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Harry Roberts - released after nearly 5 decades in prison

phil bottle

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They used to sing songs about this chap at football matches back in the day. I won't share the song as it's a bit naughty.


He killed 2 policemen in the 1960s, he then went on the run in Epping Forest.


He was sentencd to 30 years for this but has been kept in prison for nearly 20 years longer than the tariff because he has always refused to say sorry.


He is quoted as saying it was nothing personal, they were doing their jobs, he was doing his.


Most of the media reaction to the release is 'keep him locked up and throw away the key'.


I doubt he would be able to cope in the outside world after half a century behind bars so it's a strange decsion to release him now.




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Really bizarre decision to release him at 78 years old with probably no home or family. He served 18 years on top of a 30 year stretch and despite this; I just can't see how he could cope with life on the outside especially with today's media shit storms. He's been assessed and doesn't represent an immediate threat hence his release by the parole board and will probably be under the guidance of probation for the rest of his life but with all the controversy surrounding the release and the publicity it has generated; he very well may find himself back inside on recommendation because of how unproductive releasing him now is particularly at this time. 

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I'm not familiar with the person, story, or how what I'm about to suggest is handled in your neck of the woods but reading this got me thinking. He's 78 maybe he's finally being kicked loose because 'they' don't want to be responsible for offering and administering medical care in his late years. When you go to jail here taxpayers foot the bill for health care. <_< So it might be a financial move.


Maybe, maybe not, just a thought. I agree with you both though how can this end well for him?


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I'm not familiar with the person, story, or how what I'm about to suggest is handled in your neck of the woods but reading this got me thinking. He's 78 maybe he's finally being kicked loose because 'they' don't want to be responsible for offering and administering medical care in his late years. When you go to jail here taxpayers foot the bill for health care. <_< So it might be a financial move.


Maybe, maybe not, just a thought. I agree with you both though how can this end well for him?


Possibly, I don't know if anyone in this country has ever been incarcerated for so long, so maybe they didn't know what to do with him.


Tax payer funded funeral?


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State murder is no solution to anything, jesus said that.


Murder is a legal concept and is not synonymous with killing.  A sanctioned and justified killing is not a murder.  Sometimes killing an individual is for the betterment of the group or is necessary for the group to survive.  Someone with so little regard for the life of others, who after decades still shows no remorse, and who views the world in such a way that he is justified in killing in order to take the property of others does not belong in society, even incarcerated society.  He posed a risk to guards and fellow inmates during his incarceration and was a drain on limited resources that would have been more usefully spent on things other than keeping his evil alive.

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Possibly, I don't know if anyone in this country has ever been incarcerated for so long, so maybe they didn't know what to do with him.


Tax payer funded funeral?

That Ian Brady must have been caged for a fair few decades albeit in a maximum security hospital. Quite a few now serving whole life sentences without the possibility of parole. 

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Possibly, I don't know if anyone in this country has ever been incarcerated for so long, so maybe they didn't know what to do with him.


Tax payer funded funeral?

Not to start a side debate or be a jerk but I agree 100% with what Doc suggested as THE answer to the question of what to do with him.

Whats to say they release him and one of the Officers grandchildren, who may also be an officer of the law, doesn't go hunt him the fuck down? No good will ever come from him.


Murder is a legal concept and is not synonymous with killing.  A sanctioned and justified killing is not a murder.  Sometimes killing an individual is for the betterment of the group or is necessary for the group to survive.  Someone with so little regard for the life of others, who after decades still shows no remorse, and who views the world in such a way that he is justified in killing in order to take the property of others does not belong in society, even incarcerated society.  He posed a risk to guards and fellow inmates during his incarceration and was a drain on limited resources that would have been more usefully spent on things other than keeping his evil alive.



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I think Brady and the like get locked up in Broadmoor which is a classed as a hospital, though I believe Brady has always tried to maintain he's not insane, which he clearly is.

Regarding Doc's point, killing someone, whether its 'lawful' or otherwise will always sit uncomfortably with me. It's a poor reflection of a society that resolves it's problems in this way.

Self defence I understand, otherwise it's murder in my eyes. Particularly the inhuman way state murder is often conducted. And that's pretty much how I stand on that particular issue.


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Murder is a legal concept and is not synonymous with killing. A sanctioned and justified killing is not a murder. Sometimes killing an individual is for the betterment of the group or is necessary for the group to survive. Someone with so little regard for the life of others, who after decades still shows no remorse, and who views the world in such a way that he is justified in killing in order to take the property of others does not belong in society, even incarcerated society. He posed a risk to guards and fellow inmates during his incarceration and was a drain on limited resources that would have been more usefully spent on things other than keeping his evil alive.

Very well said. Thank you Doc
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