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I'm playing against bots because I have about half an hour free then I need to make dinner.


Played Stonehaven, nice map, game feels nice. You can quick scope in this game, no problem. I love the sniper scope, the double render they do is awesome. There's a lot going on perks wise so I'm just messing about. I'll jump on Multiplayer when there's a few more on later.

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Mark Rubin has just tweeted that Search and Destroy will be returning to Call of Duty: Ghosts public matches on Nov. 15th. Rubin has also confirmed that the team is listening to all of our feedback and is working on many updates for all the things fans have been reporting

Hey everyone! Just got back from a long time on the road for work and there is a lot going on, obviously. We’re still in launch mode at the studio as PS4 and XboxONE are still to come. But I did want to say that we are listening to all of the feedback and are collecting it all together to address internally. We’re working on fixes as fast as possible, (which can still take some time with the submission processes) so hang in there. We know one of the biggest requests has been adding S&D to the public playlists which is something we had planned on doing but have decided to up the timeframe, so we’ll be adding it to the playlist on Friday, Nov. 15th. Thanks again everyone for a great launch and I will try and keep the updates flowing. Be sure to check out @infinityward for updates as well.


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Jeez, is the hit detection for anyone else absolutely terrible? Im shooting people in the chest with the L116 and it flys through them, not to mention the bullets homing around tanks. Anyone else getting lag? or is it just me?

Off and on, more off though. Noticed it earlier today, but tonight was pretty smooth.


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Jeez, is the hit detection for anyone else absolutely terrible? Im shooting people in the chest with the L116 and it flys through them, not to mention the bullets homing around tanks. Anyone else getting lag? or is it just me?

Think it's just you. I live on the east coast and was playing on a west coast connection and was spot on

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From Charlie Inel about Ground War

Mark Rubin has also explained as to why current gen platforms do not support 18 player matches. He explained that due to the resources taken up by the new engine, current gen wouldn’t work well with 18 players.

Mark Rubin: Honestly, we played with it for a while, and just felt, performance wise, it wasn’t a good experience on current-gen. We had done enough new stuff to the engine, added a lot of new features, that the current-gen systems became bogged down under 18 players.

Yeah, it sucks. I know a lot of people play Ground War. But it’s funny how many who play Ground War always complain Ground War has issues. I’m like, well, it’s because you’re 18 players on a tiny little map. Of course you’re going to have spawning issues.

That being said, people still enjoy it. And we totally wanted to do Ground War on current-gen. It wasn’t an easy decision to cut it. But we wanted to make the game good. Character customisation, for instance, takes up a massive amount of resources. So having 18 people on the map with unique characters is a challenge compared to having 12 people on the map with unique characters.

SOURCE: EuroGamer

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Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.



I saw that when they were going out for qualifying!! My gf thought I was extremely sad to notice something like that :( It looked very cool as a helmet decal!


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