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Watched bad neighbours and boy was it dreadful, I really think they just cannot make comedies anymore.




I totally agree with ya there, I've been saying that for years now. Comedies these days rely on two things, immature toilet humor and in your face blatant slapstick. Neither comes across as funny to anyone with an IQ above the freezing mark.


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I totally agree with ya there, I've been saying that for years now. Comedies these days rely on two things, immature toilet humor and in your face blatant slapstick. Neither comes across as funny to anyone with an IQ above the freezing mark.


You're watching the wrong comedies then Steve. Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The Hangover? (not sure the hangover would be your kind of film though). 


I do agree that there are too many shit comedies nowadays. Same goes for TV shows. You ever seen Bob's Burgers? It's terrible. Honestly the ad alone made me want to fall asleep. Reviews? 8.1 on IMDB. EIGHT POINT ONE. Unfuckingbelievable.


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I enjoyed 'one hot american summer' the series. The premise of adults playing children was done quite well I thought.


This country used to make great comedies but it's mostly just panel shows now with humour replaced by 'banter'.


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Watched "The Admiral" with my wife last night




Amazing movie, really well done, sadly it didn't cover as much of the infighting happening in the Netherlands, as it could have, or show the breaking of hte Dykes which stopped the French advance in the south.


Still though, really accurate for what it covers

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Watched "The Perfect Guy" tonight. Michael Ealy is probably the best actor I have ever seen play the Stalker/Psyco killer role. I use to watch the Tv series with Kevin bacon called the Following and in the final season Michael Ealy played a psycho serial killer in that and I was amazed how good he was in that role. This movie in The Perfect Guy is almost the exact same role for him and he just nails it. The dude plays the crazy killer role to a friggin' tee.


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I rented Gods of Egypt, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, last night.


Haven't had a chance to watch either, but I will today at some point

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The revanant not impressed at all, I can see why it won awards but just not my thing over hyped springs to mind very disappointed.



Haven't seen it yet but looking fwd to renting it soon. From what I can tell it looks like the style movie I would like, we'll see.


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Steve will love it. He loved the grey too, another film which I thought was crap. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I'd imagine that Steve would turn 21 Jump Street off, whereas I loved it.


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Yep the Grey, Everest, A River Runs Through it, The Hunter... and movies such as that are my taste for sure. Not a fan of the slap stick blatant in your face type comedies of these days, or the CGI-fest that so many action movies are now. To me it seems like most movies these days are made for people where you have to turn your mind off to watch it. That's not why I watch movies. I think it's just a progression in taste, as we age our taste progress to different things. I still enjoy some of the stuff out there that has CGI and lots of action in it, I liked Guardians of the Galaxy, and I liked Jurassic World, but these days I tend to enjoy a movie more for a well written plot, good acting, and great scenery more than anything else.


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That was the last decent one. Don't get me wrong I love them all, but going back in time for whales? Really?

Also not a fan of the reboots sadly

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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