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Where is Xur and what does he have


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I may get the alchemist raiments. My collection of strange coins is getting awfully big...


I got it as a drop from a 3oC a while back. I love it for Glimmer farming, if it wasn't for that I think I would end up using the Claws or one of my helms instead. The stats mine came with just are not that impressive. I just need some better ghosts for my warlock, and I should be able to farm that much faster.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Xur this week is located in the Tower North outside the Speakers room where he is selling two helmets called the Helm of Inmost Light and Celestial Nighthawk. He also has The Impossible Machines Gauntlets, Exotic Helmet and Legacy Primary Weapon Engrams.


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Is the nighthawk worth it? I never play Gunslinger

It makes GG more effective versus bosses, essentially doubling the total damage output, but you only get one shot (hence why it's good for bosses and not trash).

fwiw, Nightstalker may be more useful, but I still find Gunslinger the most fun sub to play in the whole game, even though I prefer the Warlock overall.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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It makes GG more effective versus bosses, essentially doubling the total damage output, but you only get one shot (hence why it's good for bosses and not trash).

fwiw, Nightstalker may be more useful, but I still find Gunslinger the most fun sub to play in the whole game, even though I prefer the Warlock overall.

You can one shot the wizards and nights in the raid with it. I find it really useful for that part
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Where is Destiny’s new Xur location for November 13?

Xur can be found in the Tower Hangar where he is selling the Crest of Alpha Lupi chest armor, Young Ahamkara’s Spine gauntlets, as well as the Obsidian Mind helmet. But it is another disappointing week for those wanting a weapon, he does have the Exotic Gauntlet and Body Armor Engrams.


Just a few heavy ammo synths for the new sword then....


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Where is Destiny’s new Xur location for November 20?


It has been very poor of late for all guardians not being able to purchase a weapon, but sadly yet again none are for sale this week. Xur can be located in the Tower Hangar where he is selling three gauntlets called the Immolation Fists, Don’t Touch Me and Claws of Ahamkara. He also has the Exotic Body Armor Engram and Legacy Special Weapon Engram


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Destiny’s Xur of Year 2 The Taken King can be located in the Hall of Guardians (Vanguard) to the right of the table. You will find him there selling the Helm of Saint-14 and Light Beyond Nemesis Helmets, he also has the Crest of Alpha Lupi Chest Armor and the Legacy Special Weapon Engram. Yes, at last the agent has a weapon for sale called The 4th Horseman Shotgun.


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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You need to fill your vault?

Was thinking of buying 10 but it just isnt Gjallhorn.

I'll keep it on my character so i can see the lovely design it has. I won't use it though, don't want to get it dirty.

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Destiny’s Xur of Year 2 The Taken King can be located in the Hall of Guardians (Vanguard) to the right of the table. You will find him there selling the Helm of Saint-14 and Light Beyond Nemesis Helmets, he also has the Crest of Alpha Lupi Chest Armor and the Legacy Special Weapon Engram. Yes, at last the agent has a weapon for sale called The 4th Horseman Shotgun.


Saint 14 and 4th Horsemen... very nice combo.  :)  


The 4th Horsemen kicks ass in PvP.




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Fuck. That was the ace up my sleeve when trolling Chris. Now Bungie just ruined it for me :(

Ah well, at least I earned mine good'n'proper, rather than xurned it.

I couldn't give a flying duck that mine is xurned, the dice rolled nicely in my favour this week! You got Saint-14 yet? if anyone hasn't got the year 2 version then they shouldn't be thinking twice and buying the damn thing.

Saint 14 and 4th Horsemen... very nice combo. :)

The 4th Horsemen kicks ass in PvP.

Good to hear! I like my shotty (Conspiracy theory-D) but it'll be good to change it up.

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You done Lord Shaxx's Crucible quest yet Lee? Long assed with cr@p rewards but opens up the weekly Crucible Challenges from Shaxx (not the droid) and allegedly (according to Rodders) gives Nightfall type drops, Doing my first one now


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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You done Lord Shaxx's Crucible quest yet Lee? Long assed with cr@p rewards but opens up the weekly Crucible Challenges from Shaxx (not the droid) and allegedly (according to Rodders) gives Nightfall type drops, Doing my first one now

No Dave, don't think I have. Is rodders saying they drop higher than 300 then?

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No Dave, don't think I have. Is rodders saying they drop higher than 300 then?

yes Lee they drop above 300 last week I dropped the 4th horseman at 310 but this week I got 18 sc . Think you need to be 300+ to get 310 gear but not sure . Everybody enjoying BO3 ? Myself giving Battlefront a try out
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Xur has arrived at the Vestian Outpost (Queen’s Bay, The Reef) and is selling the Ruin Wings Gauntlets as well as two helmets called the Skyburners Annex and The Stag. He also has the Telesto Fusion Rifle and Legacy Special Weapon Engram.


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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