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Advanced Warfare first thoughts


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Honestly, I cannot say a single good thing about this game. The sound sucks, the graphics suck, the menus suck, the gameplay sucks, the lag sucks, the guns suck, the nades suck, the perks suck, the maps suck, the music sucks, the community sucks, the mute options suck... I wish I were exaggerating, but there is not a single facet of this game that is better than say MW3. It's a huge step backwards and is without a doubt the final nail in the coffin.


I like it just fine.



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Honestly, I cannot say a single good thing about this game. The sound sucks, the graphics suck, the menus suck, the gameplay sucks, the lag sucks, the guns suck, the nades suck, the perks suck, the maps suck, the music sucks, the community sucks, the mute options suck... I wish I were exaggerating, but there is not a single facet of this game that is better than say MW3. It's a huge step backwards and is without a doubt the final nail in the coffin.

I feel much the same way you do. There a a lot more negatives than positives for me. Sometimes less is more. I think they need to understand that. That being said I'm going to give it a fair chance. I'll reach first prestige then see what my actual feeling are for it. All I know is thank god I still have Destiny
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He hated BO2 and liked Ghosts and Mw3 better. There goes his credibility.

Not really mw3 was a decent game, bo2 was saved by hc mode, core sucked and it was riddled with problems but I don't agree with him about ghosts, that was and will always be (hopefully) the worst cod.

The thing is he's not the only one harping on about these issues but as Chris said thank fuck for destiny.

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Looks more like I'll be investing in Destiny rather than AW. I pre ordered AW (360 version) )for my youngest as a belated birthday pressie so he would have it on day 1, he loves it and I'm apparently the best Dad in the world at the moment, how fickle kids can be, but I'll take it. :)


seeing reviews from some of the, shall we say, more seasoned forum members certainly isn't filling me with enthusiasm for AW and certainly not enough to pull me away from BF4.

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Actually started improving my scores yesterday by staying on roofs (walking on the streets makes you cannon fodder), suppressor is essential, and I think extended mags will help when I get them. Even used my exo jump to good effect


But there's a lot wrong with the game:

weapon camo challenges are seriously crap - gold at 50 kills, most of the rest of the challenges a real pain in the butt - how did they copy all the other challenges from BO2 and then think it was a good idea to change the weapon challenges. I know I will never complete the 500 headshot challenges for probably any weapon let alone all weapons - that's me losing interest already


Sniping sucks - the ADS time is like 4 days. With all these jumpy fuckers its horrible. I like to mix my game styles up and try all the weapons  - that's me losing interest again


Dual wield LMGs - FFS - its not even an option its default. Crap gimics I hate


I've enjoyed some of what I've played, seems a lot better than ghosts but things like the above will mean I lose interest sooner rather than later

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So after a few games i've made my mind up on how i like it.

The MP is great so far. Nothing seems OP so far & balancing acrosss the perks seems good. Pick 13 is awesome as well as the customisable scorestreaks.

However, there's something that's not quite grabbing me like before. I'm not sure why but i just don't see me playing it as much as i have before. Destiny for all it's shortcomings has given me a completley new outlook on what i want from my gaming experience. It's still a great game and i will play it but it's not going to be the only disc in my PS4.

Chris summed it up best earlier on for me. "It's not you COD, it's me"

But i can totally see why other people will play the crap out of it!

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@Stretch I think as much as it's changed its still CoD. Like I said playing the other night, how many ways can you polish a turd.

Most of us have played CoD for years. We have loved it or hated it for as long as we've played. I looked forward to it every year,but less and less now. They change stuff around,some for the good some for the bad. We will never be satisfied with CoD. Anymore. Several things factor into that I believe. One,we want old CoD back. What made it great,it's different for everyone but you had one installment we all loved and wish it went back to that. Two,a lot of us are getting older. The game caters to a certain type of player. A person with fast reflexes, hyped up on red bull and addireal. My reflexes are nothing like they were. Just my opinion but I think I need to accept that I'm not as good as I once was and need to move on.

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I think for me getting into online gaming with cod4 and how great it was grabbed me and held me in the franchise and I have enjoyed every game in that franchise I've bought up to ghosts. Because ghosts was so bad I had to go looking elsewhere and came across bf4 and for all its problems I found I loved it, Dom on bf4 was everything ghosts should have been fast paced and mega battles also 32 v32 servers just bring so much more.

I then took a punt on destiny didn't expect to play it like I do I actually look forward to getting on like I did with cod once so thank you ghosts without you I'd be stuck in AW bitching and moaning, I will play the game but only as a break from others and mostly to party up with others.

I thought it might be nice to see an old cod collection but maybe my change in attitude would even be disappointed by that.

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Elaboration on my earlier rant.


I played several games of TDM and went positive or nearly so. I wasn’t getting blown out, so my rant wasn’t just the sour grapes of sucking.


Every map is a cluster fuck. I feel like there’s no space to step away from the action and even if your head is on a swivel, you’re constantly getting killed from behind, or above, or from someone head glitching on the other side of map with their zero recoil <insert name of any AR>. The graphics are sharp, but sterile, everything looks like it’s made out of plastic. The guns sound like they’re shooting tic tacs, no recoil and sissy sound effects makes them feel like toys, which goes well with the plasticy look.


The menu system, create-a-class, armory, supply drop, weapon variants, all of it together is an unnecessary disaster of complexity. Granted, it could be overcome with time, but still, poor design. It’s all part of the more is better mentality that pervades the game’s design. The jumping doesn’t bother me, but I don’t think it adds anything either and learning the various dashes just piles on to the learning curve.


