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GTA V Crew (PS3) - Hierarchy Update Pg. 3

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I'm leaving the crew lads. Too much bitching going on.


We work hard during the missions and actually accomplish the goal. So when we get into races or free roam, we want to have fucking fun! If that means killing each other or ramming into each other in a competitive race, so be it.


This is Grand Theft Auto. Not Hello fucking Kitty. The people who want to have fun without having to tread on eggshells are having the game ruined by people moaning about it and vice versa for the people who want to play it their way.

Delete me off your friends list or don't. Either way, I'm fucking out.


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I'm leaving the crew lads. Too much bitching going on.

We work hard during the missions and actually accomplish the goal. So when we get into races or free roam, we want to have fucking fun! If that means killing each other or ramming into each other in a competitive race, so be it.

This is Grand Theft Auto. Not Hello fucking Kitty. The people who want to have fun without having to tread on eggshells are having the game ruined by people moaning about it and vice versa for the people who want to play it their way.

Delete me off your friends list or don't. Either way, I'm fucking out.

The moaning does get annoying . Its a fucking game it shouldn't bother people that much .

Make your own crew .... With blackjack ....... And hookers

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For instance, me, Stephen, Dylan, and two other lads were on top of a mountain having a melee king of the hill competition. "Someone" joins, you know who you are.


I say specifically over the mic that we're having a melee only battle, come join us. He joins us. Then proceeds to start shooting at us. Later on that same session, way after the melee fight that you brought to an end by bringing bullets, that same person starts trying to kill me with a chopper.


Then has the fucking cheek to complain about crew members killing each other? I've never fallen out with you but what the actual fuck? You're allowed to do it but we're not?? Double standards or what.


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Nothing of what I posted here, any criticism that I have expressed in here before this post I am writing now was directed towards anyone within the crew, but aspects of the game and it's mechanisms. Just to clear that up.

Now, what has been going on lately... I don't know why you are taking what I've been saying about the crew so personal Cal, I never said anything about you doing anything to me in-game. I know this is about me, I'm not stupid... Feel like you would rather leave the crew than talk about it... Ok. Shame because I see you as a good friend.

What I feel though is that the general attitude towards me in crew is not that cool. I don't know if that this is actually the case but it's what I feel. I'm just as much part of the crew as anyone else and want to be treated like that.

I'm not sure you have noticed but I always try to help people with all kinds of stuff in-game and I don't ask for much in return at all but to join in on the fun the rest of the crew is having. It's difficult when not being able to use a headset to communicate. I suggested other ways like Skype but I was told that didn't work too well so, fine.

This is not me blaming you because I can't tell who it was, also I don't care too much if you do anything to me in game because I know you. I know it's just in good fun. Thing is if I wait half the day for the crew to come on and finally join I don't find it fun to instantly be greeted with gunfire and get my helicopters and cars ruined/jacked by the rest of the crew members all the time. If I wanted that I could just join a public server.

Many other things has happened since the game went online and doesn't exactly make me feel welcome to join the rest of you.

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For instance, me, Stephen, Dylan, and two other lads were on top of a mountain having a melee king of the hill competition. "Someone" joins, you know who you are.

Hey, I joined you guys and was hovering over the place to see what was going on. I NEVER start shooting at anyone in the crew unless someone else does it first. One of you did and suddenly everyone did, so I responded by firing back because I thought that was what we were doing. I don't randomly fire a crew unless I'm provoked.
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Your status update is what got me man. I bring up the chopper bit because of your status. I was happily having a shootout with the police when you started trying to kill me with the chopper. I was laughing about it but then I see your update, hence the double standards comment.


If someone opened fire on you first during that melee thing then I apologize. I didn't see that part, I only saw it suddenly change. It's also not you that is the reason that I'm leaving. It's because people moan and make me feel like shit.


I know you help out dude. I've nothing personal against you. I just want to play this game my way without upsetting people. That's why I'm here publicly telling people:


I won't change my ways. I will still kill people whether they're friends or randomers in free roam, I will still ram people off the road in races and I will enjoy every second of it .


So the people who don't like my play style know what I plan and can avoid or delete me.


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I also understand that things I'm talking about have happened while you weren't online man. This is in no means about you. This is a culmination of events that have been building up. You're the very least of the problems Palle. You join in on killing each other. I'll say it again, it was your status that made me write that. Not anything else you done.


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Nooooo!! Ma sexy man! Don't go cuz people's jiggily bits are in a twist!

People have been taking this game far to seriously, chill out people, it is just a game. I lost 40k the other week from people killing me and couldn't care less. If you go to a random lobby, the chances are you'll be attacked by randoms. It's part of the game.

In the last video I posted me and Cal were getting chased by the police down some mountain roads, how did it end? Private_Parts mowed us down in a heli, everyone who's getting angered should watch this video and listen to mine and Cals response at the end cuz that's how we should be acting.

