never be a paid DLC, all new characters developed will be free and available from the moment they are released.

The game won't be for everyone, it's a shiny new Team Fortress 2/ Unreal tournament feel to it based strictly on multiplayer and at the end of June Ranked Seasons that span 3 months.

Cool, thanks. I'm sure I'll buy it when the price drops if people are still playing it.
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I went to rent it, and newp, all copies gone from redbox between my house and work.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I've just picked this up after seeing it was £29.99 on Battle.net for the standard edition which I didn't know existed. Origins being at £44.99 is just insanely overpriced especially as the material included for the £15 extra is just worthless skins; some of which for other Blizzard games I will never play ever again. Happy to pay £30 but no way I'd stretch any more for it. 

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