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The Division: First Impressions

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So far, so good. No real changes from the 'beta' aka demo as expected. I've only played an hour which has taken me to level 4 and to the same starting point as the beta. A few side missions in the prologue were pretty standard but I really enjoyed the first main mission in the police station precinct in Brooklyn - almost felt like the infamous E3 reveal from 2013 too! 


Still disappointed that the UI is a cluttered mess but it'll just take a bit of getting used to. Zero performance issues either which is good although there were a few server wobbles earlier. On the whole; quite a clean launch overall which many weren't expecting. 

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Midnight launch was horrible. I couldn't play for about an hour due to Delta, Mike, and Romeo errors. Harp on CoD all you want, but at least I could play those when I bought them.

Midnight launch aside, plays same as the beta with nice little critiques here and there.

Looking forward to playing it more.

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Well I caved and I got it.


I had not played the beta so I don't have a frame of reference but I go to level 5 and did some of the side missions and stuff.


The interface is screwing me up at the moment. I need to get use to that. The missions and side missions so far are ok. 


Everything I have done so far is solo so I am looking forward to running as a party. The biggest issue there is that most of us do party chat and that might not be the best thing to do for this game since other people in game will not be able to hear us. 


The map and the mission selection is nice. You pick your missions and then you know where to go. You just might run into other stuff on the way however. 


Right now the story stuff is decent. I can see putting in enough time to get my moneys worth.


I haven't encountered many problems so I am happy about that 

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After my download taking an age i managed to hop on and play for a couple of hours or so, it was just mainly playing through the beta but still enjoyed it. The only issue i had was that fucking laptop at the start, i must of logged in and out about 5 times before it finally worked! It really looked like my character had forgotten his password to the laptop :/ My overall thoughts are good, i really enjoyed the beta and always said if the final product was anything like that then that would be good in my books. Some how no matter how poor my internet is i can still play this game with no issues :D


I'm hoping to be on again tonight, would be wicked to join up with some people this time, always seem to just miss out on a spot.



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I have the game just haven't had a chance to get online. My brother is back from Japan and we have just been hanging out and catching up. He got out of the Air Force so he is on his way to Colorado on Sunday to start school. I'll eventually be getting online to finally play this game.

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So far I'm loving it but that was to be expected. The first few levels were pretty tough but once you start unlocking weapon mods and other stuff you can really feel your character grow stronger. I'm currently level 9, died a few times but nothing too major. I've had missions where I just face rolled through them and missions which required a very slow approach which is nice, if a mission is too hard I can simply leave it and come back later.

The amount of content is astonishing. Apart from the main quest lines you have side quests, encounters, and random stuff. Then there's the secondary stuff like phone recordings, crashed drones, echoes, missing agents, little boxes of loot everywhere, a crafting system, and more. I must admit I'm genuinely surprised at how much there is.

I ventured in to the DZ at level 6 and walked out with sixteen new arse holes so I'll give that a miss until later on.

It's not without fault however, the laptop activation thing was a pain for many, people standing in doorways, that kind of thing. One bug which irritated me was when Cripspee was stuck on the hospital mission I joined his party but ended up on the other side of the world and couldn't fast travel (didn't think to try fast travelling to the mission itself however, will have to check that out).

Another small thing which drives me up the fucking wall is the speech. Being in a difficult fight means having to take it slow, and having a JTF dude standing next to you repeating the same four words every ten seconds made me want to rip his throat out.

Other than that I'm loving it. It's beautiful, there's loads to do, PVE, PVP, solo play, Co op play, it's all there.

I'll have to see how long it lasts as I will probably have minced through all the content in a week or so but if Ubisoft keep on top of the bugs and don't tweak the guns every time you blink I can see myself sinking some considerable hours in to this game.


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I'm currently level 8 now and overwhelmed with missions after unlocking each wing in the base so that'll keep me busy for a while. There is certainly a lot more here than I originally expected and so much to do - I've got a good balance between side missions, main missions, encounters and other bonus things and as many missions that are playable are for high levels for me right now; seems you are forced to play the secondary/side missions which is great and deters people from racing through the main story. I'm adjusting well to the user interface now and the looting aspect is pretty fun. I'm still rolling with a level 3 AK47 which I've heavily modded so I really need to sort that out next. 


Brilliant game so far.

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The short amount of time I have managed to play I have reall enjoyed...

Lv 6 now, and I haven't even done as much as I did in the beta, just been exploring and walking round...

Not been in the DZ yet, waiting till I find some more nice gear...

1 thing, where is everyone? I haven't seen another player apart from inside the safe houses?


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The short amount of time I have managed to play I have reall enjoyed...

Lv 6 now, and I haven't even done as much as I did in the beta, just been exploring and walking round...

Not been in the DZ yet, waiting till I find some more nice gear...

1 thing, where is everyone? I haven't seen another player apart from inside the safe houses?

I saw you in game Tuesday afternoon. It was showing a icon that kept moving so I highlighted it and it said your name. Made my way toward you. Got to the area and you were gone.
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1 thing, where is everyone? I haven't seen another player apart from inside the safe houses?

You don't see any other players outside of the safe houses and the dark zone unless they are in your team/lobby. The game basically has a 3 layer system of three servers - the safe zones, the city and the dark zone but you wont notice it as there are no loading times when moving into a new layer.

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Well I was going to watch as much as possible and read as much as possible before making a decision on the game. I'm going to hold off on buying The Division. They have some glaring problems that Destiny had at launch with only about a week's worth of content. The way I play a video game I would fall victim to that and I don't feel like going through that again. The game looks great, no glaring bugs and it's got that Diablo style loot system where you constantly keep grinding away to try and find a few points higher in value which is fun. Overall it's a well made game.

I'll wait until April and see how the incursions play, that's the only thing I believe I was in it for in the first place, just like raiding in Destiny.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Its a decent solid game that you will get your money's worth. It isn't a masterpiece and won't be played forever due to the lack of variance in missions/encounters but there will still be some good link up play on the harder, challenging missions.

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