Soz can't post it cuz on my phone, I should have more videos going up today. Screw it if people aren't having fun, I'm having a fucking blast!



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Nooooo!! Ma sexy man! Don't go cuz people's jiggily bits are in a twist!

People have been taking this game far to seriously, chill out people, it is just a game. I lost 40k the other week from people killing me and couldn't care less. If you go to a random lobby, the chances are you'll be attacked by randoms. It's part of the game.

In the last video I posted me and Cal were getting chased by the police down some mountain roads, how did it end? Private_Parts mowed us down in a heli, everyone who's getting angered should watch this video and listen to mine and Cals response at the end cuz that's how we should be acting.

Soz can't post it cuz on my phone, I should have more videos going up today. Screw it if people aren't having fun, I'm having a fucking blast!

I killed y'all because I knew you would break your bollocks laughing XD

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Nooooo!! Ma sexy man! Don't go cuz people's jiggily bits are in a twist!

People have been taking this game far to seriously, chill out people, it is just a game. I lost 40k the other week from people killing me and couldn't care less. If you go to a random lobby, the chances are you'll be attacked by randoms. It's part of the game.

In the last video I posted me and Cal were getting chased by the police down some mountain roads, how did it end? Private_Parts mowed us down in a heli, everyone who's getting angered should watch this video and listen to mine and Cals response at the end cuz that's how we should be acting.

Soz can't post it cuz on my phone, I should have more videos going up today. Screw it if people aren't having fun, I'm having a fucking blast!


This ladies and gentleman, is having fun.



You are one though.



Touché my wrinkly friend. Touché.


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Right so here's the deal. I've heard from reliable sources that there's drama going on. I am currently being dragged around Primark an other shit stores I don't want to be in. This means that I'll be a moody cunt later on. I suggest you all act like adults and resolve this before I get home. If you wanna be friends, then be friends. If not, then not but stop fucking whining. All of you.


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Right so here's the deal. I've heard from reliable sources that there's drama going on. I am currently being dragged around Primark an other shit stores I don't want to be in. This means that I'll be a moody cunt later on. I suggest you all act like adults and resolve this before I get home. If you wanna be friends, then be friends. If not, then not but stop fucking whining. All of you.

That's a sex right nipple, what does the left one look like? ;)



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i killed Sebba over the weekend.  i'm sorry Sebba.  i pretty much only play in random lobbies, and while i don't look for trouble, at this point it's just instinct to shoot first and think later if another player rolls up on me.  didn't realize it was you until the killfeed.  my bad brah.


[sidenote:  i spent a solid hour in the same lobby killing the two randoms who were gunning for you before you left -- i'd tried to make it over to help, but you were gone, so i just turned my attention to them.  my KDR probably hates it but i think 2v1 situations can be fun, so i've been known to instigate those.]

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I haven't played much due to other things happening in my life. But what the fuck is up peoples asshole's lately? Christ. The forum, the crew... Makes me wonder why I even read this shit. Get over it and play the damn game.


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Wow Rich just about got it right come on guys this game at the beginning was great fit the people on this forum, especially me to help to get to know some more of you guys that don't play cod.

If its a messing about session like the mass demolision derby affair or whether missions there's a time and place and you can always go off on your own or split into groups.

The other day I chucked a grenade at Dylan's car as it wouldn't let me in unfortunately he came out of ammunation and he died, for some reason we couldn't hear each other over the mics so as I tried to deliver cars to Simeon Dylan just kept killing me as he thought I'd attacked him for a death match...a bit frustrating but no big deal in fact had to laugh about it.

As for races I just assume anything goes I hate you can use weapons but races are just pure fun, and thanks to Euan he was the reason I didn't come last in every one :)

So come on guys the best thing about this game is playing in a mass group, just maybe a little more communication is needed?

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and thanks to Euan he was the reason I didn't come last in every one :)

You're on my list.

I have to say, this is by far the most fun game I've ever played. I wish I wasn't so busy with real life stuff because I haven't played as much as I'd hoped. Everyone should enjoy everybody's company, even mine, because the new consoles and games could split the group up. We played racing with 11 of us the other night, great fun.

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I think you've got it spot on dude, it's all about communication. If you're joining a massive session where people are racing or going off and shooting randoms then you should be prepared to die from just about everyone. 


We'll draw a line through this now, so......


When joining up with other people, say to them that you want to build up money and don't want to be killed. Then the other people should respect their wishes and kill everyone but them. Also no saying you don't want to be killed only to go up to someone and kill them. You you do have issues with people killing you when you don't want to, speak to them privately about it. If you can't come to an agreement after that, then don't game with each other.


It shouldn't be as hard as all that but it is (for some reason), so forget it all and now lets go and have some fun and remember we're all friends here, a game definitely shouldn't be coming between us!



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