UAVs are impossible to find and shooting them down is suicidal. The Stinger is slow firing and maps are so freaking chaotic, that you’re better off just saying fuck it and not even equipping a Stinger. This is very disappointing from the perspective of someone whose bread and butter has always been team support. Most of the perks seem useless, even more so considering the one dimensional play style the game encourages. Not having separate lethal and tactical grenades is just awful. It leaves those of us who need to take a more tactical approach hung out to dry.


For all its complexity, CoD has been dumbed down to the least common denominator. Primary weapon twitch skill. 

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Your first point is bang on and the virus of next gen over complicated maps and they are still too big, picking tiny specs of enemies out of all the background when there's no real contrast is almost impossible, having to check kill cams out on most maps to see why I died...

The fact people have already realised exo abilities, grenade launcher and most of the perks are useless just shows how bad its become.

1 or 2 guns a couple of the only useful perks and go.

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It’s interesting to read all of your opinions so far. I don’t plan on purchasing it but I still want it. This has to be proof of me being touched with a mild case of mental illness.


I have been enjoying James’ Steam screen caps. They make me want to go through the campaign badly. It’s making me feel like I’m sitting next to a power socket with a Hospital bracelet on my wrist and a butter knife in my hand ready to jam it in again expecting a different result. Insanity. I know! :ph34r:


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From a newbieish perspective it sounds abit like marmite from taking in what everyone has said.

I also see a AW vs Destiny thing here...and some could say its the same marmite view. However, where Destiny seems to be subtlety different is that most of the community enjoy Destiny, it just isn't a finished game until you play raids and wait for dlc.

I'll definitely play both, just not in the order I expected.

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Tried the classic playlist earlier after just getting frustrated with all the flying around roof to camping bull, and it instantly felt right you didn't need eyes in the top of your head, also the maps actually played ok I didn't get the feeling something was missing from them.

I need to spend more time in this playlist to see if it wasn't just a lack of frustrations clouding my judgement.

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I have to say i'm really disappointed in this game too. I'm trying to like it but i cant. I have no desire to level up and go into battle dealing with the same shit over. The game has some cool new ideas that I would like to casually play out but I can't invest in this series anymore. Gone are the days of me getting a streak. I fucking suck at this game and it's frustrating. It's frustrating because tdm sucks, the lag is horrendous. I constantly wanna just put my controller down and be done with it. Way too many noobs on there using OP guns. Ie ak12 bal27. I can't even use the smg's as they suck dick. I was soo looking forward to the sn6 it looks bad ass but i cant win any gunfights close or from afar. As jason owl said the graphics look cartoony and weird. I fuckin miss mw2 and bops 2. In its current state this fucking game sucks. I'm ashamed I allowed myself to buy this and get all excited for it. 

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Okay. I've had some time to play it. This is my final verdict:


I don't think I've been so pissed off playing any CoD before, and I played Mw2 and 3 a bunch.

The maps are a giant clusterf*ck of kills from behind, gun fights are over (and even if I start them, f*cking lost) before I even register it, the TTK is horrendously in favor of ARs, ARs are king, quickscoping is out of control...seriously, ever played War versus an entire team of quickscopers? Not. Fun.


Couple that with some questionable design choices (50 kills with no attachments for Gold? Really? And who decided to let the reailgun be unlocked so early?!), and I'm just plain jaded to this game.


It's not like I can go back to Destiny like some of you guys are doing, either.

The game is over almost as soon as you get it, and after level 20, it's just the same thing over and over and over again. Boring, repetitive, and tedious


Guess it's time to go back to BO2 for another year, eh?

I mean, I'll still play it here and there to get my 60 bucks worth. Hopefully it gets more enjoyable when Christmas noobs come around.



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Yep. Maybe Black Ops 3 will be decent. I like MW3 a lot, but from everyone's reviews of Ghosts it sounds like Infinity Ward has been flushed down the shitter.

Destiny continues to be a blast for inexplicable reasons.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I almost decided to trade in AW already but I will get my monies worth and will do the campaign but I'm done with the franchise unless it goes back old school but even then no pre order.

Like Jason destiny is more enjoyable than I expected but that's as much down to the people I'm playing with as anything else.

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Well shit I must be the only one who likes AW haha. Though to be fair all I can have fun with is search and rescue/S&D, all the other game modes are way to hectic unless you're in a party.

It's a fun game when it's not being wildly inconsistent in every way imaginable.


A friend of mine just got the game yesterday, so we made him the party leader and joined a lobby filled with level 1-4 dudes.

It was the most fun I had with this game yet.

These guys had bot-like reaction speeds, and were staring at the sky shooting UAV's with their pistols.

This change of tone gave me a chance to actually have fun with this game, to try out different guns and classes without fear of getting mowed down by some a$$hole who plays this game professionally or something and aggresively uses the MORS with zero fear of death.



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I popped in MW3 just for giggles. Sooooooooooo much better. Guns had way more character, streamlined UI, meaningful perk variety. Good stuff.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Well shit I must be the only one who likes AW haha. Though to be fair all I can have fun with is search and rescue/S&D, all the other game modes are way to hectic unless you're in a party.

The most fun games I've had so far have been my two forays into search and rescue. I can see me putting some time into both Search modes, rest so far is a bit meh.

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